So remember this video? (It’s only 12 seconds. Go watch. I’ll wait. :))
Well, this is the aftermath of that fiasco.
I’m sooo dramatic! Well, some of the time. And this time I definitely was! But I didn’t know I was recording myself. And then I saw the video–geez……sometimes, I wonder what Todd got himself into by marrying me!
This week’s prompts:
1.) Something you do with you kids (or pets) but sadly find yourself doing even when they are not around.
2.) How to make your favorite summer drink.
3.) As requested by many…Blooper’s Reel!
For more information on VlogTalk or to have the prompts directly emailed to you go here.
The weekly #VlogTalk Twitter chat will be Tuesday June 14th from 8pm to 9pm CST. See you then!
Happy Vlogging!
LOL! That’s too funny! It’s okay, I’m dramatic too. My husband hates it!
Kimberly Most Recent Post…Boardwalk Etiquette
Send that in as your audition for The Real Housewives of Arkansas. You’ll be in! 😉 You’re so cute how nice you are to your husband. I think I need some lessons.
LOL you’re adorable! You are pretty dramatic, hehe.
Alison@Mama Wants This Most Recent Post…Twitter- what will I do without you
Oh man! That is hilarious! I have to say though, if that’s the way you guys fight, I want to come live with you.
Christine @ quasiagitato Most Recent Post…For Those About to Clap- We Salute You!
I have a feeling your vlog blooper reels could go viral with the quickness. 🙂
That’s awesome. You are super nice to your hubby when yelling at him! I love how you didn’t realize you were recording until the very end. It did make for a great blooper reel 😉
Mrs. Weber Most Recent Post…Baby Amnesia- Too soon for baby 2
This is too funny! I love that you say you were yelling at him, but I actually think you were really nice to him.
This is a total crack up!!! So something I would do. And you? Totally adorable.
Pamela Gold Most Recent Post…Wine Drinkers Rejoice – – Flipflop Wines Review
HAHAHAHAH! Don’t worry, I’m just as dramatic
Kimberly Most Recent Post…Secret Mommy-hood Confession Saturday
HAhaha! I love the aftermath! HAHAHA!
Amy Most Recent Post…tmi
Haha yes you are a drama queen but so am I. The look of shock on your face when you figured out you were still recording was hilarious.
The first step to overcoming DramaQueenism it to admit you have the problem. If it makes you feel any better, for the first few YEARS of dating my husband he used to jump out at me when I walked out of the bathroom. I’d be in the ladies room in a public place and open the door very cautiously just in case he was there. He knows better now. Stupid boys.
That? is fantastic. It’s amazing what kind of real emotion you catch when you realize the camera isn’t on..also, hope this shames him into never scaring you again!!
Ohhh that was too hilarious! At first I thought your dog had jumped out on you barking… but it was your husband. Too funny! And the glass fiddling…and look of shock when you recorded it all! Classic!
Anne Most Recent Post…Rockin The Boat Bump!
Lovely! I mean that in the best way! If in had accidentally recorded myself I’m not I’d share it, especially given that circumstance.
I think my husband would prefer it if I were a drama queen and not an angry beast…
I can’t believe you were still smiling through all of that.
Dana K Most Recent Post…Favorite Summer Drink Vlogtalk
This post is awesome. It captured your emotion and I love it! I would not have been so friendly to my husband it he did that to me.
OMG Too funny!
Also? You are so, so nice when you’re mad! So not showing Jason this one!
Galit Breen Most Recent Post…The Red Dress Club- Affection
I think you are adorable. Drama queen? You should see how I’d react!!
Teresa Most Recent Post…clean teeth and pretty polish
LOL! What a great video! I loved how he kept saying that he was sorry!
OMG! You are so adorable!
that is how you get frustrated!
OH Lord!
You are so sweet I just want to squeeze you.
Leighann Most Recent Post…Say What? VOTE!!