It was a Sunday. I was 6 years old, my sister, Maryann, was 4 & my other sister, Whitley, was 2.
We came home from church & my dad said it was nap time. So he sent us to our room & told us we had to lay down.
I was fuming! I did not want to take a nap. I thought it was boring, I wanted to play outside.
So, I convinced Maryann & Whitley that we needed to run away to Ms. Carter’s house 2 or 3 houses over. She was this nice, little old lady who let us come to her house & play on her piano. I think she was lonely, her kids were losers who didn’t come visit, & we kind of became her neighborhood family.
The three of us packed our bags, opened up the window, & started to climb out. Maryann & Whitley went first & I was going to go last.
And this is where Maryann, Whitley & I start telling different stories (we still argue about this–like I get furious when they start spewing their lies & it’s been 21 years! ;))
Maryann & Whitley will tell you that I told them to go ahead & climb out that window & that I would catch up to them. But, instead I ran to Daddy & told so they would get in trouble.
You see, here’s the thing about me when I was a kid. I could be a lot of talk, but when it came down to breaking a rule, I freaked the heck out! I talked a good game, but then at the very last minute I chickened out! I was like this at 6 & at 16. I’ll be like this forever. I do NOT break the rules! I’m your stereotypical oldest child.
I remember as they were climbing out the window I started telling them this was a bad idea & I was afraid we were going to get in trouble. They did.not.listen. They climbed out that darn window anyways.
As soon as they hopped through the window, I sat down on my bed, & within seconds my dad came through that door & asked me where Maryann & Whitley were. I can still remember my jaw dropping & my eyes getting huge when he came into the room. I literally stuttered as I told him I didn’t know where they were.
The man is not stupid, he saw the window open & two of the tiniest little girls hauling butt through the neighbor’s backyard.
Once he caught up to them, I’m pretty sure he had to pull Whitley off a 6 foot privacy fence that she was climbing. He brought them home & they got in sooo much trouble! But, I didn’t. And I tried to warn them, but they didn’t listen. They were all about listening to me when it is time to runaway, but when it was time to think it out & not break the rules? Yeah, they made up their own minds.
I guarantee you, they will have some comments to leave today, so be sure to read those, they’ll be pretty funny.
But, I swear on all things holy & bloggy that I did NOT rat them out nor did I intentionally talk them into running away just so I could get them in trouble.
And what Maryann & Whitley probably don’t remember, is that it turned out I had a 102 fever that day & I didn’t feel good. I seriously didn’t want to climb out that stupid window!
Haha, such a cute story! I’m pretty sure they have a different version of the story – but I believe you. Because you are right, the eldest child is usually overly responsible!
Nah, telling a sibling to do something wrong and then immediately tattling sounds like something I would do.
And I did. To my sister. More than once.
LOL! Poor little Whitely and Maryann! I’m not the oldest, but I’m the stereotypical rule follower too. I think I ran away once too–to our basement!
love this! It makes me wish I had siblings my age growing up!
You are such a rule follower. I’m the oldest but I was never too concerned with rules. I want to read the comments if your sisters do leave any.
I’m the oldest too and I never liked breaking any rules. Ever.
I want to see your sisters’ comments too!
Ha ha I can’t wait to see your sisters’ comments!
That is funny!! I am a sucker for rules, too. And also the oldest. I never thought about that before. The same goes for my kids…oldest boy…classic ‘good boy.’
I would have freaked out and lost my nerve, too.
This is just adorable. Sisterly love! And I also find it hilarious they still fight with you about this.
WOW! I love this story. Especially cause it involves 3 siblings all of who naturally will recall the event differently or do your sisters agree w/ea other?
As an only child I didn;t break the rules often. Same thing when ended up w/step sibs. Was forever furious the youngest step sib was breaking rules left and right and never ever caught or if she was caught no on ever said anything to her.
I’ll be watching for your sibs comments. That’ll definitely be some good reading. 😉
HAHAHAHA great story 🙂 The difference in our family is that we’re all in agreement about who was wrong/mean (usually them hahaha)
Hee, hee … I love stories about siblings!
Visiting from Mama Kat’s 🙂
Isn’t it sad that your sisters both are experiencing faulty memory?
As the mother of three I could visualize this so clearly! Great story telling.
I’m the oldest as well (of three!) and a TOTAL rule follower. I couldn’t even think of stepping out of line. Still the same…
I love this story, Kate. I can’t wait to read your sisters’ comments!
P.S. I was “all talk” too 🙂
I love this story and what a great memory to share with your kids! I can’t break rules either. I couldn’t as a child and can’t now as an adult. The guilt always, always gets to me!
cute story! this is what i missed by being an only child, huh? :0)
Too funny! Sounds like something I would have done too
This makes me wonder what stories my siblings and I tell differently. It’s all about perspective.
I almost can’t believe they listened to you about crawling out the window, but then I remember my older brother probably did something like that to me & my little sister too. If he didn’t, then what fun is it being the older sibling?
Very cute story. And of course, the oldest child ALWAYS remembers the TRUE story…from one oldest child to another 😉
Fun story! Ya know, I don’t think I’ve ever gone through a window…unless you count the time a big rig tried to have me & my car for breakfast one morning. So great that you have those sisterly tales to remember, cherish & laugh at! :>
Gee, they don’t believe you?? Didn’t you uhm, cut one of their hair, then convince her not to tell, for like 8 years? What?? 🙂 I would give anything to be in on this discussion today! And I dont’ see them in the comments!
PS — what plug in is that for the ‘previous and next post’ ?? that’s awesome!
Cute story! My sister and I weren’t very close growing up so we don’t have stories like this but I’m hoping my kids do.