Hello Jamie & Welcome to Mommy Monologues! Jamie is great-she has a phd (she explains in what further in the post, I don’t want to give it all away), she leaves amazing comments that make me feel so uplifted, & she writes a great blog! I hope that you will all leave her some AMAZING […]
Welcome Momma Kiss
So…I’m introducing Momma Kiss to you all today because everyone should know her! I’m pretty much a fan of hers because she’s ALWAYS honest and I think I’m slightly envious of the fact that blog is anonymous…think of all the rants you could go on…. lol….anywho….Here is Momma Kiss! Hey kids! I’m so excited to […]
Welcome Whitley-My little sister!
I am super excited about introducing you all to my little sister! She is giving us her pros & cons of being a mom, from little cousins trying to get her to watch them go potty off of bridges to having scary teenagers! Please leave her some comment love! My sisters & me in this […]
Friday Featurette-Welcome Gini!
I am so proud to introduce Gini to you all today. Her post is so powerful today about how different motherhood is for her. Today she tackles custody battles, step-parenting, & most of all the love she has for her two girls & her husband. Enjoy & please leave her some comment love. Or better […]
Friday Featurette–Welcome Corinne!
Welcome Corinne from Trains, Tutus, & Tea Time! Leave her some comment love or better yet stop by her place for a visit! —————————————————————————— 1. What’s your favorite blog to read? I have so many favorite blogs that I read… but right now, the one that makes my heart flutter when I see it […]
Friday Featurette
Introducing Jessica from Mommy’s Sippy Cup! Leave her some comment love but most importantly I hope you enjoy! (: HAPPY FRIDAY! YOU KNOW YOU’RE A MOM WHEN….. -The dark circles under your eyes aren’t from partying, but from a screaming child up all night! Woo Hoo! – You’re on a road trip and […]
Still Hot!
Welcome Joey from Big Teeth & Clouds. She was one of the first bloggers I found when I started blogging. She always has some great posts & very insightful too! I think one of my favorites is Picture Perfect Gardeners…check it out (after you read here first.) (: And leave her some comment love!!! And pay attention […]
Debbie Loves Chocolate
Debbi probably writes the happiest blog ever–I remember the first time I read one of her posts I immediately posted it on facebook because it literally just made me happy. I don’t even remember which post it was, but since then any time I want to smile, I head over to Debbi’s place. So I […]
Friday Featurette!
Welcome to my Friday Featurette! It’s time for Allyson at The MVP’s of Mesa Town. She is down right HILARIOUS! I love her! Enjoy! And give her some comment love! Hello, hello one and all. My name is Allyson; I’m a mother of 2 crazy and adorable little ones that are 15 months apart. They […]
Alice @ Life with Vivian
I would like to introduce to you the lovely Alice from Life with Vivian! She is an honorary Featurette because she is helping me out this week! Thank you Alice! Summer Memories When I look back on my summers as a child, I never have anything but fond memories. My mom always worked through the summers. […]