This is one of my favorite quotes. And I’ve been thinking about it a lot and how I should apply this to my life. It doesn’t matter what people say about me or what people say to me. Their perception of me shouldn’t matter, their opinion of me and my life doesn’t matter, it won’t change who I am or how I conduct myself.
I hate when I hear something that someone has said about me or when someone says something not nice or judgemental straight to my face. I want to convince them that they are wrong, I want to argue with them to prove a point. It never works. So I get caught up in trying to prove to these people that what they are saying to me is an incorrect evaluation of who I am and it ends up being a waste of time. I am a type A, control freak afterall. 🙂
So I am having to learn how to apply this quote & the serenity prayer in my life right now. I am having to learn that I have to know when to decipher the situations that I can control, the situations that I can’t, and then pray for the wisdom to know the difference.
I love this quote, it just puts me at peace. Regardless of whether people are God believers or not, I wish that all humanity would apply this principal to their lives and TRULY live it. Our world would be a better place. I’ll try my hardest if you will.
On a sidenote, remember this post about my great-aunt & uncle who just recently celebrated their 75th Wedding Anniversary? Well, my great-aunt passed away yesterday morning. She was 91 years old and died peacefully in her home she shared with her husband of 75 years. We should all be so lucky. There was no illness, pain, or tragedy. I never heard a bad thing about her, she was never anything but kind to me, & she would ALWAYS give me a glass jar to catch frogs in when I was at her house.
There were a million of them in the driveway in the summer time & all the kids would take jars out there, start collecting them, & then wrap the top of the jar with saran wrap. Then we would sneak them into my parents’ minivan & of course something would happen causing the jars to fall over & frogs to go EVERYWHERE! And we would have to drive the 3 hours all the way home with jumping frogs. ahaha! It was so awesome! Then we would get in trouble because my mother would find dead frogs in her car for days afterwards. Sorry mama, trust me, Lboy will pay me back for it tenfold.
My great-aunt & uncle had six children (the oldest is 74 the youngest is 60), a million grandchildren, a ton of great-grandchildren and so on, so there will be a huge family get together to celebrate the wonderful, full life of my aunt later this week. Due to this & my computer being broken you will more than likely not hear from me again for a few weeks and I won’t be able to take any blog design orders.
Until then, HAPPY BLOGGING & I look forward to getting back to the blogosphere!
Aww I love this one. I was thinking about those frogs earlier today!!!
That quote is really helping me. I have someone being unreasonable and cheating me, and I'm trying to be nice back, but it's hard. *sigh* So thanks to you and to Mother Theresa.
Your great aunt sounds amazing 🙂 I'm glad her passing was an easy experience.
rbi sports cards and ccomis i go their regularly5906 w. 87th st. burbank, illinois, 60459 1- (708)-636-0944 they have all loads of different auto relic and leather cards . plus they have the boxes of baseball cards with the babe ruth auto’s in it. And the owner scans and puts all the auto’s relics etc. in this book to see what other customers pulled from packs in his store.
So sorry about your great-aunt, but what an amazing life she had! You have some great memories of her, too.
I am so type-A, I always want to change people's opinions of me if I don't agree! There are just times and situations that happen a certain way, and we just can't bust our butts over them. But I understand what you are saying!
I must copy this quote and tape it to my forehead! Perfect!
Sorry to read about your aunt. It sounds like she had an amazing life filled with wonderful love and people. Go celebrate her.
This is one of my favorite quotes! Try your best NOT to get wrapped up in all the gossip & hearsay…just not worth your time. True friends will not believe the "stuff" anyway. If you have time & have not read this book, I highly recommend it!
"What You Think of Me is None of My Business" by Terry Cole-Whittaker
I offer my sincere condolences regarding your aunt. Truly, that is the best way to go. I'm grateful she did not suffer or experience a lengthy illness. I feel sure she's the type that would want all of you to delebrate her wonderful life and treasure all the beautiful memories.
My condolences on the passing of your aunt. You're right to celebrate her long, beautiful life. She is an inspiration and a good argument for the benefits of a long marriage.
Oh I am so sorry for your loss! Sounds like she was a pretty awesome person and left you with some good stories. We will miss you, but I hope you at least enjoy the time with your family remembering her life!
Oh, to have such a full life and go so peacefully. Thank God for that.
LOVE that quote. I saved it, because I'm sure I'll use it someday!
I am so sorry for your loss! It sounds like she was quite an amazing woman and the frog story had me laughing, I can't even imagine finding a bunch of dead frogs in my car! I am glad that she passed on peacefully and surrounded by love, one can only be so lucky! I loved your quote, I might have to steal that one for Sunday Citar. I think that quote came to me at the perfect time, I will have to keep this one in mind!
Amazingly you just described me… and my husband who I just read your post to… completely agrees! lol I too try to prove people wrong.. completely wasting my breath, my time. I forget all too many times that it doesn't matter what they think. Maybe I will print this quote out and paste to my desk as a reminder. I too love this quote.
Great post!
Condolences to you and your family, I try and treat people the way I would like to be treated but I honestly couldn't care less what some people think of me. As long as you and your family are happy then that's all that matters.
You are a truly inspiring and buietaful person who does AMAZING at everything you do, and I wish you luck in all your journeys. I am very excited to see the new blog, I will most definitely follow it. I am sad that I won’t be seeing your buietaful work anymore after this year, but I am very happy that you are following your dreams. I wish you all the best ! <3
My thoughts and prayers goes out to you and your family, Kate. So sorry to hear about your loss. I miss you!
So sorry for the loss of your blessed great aunt. Hope you're doing well, my friend.
I love that quote – and I'm so glad that your great aunt's death was peaceful. She sounds like a wonderful woman.
p.s.~ I, however, am somewhat concerned about where she lives and whether G-d is reenacting some sort of plague there – frogs littered her driveway??
What wonderful memories! It sounds like she knew how to love children! Jars for frogs already! I loved your frog memory. I am sorry for your loss, but it sounds like you will be celebrating a life beautifully lived!
I particularly loved this line of the M.T. quote: "The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway." – I think that line describes motherhood the best:)
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you find peace at this tough time for your family.
I love the quote. It is a great reminder of not only doing good, but being good as well.
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