1. What’s something you’ve eaten and liked, but didn’t think you would?
The other day I went to this local restaurant & order this really really awesome sandwich! It had homemade bread, avocado (I usually hate avocado), cucumber, cream cheese, spinach, tomatoes & turkey. It was amazing! I’m salivating over here just typing about it!
2. Plastic surgery..yay or nay?
Nay. I’m happy with my body. I really have no complaints.
3. 2 things you love about spring are…..?
I love how when the first sunny day shows up & it just makes every one so happy because the gloom of winter is finally gone!
I also love all the family activities there are to do outside! The spring makes me want to go on adventures & we usually go on quite a few!
4. When’s the last time you went on a picnic?
Last week! Lboy & I do picnics all the time in the backyard or we go to the park with lunch. A friend of mine & her son had one with us. We ordered a pizza & ate at the park & let the boys run around like crazy. It was an awesome day!
5. What’s your favorite app?
I don’t really have one I guess…I live in the dark ages & don’t have a smart phone.
6. Who does the grocery shopping in your house?
Me. I know I should be grateful that I have the money for groceries but I really, really loathe shopping for them. Shopping for shoes? Amazing! Shopping for purses? Divine! Groceries, you know the thing that keeps me alive? Lame.
7. Would you rather take a spin class or zumba?
Spin class. Hands down.
8. How often do you go out to dinner?
We try to stay as budget friendly as possible. I cook about 5 times a week & we do leftovers for the other days. Yesterday, the 3 of us went to eat as a family & it was a lot of fun!!!
We don’t eat out much at all either, I love grocery shopping though especially when I do it without my son! It’s some much needed me time. Wow that’s sad that grocery shopping is my me time lol
Christa @ Little BGCG Most Recent Post…Flab to Fab Fridays Week 9 w-NutriSystem
Your answers are very similar to mine 🙂
Grocery shopping IS lame.
Great answers…I’m thinking about doing this too.
I emailed you the other day. Let me know about the stove ok?
Tina Most Recent Post…National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month
You don’t have a smart phone?? What’s that like? I love taking my boy on picnics, simple pleasures.
Minky Most Recent Post…What I have learned from 48 hours of bedrest
that sandwich sounds divine. I’m all about the avacado!!
Kim Most Recent Post…happy sigh
Oh my, that sandwich does sound delicious! Yum!
Have a great week!
Elizabeth Most Recent Post…Getting to Know You
I don’t do grocery shopping a lot, I’ll write a list and send the Hubs, only if I’m looking for something specific, I go myself. But I love your sandwich, a long time since I had one like this, not because of the ingredients, but because of the homemade bread. Good bread doesn’t exist here in paradise. Sigh.
Mommy’s Paradise Most Recent Post…One and a half days of limited freedom
I can’t believe you are in the dark ages still and don’t have a smartphone. Crazy talk.
I can’t stand grocery shopping either. Yet I have to do it every week and it involves 3 different grocery stores.
We so rarely got out to eat as well. It seems like there are so many other things to spend money on, although it is nice not to have to cook!
I don’t have a smart phone either! *high five*
Laura in Cancun Most Recent Post…Just Thursday
You don’t like avocado…..blasphemy!!! It is one of lifes finest pleasures. That and the iPhone, especially for a blogger.
Carrie Most Recent Post…Im BackWith News
I don’t have a smart phone either – I didn’t know there was anyone else out there also living in the dark ages!
Hi there – just found you and I am happy that my first visit, I get to learn a little about you. I am with you on #6 – worse than shopping for groceries is putting them all away! Have a good day!
Paula@Simply Sandwich Most Recent Post…Ear Plugs Plueeeze
Hee, you are too cute! I’m so the same with the groceries (hence why the beau does it — he says I waste money… and its true).
Tipsy Reader Most Recent Post…Book Review- Avalon High
I would love to introduce the girls to the idea of a picnic, but I’m kinda scared they would want to start eating that way more often! 🙂 I’m sure we’ll have some picnics this summer when the weather is nicer, though. Those are some of my fondest memories from growing up…picnics with my aunt or my grandmother…at the park or in the backyard. 🙂
MandyE Most Recent Post…Update- a Tentative Game Plan- and THANK YOU!!!