I am blessed.
That’s the phrase I’ve been repeating to myself over & over again for the last hour.
The baby is wide awake because she feels so crappy.
I’m falling asleep sitting up, feeling crappy.
I’m in the panic stricken mode of knowing that if I don’t get any sleep I’m going to wake up 100 times worse tomorrow, but knowing that I won’t get to rest at all tonight because BOTH of the kids are sick & are inevitably going to keep me up.
My husband, who works his butt off & is bone tired, is awake & trying to help in any way possible all because he knows that his entire family is feeling…. well, you get the picture.
I’m trying to remind myself that I’m blessed.
That a few really bad colds here & there aren’t that bad, it’s really & truly no big deal.
But you know what?
I’m sick of being sick.
This is the FIFTH time since August some sort of illness has wandered its way through our doors.
My house is the pits.
I can’t get ahead of it all & right about the time that some progress is made, we get sick….AGAIN.
I am blessed. I’m trying to remind myself. It could be so much worse.
That my children are happy.
They are healthy.
We are only suffering from mild colds, that feel major, but they are nothing in the grand scheme of things.
I am blessed to have a husband who loves me for me, even though the house is bombed & I was wondering at 6:30 PM tonight if I had managed to get my teeth brushed today.
I am blessed and I know that my life really is beautiful, but I’m also smart enough to know, that people with charmed lives have a few rough spots here & there. And I’m thanking God for the blessings, but also trying to remember to carry Him with me in the rough spots. Because right now, I don’t feel like it’s humanly, emotionally, or physically possible for me to get through being sick again with two little & sick kids, He’s going to have to do this for me…His strength is the biggest blessing of all…
Now….maybe I’ll go brush my teeth….just in case I didn’t this morning….because I honestly can’t remember if I did or not….
L brought her first cold home from the church nursery last month, and we ALL got it. B and I neither one have had “just a cold” in ages. That said, it kicked out butts. I know for a fact that recovering from my C-section was easier than getting over that stupid cold. Throw in teething and a growth spurt for L, and it was just a wonderful time, let me tell ya.
It’s hard sometimes to see the blessings when we don’t know how we’re going to get from Moment A to Moment B alive, but they are there.
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