1. Do not call people before 10 am or after 10 pm. This was always our rule when we were little. We weren’t supposed to make or receive phone calls from friends before or after these times. To do this day, I get nervous before I call some people even if it’s 9:58 am. 2. […]
My Neighbor Tommy.
When I was a little girl my parents bought this cute, little house & moved us all there in the summer of 1992. We were living in the kind of neighborhood that you don’t really think exists. The kind where the neighbors are friends & you have potlucks at the community swimming pool. Our house […]
Pet Peeve: Tailing
I can NOT stand when people tail me when I’m driving. It pretty much drives me insane (no pun intended. *ba dum ching*) I’m the daughter of a personal injury lawyer, so I’ve grown up hearing my ENTIRE life about how cars are not toys, they are means to an end to get a person […]
Blog Mistakes = Lessons Learned
Photo Credits When I first started blogging I was obsessed with visiting new blogs. I was also obsessed with growing that Google Connect number. Every day I would visit a new blog, follow them, comment & I would get so excited to find someone who I really like to read & hoped they would follow […]
The Best Vacation Ever
In July of 2002, I was 18 years old. I had just graduated from high school, I was bored to death at home, my dad had me training for basketball the following fall, & then I got called for a family meeting (my parents held a lot of these!) They sat all 5 of us […]
Valentine’s Day Traditions
The first Valentine’s Day Todd & I were married I had a 13 week old puppy. I was pretty obsessed with him. I mean, I was so obsessed with the dog that I quit working out in the evenings so I get home from sooner just so I could cuddle…with the dog. I had turned […]
Who I am in 5 Words
Loud Extroverted Stubborn Passionate Devoted I’m loud. I have been told my whole life that I’m as loud as my grandfather. If I’m as loud as he was, then dangit I’m LOUD. This man was the most outgoing person I’ve ever met. He loved bright colors, he loved the best of everything, he played & […]
I never EVER want to be a teacher!
I would make a TERRIBLE teacher! I hear that people whose ONLY motive to be a teacher is because they want summers off so they can go kick it at the beach does not a good teacher make. Yeah, I’d be one of those teachers. “Okay, okay, when can I get rid of these creatures […]
A Time I Should Have Listened to My Mother
Fifth grade sucked. The kids were mean, the teachers were mean, my mom was sick, our house was under construction-it basically blew. School was the roughest I think. Fifth grade was one of the worst years. It was terrible.It was one (of the many) years where kids just didn’t know how to be friggin’ nice […]
A Movie for Every Mood
We all have movies that we have “moods” for….right? I’m not the only one am I? I love movies. Old movies. New movies. Unknown movies. Famous movies. I love them. When I was in film lecture we watched 16 movies. There were only 2 I hadn’t seen. Every time the professor asked a question about […]