My parents are here in town & they brought their BEAST of a dog! I thought I’d introduce you to him & then show you just how pathetic my dog is!

1.) A song that best describes your early 20s/college years…tell us about it!
2.) Introduce your pets (submitted by Crunchy Navy Wife)
3.) Your favorite outfit & why (submitted by Mama Wants This)
You must have a vlog related to one of these 3 prompts to link up.
Link up directly to your vlog post.
Time limit is 4 minutes or less.
The link will be open Monday June 27th around 9pm CST and will be open for one week.
The next #vlogtalk Twitter chat is Tuesday June 28st from 8 to 9pm CST.
Also, be sure to follow VlogTalkMeme on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
A dog that plays ball = Awesome!
My Daisy does sometimes. Casey, prefers laps. I so miss them being inside doggies, I’m sure they miss it too.
Paulette Most Recent Post…Vlog Talk ~ A Song for My 20s
LBoy looks like he loves running around with Redford! I can’t believe that he weighs that – he doesn’t look it at all. He must be all muscle like you said!
Elena Most Recent Post…Dr. Badcatmom
Can I bring my dogs over to play at your house so you can wear them out throwing the ball? They are great with kids. I’ll stay inside and keep Giorgio company.
Jessica Most Recent Post…VlogTalk: Meet My Pets
I adore labs. I want one so bad! But Giorgio? So cute!
Haha, Giorgio!! He has the right idea, that’d be what I’d be doing too.
Gosh Redford is huge! And Lboy so cute.
Alison@Mama Wants This Most Recent Post…VlogTalk – Favorite outfits
What a great dog! I was always amazed at how long my neighbor’s lab would play. I think we’d all get tired of throwing a ball for him before HE would! ha ha!
And Giorgio. What a cutie!
Sarah Most Recent Post…Self Service
Your little dog is too funny Kate!!! He stayed inside with the AC – he’s no dummy!
I think your little pup has an evolved intelligence! So cute
tracy@sellabitmum Most Recent Post…Camping for Teenagers..
Did you say 105????!!! Holy heat batman!!
Kimberly Most Recent Post…Post It Note Tuesday
Ha ha Giorgio has the right idea…stay inside away from the heat 🙂 Looks like Lboy is having a blast with Redford!
Natalie Most Recent Post…Monday Ramblings
Cute! The ball! The pajamas! The playing! Love it lady!
Galit Breen Most Recent Post…The Red Dress Club: The Night Sky
Classic! Giorgio is totally on my wavelength. 105? Good night.
Christine @ quasiagitato Most Recent Post…I Hope I Get It : #vlogtalk
ROFL!!! That last picture looks like my dog all day.. LOL..
And watching the black lab makes me tired..
Lboy totally stole the show! cutie patootie! I love Giorgio! He knows how to live the good life.
cam Most Recent Post…Tots on the pole
105?!? I think Giorgio has the right idea.
On a totally unrelated note, I am so jealous of your huge backyard! You have such a great amount of space 🙂
Stephanie Most Recent Post…My first vlog!
Gotta love the little man in PJs running around after him. Get that baby a big dog!
Ali Most Recent Post…The Dog Vlog
BAHAHAHA Giorgio isn’t stupid lol.
Don’t take this the wrong way…but is L-boy in his PJs a lot? 😉
Dana K Most Recent Post…Meet the Pets #VlogTalk
The kid is very cute!!He also played with the dog…My dog actually doesn’t want to play with balls…
Evan Griffin Most Recent Post…Famous Stars and Their Celebrity Weight Loss Diets
Ha! That photo at the end is the exact way Toby (my yorkie) likes to sleep. He would much rather stay inside all day than be outside running around. Love Lboy in his pjs. He looks too cute!
A Mommy in the City Most Recent Post…Wordless Wednesday: Lazy Day
Redford sure looks like he’s having fun playing ball! And Giorgio looks like he is enjoying his nap! What can we do.. some dogs are nappers and some are ballplayers. Me… I’m right there with Giorgio… a napper!
Anne Most Recent Post…Krazy!