…that in 2009 there were almost 4.0 million mom bloggers taking on the Blogosphere by storm?! And the numbers have only grown!
…that in March 2009 a study conducted by BlogHer found that for women ages 18-77, 72.5% of them were blogging?
…that 79% of women with children ages 18 & under are involved in some sort of social media whether it’s blogging, facebook, twitter, or any other social media platform (or in most of our cases, all of the above?)
…that mom bloggers are 78% more influential than celebrities when selling a product?
…that 18.3 million internet users who are moms read blogs at least once a month?
…87.1 million women online are active on a weekly basis in social media (including blog interactions, Facebook, message boards, and other social networking sites). (Direct Quote from Wendy Piersall)
…for the 20+ million BlogHer Network audience, engaging in reading blogs is their number one regular online activity, above watching TV, visiting Facebook, or reading other traditional media sources such as newspapers or magazines. (Direct quote from Wendy Piersall)
…that only 13% of mom bloggers write about parenting and 9% about family updates. Which shows that 91% of moms are not writing about family updates & 87% of moms aren’t writing about parenting, mom bloggers are writing about topics other than being a mom! (Also from Wendy Piersall)
…that the majority of women who read blogs/write blogs are also participating in a HIGH number of other social media outlets.
…that women bloggers basically rock?! And I’m 100% sure of this one!
Stats, Info & Quotes gathered from these sources:
- The Mommy Blog Phenomenon
- 16 Market Research Facts Proving Social Media Moms’ Influence
- Stephanie Azzorne Talks Brands & Bloggers
- 2009 Women & Social Media Study
“… women bloggers basically rock?!”
Boy ain’t THAT the truth!
Those numbers are a LOT higher than what I would’ve guessed. That’s AWESOME!
Such interesting statistics! There are so many of us out there!
We rock, we do.
“…that women bloggers basically rock?!” Heck, yes!!! Not only are you one of them, but you get bonus points for pointing out the stats on what we’re doing! And the next person who rolls their eyes at the concept of blogging, will be directly promptly to this post! Woohoo! :>
Wow! Never knew that so many of us were out there socializing. But I guess I should have known…we are women right? That’s what we like to do best!
These numbers surprise me in a way but they also don’t surprise me. There are a lot of bloggers out there.
We absolutely do rock!
You rock, girl! I had no idea the numbers wre this high! Yea us! Rock on with our bad selves!
Wow it looks like mom bloggers are going to take over the world! 🙂
How cool! Of course we rock too!
Wow that’s crazy!! Hurray for bloggers though 🙂 we’re awesome! ps great blog! xo
Wow, crazy statistics but I like them! It’s unbelieavable how many Moms actually blog! Hurray for us 🙂
Women drive the economy, and it’s about time marketing realized that!
Cool stats! But…
…women ages 18-77, 72.5% of them were blogging…
That doesn’t sound right considering that other than me, maybe 1 other woman I know in real life has a blog. Of course BlogHer was probably polling mostly Bloggers 🙂
GIRL, we totally rock!!! 🙂 It’s all in the numbers!
Interesting stats! I had no idea how big the blogging world was until that past year! Yes, we rock. 🙂
Wow these are great stats! We do rock!!!
wow, that’s interesting! i love factoids!
That’s pretty darn cool. Something to tell people next time they say Kim Kardashian is more influencial then me (and our whole collective).
I agree, we rock!
We don’t always talk about our families or our mommyness
We talk about issues and products!
We are making changes and involved in our communities!
Love this post.
Like we need stats to tell us how much we rock … one night in the twitter stream is all it takes …
We RAWR and we call out our HAWTness 😉
Wow – those stats are crazy! I’d always heard there was a large number of mom bloggers out there – but I had no idea. We do rock! 😉
Of course we are awesome! We all knew that to begin with!
Love that you shared this is such a quick, yet comprehensive manner. I am totally sharing this with people to show WHY I am blogging. And, you rock!
This is awesome! We totally do rock!
ok. we totally rock. as for ‘doing more- i’m about to go sleep next to my 6 yr old in my bed. that can’t do the best for our synch??
I had no idea. I love this post…as I’m kind of a trivia nerd like that.
Not one bit surprised that women are so social but those numbers are awesome!
Awesome post! You’ve made me feel like I can rule the world!….well, my household for sure! Woot woot!
Wowie, I loved this post! Off to share it on my Facebook wall now!
Kate I did NOT know that! Except for that last one – THAT one I knew! Interesting factoids – thanks for sharing! 🙂
Love this, yay us!