Lboy is FINALLY well! Which means, that I am now back in the blogosphere world! Woo hoo! Today, I’m celebrating my return to the real world by guest posting over at Chantelle’s place at Mom Went Crazy! She has a great guest feature every Monday about all the conversations we parents have with our kiddos. […]
VlogTalk Prompts
The kiddo seems to be on the mend BUT he’s not sleeping very well, so he must still be feeling puny. The other night he woke up at 1 in the morning & we were up until 5! It.was.terrible. There are no words to describe the misery. Hopefully, I will be back in full swing […]
VlogTalk Link Up
On Sunday, Lboy woke up with a stomach bug & he’s still sick! This is the 2nd virus in 3 weeks–no idea what’s going on. Just in case, for all those of you who link up at VlogTalk on my blog, I thought that I’d post the linkup here. Hopefully, I’ll have a video up […]
VlogTalk Prompts
Weekly Vlogging Prompts 1. A summer tradition 2. A pet peeve (submitted by Multitasking Mumma) 3. Your astrological sign and whether or not it represents you (submitted by Average Super Mom) Keep it under 4 minutes and have fun!You can link up at My Time As Mom, Mommy is in Timeout, or Mommy Monologues (the link is connected so […]
The Perfect Day!
June 9, 2007 I can’t believe 4 years has come & gone so quickly! Past Posts You Are Guaranteed to Love:HAPPY WEEKEND!!!Honest confessions about motherhood…10 things I believeThis crazy, busy life14 Things I LOVE About my Valentine
How Todd & I Met
1. I look Terrible in this video! But I so don’t care! 2. You can totally see my bruise–that also looks terrible! 3. I’m back in bed. Weekly Vlogging Prompts 1. A toy your child(ren) play with that drives you up the wall and why. 2. Your favorite meal. 3. How you met your […]
DDay Remembered
Though my grandfather wasn’t at D-Day (one of Todd’s grandfathers survived the second wave at Normandy!), I always think about him & all those who served throughout World War II. He was in the South Pacific during the second World War & served aboard the ship shown above. I hope it’s a day that will […]
I miss it.
Up until last August, I was running every.single.night & putting in about 4-5 miles. Then for some reason, I just stopped. I’m one of those people who wakes up every morning looking forward to their daily run. Don’t get me wrong, I have a love/hate relationship with exercise, but I really do look forward to […]
VlogTalk Prompts
Weekly Vlogging Prompts 1. A toy your child(ren) play with that drives you up the wall and why. 2. Your favorite meal. 3. How you met your spouse/significant other (inspired by A Mommy in the City) Also, this week if you choose to do prompt 3 you can link it up with Project Marriage in addition to […]
I fought the car & the car won!
The car hates me! I was at friend’s house yesterday working on a site design for her new business (which I will be blogging about :)) & I went to put something in the car. The next thing I know I’m standing by my car holding my head checking for blood & seeing a lot […]