I was going to do a post identical to this one & tonight, I just happened to be reading Theta Mom & decided I liked her questions better than the ones I was going to use.
Getting to Know Me
1. Name someone with the same birthday as you. Jake GyllenhaalÂ
2. What has been your favorite age so far? I liked 20, 23 & I’m loving 27 right now!
3. Where did you meet your husband? On a study abroad trip to Mexico
4. How many children do you have? One & one on the way
5. Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people? 4th grade talent show
6. What’s the first thing you notice about your preferred sex? I just remember noticing all of Todd because I thought he was HOT!Â
7. What really turns you off? I can not stand it when people lie to me.
8. What do you order at Starbucks? White chocolate mocha frappuccino.
9. What is your biggest mistake? Opening my big mouth & repeating things when I shouldn’t have.
10. As a child, what did you want to grow up to be? I don’t know if I ever had something specific like that.
11. Say something totally random about yourself. Right now, I’m watching Friends, & regretting that I didn’t go to bed an hour ago.
12. Do you still watch kiddie movies or TV shows? Sometimes. I like to get a cartoon Disney movie every year for Christmas. It’s tradition! This year we’re doing Lion King for Lboy!
13. Did you have braces? No, thank the good Lord I got my dad’s teeth!
14. Favorite Social Network? I like Facebook & Twitter.Â
15. What is the most romantic thing someone of the preferred sex has done for you? The night Todd proposed & after the first time we heard Lboy’s heartbeat. It was 150 beats a minute. Todd had flowers delivered with a note that said, “You make my heart beat 150 beats a minute.” *Cue the awwwing*
16. When do you know when it’s love? You just know.
17. Do you speak any other languages? I have a bachelor’s in Spanish. And I haven’t had to use it since Lboy was born. Don’t tell my parents, they spent a fortune making sure I was fluent in Spanish. 🙂
18. Have you ever been to a tanning salon? Yes, a few times my freshman & sophomore year of college. Until I read in a health magazine that tanning will make your boobs sag prematurely. Was I worried about cancer? No. Boob saggage? Yes.
19. What magazines do you read? I love People magazine & Shape.
20. What is playing on your iPod right now? My iPod was stolen. Don’t remind me.
21. Have you ever ridden in a limo? Yes, in the 10th grade for something.
22. Has anyone you were really close to passed away? Yes, my mom’s dad.
23. Do you watch MTV? Not anymore. I used to watch Real World & all those competitions they did. But, I’ve kind of outgrown the station entirely.
24. What’s something that really annoys you? I’m pregnant. Lots of things really annoy me these days.
25. Which television show you were sad to say goodbye to? Friends!
26. Can you dance? Hahaha…that would be a no.
27. What’s your favorite place in the world? Sitting on the couch at my grandparents’ house. I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent at their house, sitting on that couch. It was the place that I went when I needed to find peace in a chaotic world, when I needed to know I was loved for who I was & not because of who I was expected to be, or just simply the place where I went to hear a good story or two from 2 of my most favorite people in the world.
28. Have you ever been rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? Nope.
29. If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would it be? Hmmm…my list is really long. I’ll think about it & narrow it down.
30. If you could change one thing in the world for your child, what would it be? When he’s school age, I wish I could remove the fact that there will be mean kids & he will be picked on (aren’t we all at that age?)
Your turn: If you’re up for the challenge, ask a question in the comments that you would like to know more about and I’ll do my best to answer it. Or answer these questions on your blog & let me know you did! I’d love to read your answers.
This is great! Didn’t know you were pregnant! Congratulations!!!!!
I decided to do the questions on my blog. Thanks!! I love your answers.
Sucks about you iPod but at least you have your iPhone.
The only thing I really want to know is what kind of bun is in the oven. I’m so impatient when it comes to finding out.
True…how would I ever live with my iPhone?!!! lol
I will definitely let you know about the gender, we will be finding out Nov. 3!
Whoops…looks like I’m tired. Can you delete my previous comment that’s not really a comment? Anyways, just wanted to let you know that I’ve joined in on the fun and have answered these questions on my blog. Nice getting to know you!
This was awesome, I loved getting to know a little more about your fabulousness. I’ve also outgrown MTV. I have no desire to watch Teen Mom. I’ll just visit any public school in America if I want to see that. Ha! And the tanning thing? Totally cracked me up!
Teen Mom just depresses me! I used to watch the first season, but then their lives just got even more dysfunctional & it hurt to watch.
Seriously, I never stepped back into a tanning bed after that! Never again!
Love that your favorite place is on your grandparents’ couch. I have many wonderful memories of family couches. And the armrest over the console in my grandmother’s car was pretty cool, too…good stuff. 🙂
Grandparents are the best right?!
Wow, #15… awwww!!!
We need to practice your Spanish.
Yes we do! I miss the Spanish language, it’s so beautiful.
Great getting to know you even better. I’m so with you on MTV. I think the only time I watch is for the VMA’s cuz I’m a music junkie! 🙂
Oh yeah I love the VMAs, mostly because I want to watch& see whose going to pull a Kanye! lol
Wow, Jake what a cutie! Stinks about the iPod but YAY for being preggers!!!
Thank you Heather! And thank you for the post! What a great idea!!
You’re only 27… My gawd I’m old!!
I want to know your beauty routine.. you are GORGEOUS.. how do you do it?
Also, I want to know if you’ve ever had a Tim Horton’s coffee and if so did you LOVE it?
Thanks! That’s a great compliment to get especially when I haven’t showered today & I’m pretty greasy! lol
I actually don’t drink coffee, just that one drink from Starbucks & that’s it!
I’m doing this too. Once again you have inspired me 🙂
I completely agree with taking the mean kids out of school. I can’t stand watching that!
This is great! I think I might do one!
Ok, I posted these on my blog!
I’m so sorry about your iPod. I had one stolen too so I know that kind of hurt.
Loved getting to know more about you! 🙂
Yeah, it was one of the big ones too! So sad! Aww well, maybe I can get Todd to buy me an iPad for Christmas to replace it. 🙂 Like how I swung that?! lol
Did it!! 🙂
So cool! The ‘150 beats per minute’ totally made me tear up. Too sweet. 🙂
Missing this place . . . 🙂
Great answers! I MUST remember that starbucks order for next time I go. Sounds delicioso!
I loved your article post.Thanks Again. Cool.