1. I love that you are a little fur ball.
2. I love that you are obnoxiously loud & that you never meet a stranger.
3. I love it when you cuddle up next to me in the middle night because you are cold.
4. I love that you are absolutely the laziest creature on Earth before noon.
5. I love it that you have Yoda Ears.
6. I love it that you will eat an entire bowl of Trix.
7. I love that you (pretty much) always do what I tell you to do.
8. I love that you have convinced my child that he is part dog.
9. I love it that I don’t have to cook for you.
10. I absolutely love it that you love me more than Todd (okay, this is debatable. But I’m so claiming it!)
5.) List ten favorite things about one of your favorite people.
He’s adorable! I like creatures who don’t require me to cook for them too.
Alison@Mama Wants This Most Recent Post…Wordless Wednesday- Play Timeand Im over at Life with Baby Donut!
Yes how awesome that we don’t have to cook for our pets! What would we do without them? 🙂
Natalie Most Recent Post…A Tribute
I would love to see Lboy as part dog.
Love it! Those eyes! Those ears!
Leigh Ann Most Recent Post…Celebrate One
oh gosh! I WANT ONE! Right now I just have a smelly Springer Spaniel who’s all throttle and no rudder!
Sarah Most Recent Post…Lets BEE friends with Bruna
oh so cute!! 🙂
omg so cute!! My dog eats Trix too .. most random dog food ever!
Jessica Plassmeyer Most Recent Post…Now What
Adorable! I almost chose this prompt and listed 10 reasons why I love my two litte pooches. Dog are people too, right?!
Adorable! Sounds like he’s very different from my dogs (never do what I say, have tons of energy at any time of day/night, do not eat cereal)
Yoda ears! Love it! :> Our furballs give us so much love. We’re cat people here. But yours looks even smaller than our cat. And he looks too sweet!
LOL! The one about not having to cook for him made me laugh out loud. 🙂 He’s so cute!
I can FEEL the love. It also reminds me how much I’m missing out by not having a Giorgio in my life. 🙂
PS. Love the ears too!
Amanda Most Recent Post…Writers Workshop – 6
Not having to cook for him, that is priceless.
MommaKiss Most Recent Post…Computer Wrcer
So cute! I have a yorkie too! He is a very good cuddler too!
A Mommy in the City Most Recent Post…Camp Kidville
Ha! I clicked through to this from Mama Kat based on the “Yoda Ears” title alone. Very cute! 🙂
Kristin @ What She Said Most Recent Post…Mother Goose Was One Demented Broad
What a cutie … so expressive!
Visiting from Mama Kat’s 🙂
morgan Most Recent Post…My Mouth is Not Happy
we’ve been treated to an appearance by Giorgio Armani! I love that he eats Trix!!
Cam – Bibs & Baubles Most Recent Post…Chicken Babies
I can’t believe he likes Trix! Torey the wonderpet loves Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
I love it, love it, love it!!
I’ve never thought about it that way before, but – yes – I don’t have to cook for the dog!
liz Most Recent Post…Bellflower Books Review &38 100 Giveaway!
I absolutely love this post!! I can’t wait to see “grown up” Giorgio soon.
It makes me super excited for exactly one week from today when I get to pick up my very own Prince Harry!!!
cutie little dog. makes me almost want another….except for the poop thing. hee hee