My evening has been filled with a very, very grumpy baby! He was even grumpy during his bathtime and that is usually the one thing that can make him happy ALWAYS. My husband and I were going through the usual troubleshooting questions: Is he constipated? Is he hungry? Is he bored? Is he hot? Is he cold? Is he feeling bad? Is he teething? Is it his ears? Is it his stomach? Is it this? Is it that?
And you know what we came up with? Nothing! So we were left to deduce that it’s just plain grumpiness. I can’t figure out what’s going on with him. I have tried nursing him to sleep, Todd has tried shushing & rocking him to sleep. But to no avail, no progress has been made, none. He won’t sleep. He doesn’t want held, but he doesn’t want to sit & play. Needless to say, we have been very overwhelmed tonight.
I keep hoping that as the minutes tick closer to midnight that I’m going to see his big, blue eyes start to get droopy; but no ladies & gentlemen, they are wide awake & as I type this he is heading straight for the dog food in the kitchen; (He does look darn cute though. He is actually crawling on all fours & I can’t help but be super proud of him for ditching the army crawl!)
So as I end this post, all you single ladies (yes, I am now singing Beyonce in my head–this is a side effect of sleep deprivation) & single gents, please don’t take your sleep for granted. Go to bed & dream happy dreams of beautiful children who go straight from the womb to the crib & sleep like adolescents.
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