Welcome Joey from Big Teeth & Clouds. She was one of the first bloggers I found when I started blogging. She always has some great posts & very insightful too! I think one of my favorites is Picture Perfect Gardeners…check it out (after you read here first.) (: And leave her some comment love!!!
And pay attention to her blogging tip: It’s so true!!! I wish everyone would do this!
This is my first guest post ever and I’m so grateful to be here on Mommy Monologues! I write a blog called, Big Teeth & Clouds. It’s about my experiences as a stay-at-home mom and some of my most treasured memories.
My favorite blog to read is Generation X Mom. It took a few days for me to decide on one blog to list. I make a point to read each and every post on this one, so it must be my favorite!
My best blogging tip is to be accessible. It took a lot of blog reading to discover that making my email address public would enhance my blogging experience. When you get rid of noreply-comment@blogger.com (the reply-to address of a blogger with their email set to private) you’ll find comments turn into conversations. Accessibility can also be enhanced by providing an easy subscribe by email widget. I think a blog will be more successful if it provides lots of options for delivery. I say this as a person who has four email subscribers!
My favorite post I’ve written is called Learning to Play the Game. It’s about playing UNO with my dad.
So now that you know a bit about me, here’s the kind of post you’ll find over at Big Teeth:
When I was 19, I worked a part-time office job in a little southwestern PA town called Canonsburg. One of my job responsibilities was to walk about four blocks down the main street to collect the mail from the post office. It was a cherished duty.
The walk broke up the monotony of the day. It was exercise and sunshine. Looking back on it, everything about being 19 was awesome.
Being a college student and a newly employed professional type, I had a collection of skirts and shoes with heels. I could still walk in heels back then and wore them every day I worked.
Many days on my post office walk, the men of Canonsburg would honk or whistle at me. I was asked by fellow pedestrians if I played basketball because they thought I was so tall. I’m 5’6â€, but boy was I something in that little town.
My self-esteem was very high back then and as the years passed I maintained my hot stuff mentality. I’ve been pretty sure all this time that I’ve still got it, at least in Canonsburg.
Lately, I’ve been doubting myself. I hung up my skirts long ago and my knees ache when I wear heels. No one honks at me anymore. I haven’t heard a whistle or a cat call in my direction in quite some time.
At 29, the closest I can get to that feeling of being a highly desirable woman is a trip to Lowe’s or Home Depot while wearing shorts. The worker’s there all say “hi†and ask if I need help. It’s because they think I’m hot. Don’t even tell me they treat everyone like that. The home improvement stores are all I have left.
I hear ya! A few years ago I wore shorts all the time. I still get a few honks here and there, but it's not the same haha
Wow Thanks!..I used this method with a French ziopcde now have French . In view of the fact that registering i see that the app verifies my ip each time I open it. I assume that although accepted my registration from the proxy ip address it now knows I’m in USA while traveling. Free users r allowable to be away for 2 wks tops..At the end of 2-wks will block my login if it is not from a French IP?? Is there a way to ploy before the deadline, using Hiload etc?
How fun. Me too. It has been gone for years. Sometimes I get delusional, but reality kindly sits me back down in my power lift chair.
Just wait until the grocery clerk starts calling you "Ma'am." That's a real ego boost.
Ha, that is so funny! Well written and I think very familiar to others out here. The only one whistling at me these days is my husband. I hope he keeps that up for a while (if he wants to eat he does!).
That is a cute post! Cracked me up.
I for one never fell in the "hot" category. In fact, I actually look far better NOW than I did at 19. WIERD indeed. But, since I never had the cat calls so much, I'm not missing them now. haha
I love Dalia! And I can't stand the noreply@blogger! Grrrrr…
, there are those that do display teneencids. I wonder about the introverted teneencids that we do not see. Sexual sadist vs anger within the processing mind and how could we identify these persona’s for prevention of these crimes.
Thank you Kate – it's been a joy to be here today!
Thank you for a fun post. I am not on blogger. Will you tell me if my comment is noreply@blogger?
And better yet, how would I change it?
Great featurette, Kate! 😀 Oooh I can so relate to feeling hot pre-baby hahahaha now I mostly feel hot because the humidity level is almost 90%. Nice to 'find' you here, Joey! 😀
great post Joey. Great advice on the conversation/email reply to comments and cute post.
Kate, I'm still loving the new look of your site every time I come.
I enjoyed this post very much!!!
awesome featurette! i – for one – do not like my work c-blocking my access to blogs. I mean, it's their job, but GAH! I don't have enough time anymore.
That said, love this Joey! Home Depot does NOT say that to everyone. Nope :p
Aw! I'm sure people still think you're hot. You just don't get the opportunities to hear it that you got at 19, right?