Please stop by APRIL SHOWERS BLOG DESIGN CONTEST and vote in the RIGHT HAND COLUMN for ENTRY #1!!! I need to remain in the top 3 in order to move onto the final round. Don’t worry, the final round doesn’t involve any voting, so you’re off the hook and I won’t be pleading with you […]
I was so scared when….
When I was 6 years old, my family lived right across the street from an elementary school. Needless to say, I spent a lot of time walking over there (all of 10 ft) to the playground on a daily basis. One weekend I went over there as usual (I’m assuming it was a weekend because […]
Ten Things
Ten Things on my Mind This Week: 1. I have GOT to start going to bed earlier.2. I have a busted computer.3. I made a guy at Sony almost cry yesterday & I’m not super proud of it. 4. I actually love the designs I’m doing for two gals!5. I did a “no computer” day […]
Someday, I’m going to travel to Italy & celebrate mass in Vatican City. And I’m going to stand there and think, “My God, this is Amazing.” St. Peters Basilica Someday, I’m going to go to a cafe right next to the Eiffel Tower. And I’m going to sit there & think, “My God, this is […]
What Blogging Can do for a Mom
I read on a blog where someone wrote “I wish I had a kid so that I could sit on my butt watching cartoons & write a blog.” No lies. I started thinking that if she and other people think that moms who blog sit around with their computers then they really don’t understand. It […]
This Thing Called Motherhood
Motherhood is… Falling in love with baby from the very beginning… Getting excited over a diaper bag (who knew they could be so exciting?!)… Meeting for the very first time… Telling your dad you named your son after him & crying when you did it… Bringing Baby home & being nervous about how to take […]
Today I am Grateful…
On Friday, I went to bed too late. Three hours after I went to bed Lboy woke up waaay too early. I was miserable. It the was the “I’m hungover” feeling that I never used to get pre-parenthood but I get all the time now because I’m consistently knocked on my butt tired. Seriously people, […]
MTV’s 16 & Pregnant
I pretty much have outgrown MTV. I haven’t watched “Real World” or any of the challenge shows IN YEARS! I can’t relate or identify with any of their stuff, I’ve moved on to adult things (YIKES! Am I an adult?!) So, I have no idea how I started watching the first season of MTV’S 16 & […]
A Different Me
**Update** I would like to clarify something: I would never trade being Lboy’s mom for a trip to Guatemala! This was a brief thought that ran through my head this week while I was thinking about all the reasons I chose not to go. I was only commenting on how we as individuals pre-parenthood change […]
I’m Afraid I’ll Forget
Diane Leonard While we were doing our bedtime routine with Lboy tonight I was struck with such an overwhelming sense of happiness. And then I was struck with a gripping fear of forgetfulness. The fear of not wanting to ever forget that particular moment. Lboy had crawled up into Todd’s lap, handed him his favorite book, […]