Introducing Jessica from Mommy’s Sippy Cup! Leave her some comment love but most importantly I hope you enjoy! (: HAPPY FRIDAY!
-The dark circles under your eyes aren’t from partying, but from a screaming child up all night! Woo Hoo!
– You’re on a road trip and find yourself starving with no place to stop, so you find yourself eating your child’s Cheerios
-You only wish you could put yourself in time out!
-You have 2 inch roots and can’t ever find the time to do a touch up
-You can’t remember how in the world you managed to wear heels every single day
– You are all dressed and ready to leave the house, but put your robe on over your clothes to not mess them up while feeding
– Get sad when cleaning out your child’s closet, but just can’t seem to get rid of the clothes
– Forget to shave both legs
– Forget to shave at all. Go out and public wearing a summer dress. The sun beating on your legs does not hide hair!
– Your child spits up and you catch it
– Use your own saliva to wash your child’s face
– Your feet stick to the kitchen floor and you hope that the dog will lick it up for you
– Have a night out and find a pacifier in your pocket, purse, wallet, bra (kidding about the bra!)
– Are a great multi-tasker now. You can talk on the phone AND mop! Hey, now!
– Wonder how you ever hated being alone. Can someone please just give me ONE hour?
– Hate wearing black because it does not hide spit up
– Sing ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider’ in every accent wherever you are in public to stop the crying. The looks do not phase you the slightest
– Your child spits up missing your cloths, but going down your chest. You actually get happy because you don’t have to change!
– You check on your sweet child to see the little sweet face sleeping. They are oh so angelic when they are quiet. And sleeping. Have to take advantage.
– A night out means being home by 7:30pm
– There used to be a million pictures of you and your hubby, and now you realize you have ZERO because you are the one behind the camera
– When asked what you do, you reply you are a ‘Life Manager’
– You used to make fun of the “Baby On Board” signs, but now you want to make one that says “Baby On Board!! Back the Hell UP!!
– Out running errands and have to change a diaper in the car, only to get in the car a day or so later and wonder what the heck that smell is!
– Vacations take on a whole new meaning
– Didn’t realize your child had explosive diarrhea and get in the elevator with it coming out everywhere….with people in it with you!
– With all of the craziness and chaos, you know you couldn’t live a day without it. Always an adventure with many more to come!
Now to Kate’s Questions:
1. I don’t have just one favorite blog. I have several. There are so many great ones that I read almost daily, that it’s hard to narrow it down. is one I read A LOT! A mom of three, she is funny and always has great reads! Of course I read but I’m sure you knew that already. Another favorite is She just cracks me up! You never know what you are going to get. Random and witty it is always entertaining. And I love
2. My best blogging tip would be to just be honest and blog for yourself. You have to write what you love, how you feel, what you think, and if people don’t like it, it’s not their blog. You aren’t writing for them. Write from the heart.
3. A couple of my favorite posts I’ve written are Step Into The Ring, I Am Mom, Hear Me Roar! and one of my favorites from the very beginning, I Am Still Me.
Great feature! Thanks so much for sharing. SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did…
Bottoms Up!
I love the "Life Manager"! I will HAVE to remeber that one! I could not stop laughing while reading this. I relate to all most everything you wrote!
I have the most trouble figuring out whether or not I've washed my hair. Leg shaving – HA!
I love these!!!
Especially the eating cheerios while driving… I can't count how many times I've done that in order to be resourceful!! 🙂
You talk to a local life insurance agent, and fill out anliicatpops and get quotes. Be sure to set firm goals do you want the polciy to still be in force 40 years from now?? What exactly do you want the polciy to accomplish for you?Then, the agent will help you balance cost vs coverage. Keep in mind, they are predisposed towards selling whole or universal life, as the commissions are MUCH MUCH higher for the agent. But if you only want it until the baby is grown, a 20 year term policy is MUCH better. REMEMBER life insurance is NOT an investment product. It’s not a good savings tool, it’s not an effecient retirement planning tool, and it’s a rotten return on your dollar, unless you die.
Oh my gosh I swear the dark circles are worse when you become a mom!
So laughing at the leg shaving thing because I can say I have only done one leg before…now that is hot!
Great feature Jessica! And thank you so much for the compliment…you rock!
*I am now following your blog through Mommy's sippy cup!
Great answers!
I always love when people do the " you know you"re a mom when…" posts…most of them are soooo true for me!
Stopping by from Mommy's Sippy cup oh my did that list crack me UP!
I can relate to so many on that list and its funny that we might feel that we are the only one going through this but in reality we all are in the same boat!
Thanks again!! I loved doing this 🙂
I read the opening to Elbows Off the Table in the October issue of Writer’s Digest and I hope you are able to find a puielshbr. I wanted to read what was hidden under the orange box!
Reading posts like this make surfing such a pleasure
Wow, amazing blog layout! How long have you been blogging for?
you made blogging look easy. The overall look of your site is fantastic, as
well as the content!
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