Want to know how to make these Social Networking Icons?!
Well, here’s my personal tutorial video all about how! Oh & you can have these buttons if you would like them! It’s the same rules as last week, you can change the colors, make them smaller, give them away, but you can NOT sell them. They are for personal use & enjoyment only!

To view it bigger on YouTube Click Here
Right click on your mouse. Choose the Save as Image. Upload them to a photobucket account (it’s a freeaccount.) Click on the “copy HTML†part that is underneath the button.
Go to “Add HTML/Javascript†gadget in blogger (in WP click on Text in your widgets section.)
Paste the HTML code into the gadget box. Then click on “Rich Text.â€
Click on the image. Then click on the link image like you would in a post. A box will pop up & then put in your links to facebook, twitter, & email. (You can make them bigger or smaller here too. But I don’t suggest making them bigger because that will make them look grainy.)
To link it to your WordPress.org blog, follow these steps:
Right click on your mouse. Choose the Save as Image. Upload them to your Media Library.
Find the section that says “File URL.”
Copy that section & place it in the bolded section of the code below:
<a href=”HTTP://WWW.LINK URL GOES HERE” title=”Mommy Monologues” target=”_blank”><img src=”FILE URL GOES HERE” border=”0″ alt=”Mommy Monologues Pinterest”></a>
For email type in:
mailto: youremailaddress
Click save & voila! You have Social Networking Icons made by YOU!

This is great! I wanted to re-do mine on my blog! Thank you for posting this!
A Mommy in the City Most Recent Post…A Careless Mistake
Crazy informative Kate – thanks for this!! And what program are you using for this video? CamStudio? I think that’s the one my boss used (she works in social media). Awesome job!
Ericka @ Creative Liar Most Recent Post…More Bad Math
You are awesome for doing this – what a huge help to bloggers. Also, great job with Jessica’s blog – looks awesome!
I bookmarked this and hopefully I’ll have a chance to get this done very soon. My icons are such an eye sore on my blog! Thank you for sharing!
Sugar Mama Most Recent Post…SMARTT- How Will You Handle The Mean Girls or Boys
You put me to shame with your creativity all the time Kate. And I mean that as a good thing.
KLZ Most Recent Post…Three Little Words
Thank you for you! I have been so on the verge of throwing my hands up with all the blog stuff that my computer illiterate self can’t make/fix/do….. smooches 🙂
This is so helpful! I was looking for something on this but had trouble figuring out how to word what exactly I was looking for. 🙂 I am bookmarking this post now to save for future reference. Thanks again!
Jessica Most Recent Post…Gender Neutral Parenting- Is it Really Possible
Thanks for you. Nice to meet you!
Thanks so much for making this amazing tutorial. It was very helpful! I am a new follower.
This helped so much!! Thank you!! 🙂
You rock my socks! THANK YOU so much!!!