1. “I can snoot louder than you can!”
Snoot is a made up word by Lboy for passing gas. No idea where he got it. But when he was about 2, he just said it one day & it is now used on a daily basis. He thinks the word & the act are hysterical.
2. “Daddy is the best!”
Lboy referring to Todd bringing home popsicles.
3. Baby Giggles.
All you hear are deep, belly laughs from O when her brother does something funny. Usually…. snooting that gets her laughing the hardest. Lord save me.
4. Sad baby coughs.
Poor things were sick this week. Lboy has finally shaken the cough. O has not.
5. “Can we play/watch/color superhero???”
Need I say  more.
6. Music. Music. Music.
The kids are OBSESSED with music. And it’s always on whether they are watching music videos or listening to iTunes from my phone. The only problem we’ve had is when Lboy asked if he could watch that “Cannon Ball” song  he heard on the radio on YouTube…… uh no. You absolutely can not watch that video.
7. YouTube videos of toy reviews.
My entire Christmas list for the kids came from YouTube toy reviews. THE ENTIRE LIST! Seriously. Lboy watches them all the time & he has O loving them too. So if you ever need to distract your kids, just type in “Play doh” in the search bar & voila. Happy Children there will be!
What are 7 Things you overheard this week?
Writing Prompts:
1.) Pinterest inspired!
2.) Advice your mother gave you.
3.) A blog post inspired by the word: gold
4.) I love this idea of an art journal, try it (or have your child try it) and share your creation!
5.) 7 things you overheard this week.
Oh, sad baby coughs are the worst. My kids are all prone to croup, so when they start with that coughing I rarely get any sleep. Here’s hoping it’s just a little cough and nothing too terrible!
Bridget Green Most Recent Post…Overheard at the Greens
Aren’t they the saddest sound ever???? The croup sound is terrible!
It ended up being the flu & then it turned into ear infections! So terrible! They seem to be doing better though! Thank you!!
Baby giggles, oh how I miss that sound. Baby coughs – so sorry. Not a good sound at all. I never thought of looking up toy reviews on YouTube. Clever.
And “Cannon Ball”? Fun-ny!
Happy to have connected with you through Mama Kat :->
Cannon Ball– I know right???
Baby giggles, they are a cute sound. The coughs, they are just stressful. They are finally going away, slowly but surely. And YouTube is a game changer for gift shopping!
Thanks for stopping by!!!
Sad baby coughs are the worst! I’m glad you’re still able to make some giggling happen…must be doing something right!
Thanks Kat!
Hope the kids are feeling better
Nolie Most Recent Post…Be Prepared for Unexpected Storms