The other day with Lboy was hard. He had been screaming non-stop. I seriously think it was just because he was bored. I was exhausted because I was trying to get a lot done in a short amount of time. I was stressed because I was getting nothing done because he was so grumpy.
I had been trying to get to the grocery store for hours! It literally took me from the time we woke up at 6:00 until 3 that afternoon to FINALLY make it there. At one point Lboy had thrown food from the buggy–food in glass jars that shattered into a million pieces, I was trying to gather up everything as fast as I could because Lboy practically SCREAMED the entire time. He eventually figured out how to unhook himself from the buggy straps, stood up in the seat & almost peter panned it right out of the cart. So there I am, frazzled even more because I almost had a humpty dumpty child on my hands but I finally make it to the check out counter–where there were about 5 people in front of me who looked like they were buying a month’s worth of food (I only had about 25 items) and that’s when I happen to notice what I look like.
It was obvious I hadn’t looked in the mirror at all that day. I was still in exercise clothes because taking a shower is absolutely not in Lboy’s rule book, my hair is going every which way thanks to 100% humidity or some crap like that, & I realize that I have baby food caked all over my shirt & shorts. And that was my Beta Mom moment. It
I feel like my Alpha Mom moments are far & few between, but I know I absolutely have them. I love the days where everything feels seamless. Like the day I had right before the day I described up above. We woke up at 6:00, we were dressed & at the park by 7:30, I got a 45 minute run in while my AMAZINGLY CALM son sat in his stroller & just happily watched the world go by. After the park we went home, I begged, pleaded & bribed Lboy into letting me take a shower. He wasn’t happy about it, but I got in there & outta there super fast, he was happy again. I was able to fix my hair, put on makeup, feed Lboy, go out to lunch with Todd, come home & play in the backyard, declutter the den, make my bed, cook supper, have the baby in bed at 7:00, wrote a few blog posts, took the dog for a walk, and was in bed by 9:30. Oh, that was an amazing Alpha Mom Day!!!
And that’s why I’m proud to be a Theta Mom! I know that there are difficult days, I know that there are great days, & I know that there are in between days. I know that there are going to be days when I’m going to be pooped on (like today), days that I’m going to have nothing but hugs & kisses from my little man, days where I’m going to veg on the couch in a zombie like stupor because I was up 20 straight hours with a sick kid, days where I am going to feel helpless, days where I’m going to feel absolutely sorry for myself, but those days will always be worth it knowing that the smiles coming from a cute little face with big blue eyes that stare at me like I’m the most wonderful being in the whole world make it totally worth walking around the grocery store looking like a complete hobo!
I’m proud to be a Theta Mom & I’m proud to celebrate Heather’s 1 Year Blogoversary this week!!! Thank you Heather & Congratulations!!!
My Alpha moments are few and far between to say the LEAST! But you are right, everything is worth it when you get those perfect little smiles from you're little one.
Girl, you said it best when a Theta Mom IS a combo of the two: I am an Alpha Mom and a Beta Mom which makes me a Theta Mom – and you sure are one, too!
Thanks so much for sharing and linking up!
Oh I think EVERY mom is a theta mom…there is no way everyday could be an alpha day or you are LYING to yourself haha! Alpha days definitely make the Beta days easier to handle!
Gonna keep striving the be a Theta Mom!
LOL that is me EVERY 2 weeks when I have to go to the Commy with 4 kids in tow, a husband on duty sending me a thousand text messages and the other mad women with their kids.
Pretty sure people who think they're Alpha every day are delusional. I so feel your Beta moments. I'm currently living a Beta life. Working. Single Momma'ing it. Dealing with being sick. The constant power struggles w/ the boys. Wanting to discipline but love them at the same time. Ain't easy. At all.
Love it! My Alpha Mom times are sometimes short and sweet, before I revert back to Beta Mom….but it sure keeps me going!
Paige broke a glass jar of roasted peppers in oil a week ago in the store… I was mortified… it's so not fun!
Those Alpha mom moments are wonderful, but yes, the rest makes us good mommies too 🙂
This is such a fantastic post! I feel you completely – sometimes I see these Alpha Moms here who seems like they never miss an hour of their beauty sleep while my dark circles can be spotted miles away LOL but whether we're Alpha Mom or Beta Mom what matters most are the love that beams out of our kiddos. 😀
Medical tourism? That’s about as close to Russian Roulette as one can get wtiuoht the gun. Something goes wrong, you’ve got no recourse thanks to the lack of regulatory coverage. In addition, insurance isn’t going to look kindly on a venue with inadequate protections; ideally this would result in the instant voiding of coverage upon discovery or reporting of it. Finally, the competency of such doctors is in question given their non-First World locale.
Despite enormous pradngoapa, marijuana is not medicine or candy:Myth: Marijuana Is MedicineMay 02, 2012″The scientific and medical communities have determined that smoked marijuana is a health danger, not a cure. There is no medical evidence that smoking marijuana helps patients. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved no medications that are smoked.Marijuana remains in schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act because it has a high potential for abuse, a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and no currently accepted medical value.The American Medical Association has rejected pleas to endorse marijuana as medicine.The National Multiple Sclerosis Society stated that studies done to date “have not provided convincing evidence that marijuana benefits people with MS.”The British Medical Association has taken a similar position, voicing “extreme concern” that downgrading the criminal status of marijuana would “mislead” the public into thinking that the drug is safe to use.The IOM (Institute of Medicine) further found that there was no scientific evidence that smoked marijuana had medical value, even for the chronically ill.Gateway DrugThe Journal of the American Medical Association reported, based on a study of 300 sets of twins, that marijuana-using twins were four times more likely than their siblings to use cocaine and crack cocaine, and five times more likely to use hallucinogens such as LSD.”