Also, Todd thought it would be hilarious to scare the crud out of me so that I could have another bloopers reel. Thanks for the help Todd, I think I screw up just fine on my own.
The VlogTalk prompts for this week are:
1.) Show us your 3 favorite magazines and tell us what you like about them.
2.) Where do you spend most of your time and why?
3.) A parenting mistake you have made (submitted by A Mountain Momma).
For more information on VlogTalk or to have the prompts emailed directly to you each week go here.
The weekly #vlogtalk Twitter chat is Tuesday May 24th from 6pm to 7pm PST. Hope to see you there!
Happy Vlogging!
Link up & have fun!
Aww- such a bummer about the first round! I did that, too, for part of mine! Is there any way to blame the iphone here?
Love People, and seriously? Love the bloopers! 🙂
Galit Breen Most Recent Post…The Red Dress Club- Sloth
Your bloopers ralley emphasize the point: If you aren’t pushing yourself, you aren’t growing. I had bloopers ALL of the time, in the first years of business, and now, I see that I haven’t had many, lately, which makes me realize, I’m not getting outside of my comfort zone enough! I either need to start planning my tombstone, or start living. Thanks for the wake up call.
Great vlog! We have 2 magazines in common! i’m getting mine uploaded right now so I can link up. It has a very different spin than yours. 🙂 The blooper was hilarious.
Leigh Ann Most Recent Post…Rule 13- Go With Your Gut
I used to do something similar with Self magazine, pulling out all the workouts and recipes! And I always read National Geographic at my parents’ house too! ha!
Sorry you were scared but you’re a good sport for including the video! 😀
Elaine Most Recent Post…Meeting Bloggers is so Much Fun!
Love the blooper, of course!
As for Shape magazine, I used to be obsessed with Oxygen. And then, when I stopped working out hard core, I stopped buying it because those super skinny models made me feel guilty for eating my Snickers bar.
However, I think even just last summer, had I had the idea of starting up a binder like your Shape one, I probably would have, ’cause I’m obsessive like that.
Sandra Most Recent Post…Super Pooping Powers!
Brain candy. Perfect name for People magazine. You read people the same way you are supposed to wipe. Front to back. Sorry, that is just what I thought of when you said it.
I can’t believe you did all that with Shape magazine. Crazy.
The bloopers was hilarious. Thank you Todd.
Jessica Most Recent Post…Potty training blues
I used to tear out pages from magazines and had them in a file folder heh. Yes, I tore them out. Eek.
Love the 2nd video too!
Alison@Mama Wants This Most Recent Post…I vlogged Yes- I did Crap
I love People! The bloopers was hilarious! I actually burst out laughing at that one! 🙂
Kimberly Most Recent Post…VlogTalk- My Crib
It took me 3 tries to do my last one without cutting off the top of my head. Ugh.
Your husband is cool, it must be good times around your house all the time.
Loved your vlog!
I love People, too. And the crosswords. My husband actually made a People crossword and pasted it into a mag and that’s how he proposed. I think I need to read Shape more often! Glad you didn’t run in tornadoes. The second video is hilarious!
Elena Most Recent Post…Mommy Knows Best Sort Of
That is some serious work you did with Shape magazine. I only wish I could be that organized!!! I love people magazine too! There are some great stories in there that aren’t just celeb gossip!
P.S. the video of Todd scaring you is hilarious!
A Mommy in the City Most Recent Post…Interview with Rosie Pope & Pampers Limited Edition Print Diapers
Love the 2nd one! Too funny 🙂 People magazine can be addictive!
Natalie Most Recent Post…TGIF!
bwwwaaahhhaaa!! Todd is awesome!! And I love People Magazine. It’s like my secret brain break.
Kim Most Recent Post…Sunday Confessions- McDreamy
Brain candy! Love it! People is my fav, too. What can I say it speaks to me from the rack at the check outs.
I’m afraid we wouldn’t recognize you if you Vlogged (sp/grammar?) anywhere else. 😉
Great Blooper too!
Paulette Most Recent Post…Vlog Talk Magazines & Mistakes
I don’t know how you runners do it. I wish I loved running.
Teresa Most Recent Post…Lovely weekend
The bottom video is funny. Did you smack your husband?! Ha!
I am a people junkie too! LOVE IT!
Amy Most Recent Post…Ouija Board
So many things I have to say about your hilarious vlog!
1. you’re adorable, always!
2. I love people magazine, however, I do not fill out the puzzle. I read psychology today that way though, cover to cover and every article.
3. The universe is trying to tell you that running is silly. Put away your shoes and sit down before you are swept away.
4. Your husband is my hero
Leighann Most Recent Post…What Croaks beneath
I love people’s on mine! Maybe I need to do the 3 ring binder with some of mine…I have subscriptions to so many magazines and never know what to do with them!
Amanda Most Recent Post…My Three Favorite Magazines
I’m digging vlog’s now! I like being able to “meet” the people behind the blog. Anyway… the blooper made me laugh out loud. I’d be Todd in that scenario. I love scaring people… my friend’s do not like this trait of mine!
Leila (Don’t Speak Whinese) Most Recent Post…Macbook Photobooth Ninja- Boredom and My Son Is Weird
I jumped at your blooper reel, too! LOL Nicely done. I do vlogs from time to time. I did some great ones with a carnival – VlogEmotion 2 years ago or something? Maybe I’ll hafta hook up with you guys. 🙂
heidi Most Recent Post…7 Things You Shouldnt Do While Drinking wineparty
ROFL.. love the blooper reel. Sounds like your hubby and my hubby would get a long great. My husband would do that in a heartbeat.. that’s why I tape when he’s not around.. LOL.
Love the bloopers video. Love the fact that you called People magazine Brain Candy.
Love the blooper and I’m right there with you on People magazine… brain candy at it’s finest. I read it cover to cover too.
I would love to see that Shape binder of yours. I used to do that too with all different sorts of magazine articles, photos, etc. Now there’s Pinterest!
Wishing you sunny days ahead.
Tonya Most Recent Post…Theres A Time & Place
What a good sport you are to include the blooper scream!
liz Most Recent Post…It&8217s the &8220Being Practical&8221 that&8217s Killer
Love your mags of choice! I used to buy the same brain candy oh and I love People Style too lol but here they are imported so too pricey lol. Great prompts this week, Kate! I was going to make one at work but I might get in trouble 😀 PS: love that blooper bonus!
Tatterscoops Most Recent Post…Vlog Isn&8217t My Thing
I’m impressed with what you did with Shape magazine. That’s dedication! And that bloopers video was just too funny!