I was at friend’s house yesterday working on a site design for her new business (which I will be blogging about :)) & I went to put something in the car.
The next thing I know I’m standing by my car holding my head checking for blood & seeing a lot of black!
I wish you could have seen how big my friend & her husband’s eyes got when they saw my head! That’s when I knew it was swelling up huge!!! And that I was officially looking like a freak. *Enter the ice baggy*
I told Todd, he could start calling me the “Elepant Woman” (that joke was lost on him-please reference this link if it was lost on you too: The Elephant Man :))
I spent most of my day wondering how in the hades that darn door closed without me ever touching it! And then I spent most of my time just clutching my head totally confused. Granted, I’m usually confused, it doesn’t take a whop to the head to do that!
So…the next time you get in a fight with your car? Take note. The car is going to win.
So will your toddler. Mine headbutted me right in the ole goosebump. That felt good. Not.
Oh my gosh!! Ouch. I hope you feel better! I think it’s the shame of having to walk around with a stamp on your head that says “my car kicked my ass!”
Mom Went Crazy Most Recent Post…In which I burst out laughing
Ouch!!! That looks like it hurts really bad!
brittney Most Recent Post…Baileys birthday party
I am just getting over a 2 year battle with post concussive syndrome. If you feel dizzy; sick to your stomach or are forgetting silly things please see your doctor immediately.
I’m sure you just wanted to kick the car!
Ouch! That bump on your head looks like it really hurt:(
OMG! That’s horrible! & a little hilarious the way you tell the story!
Heather @ Life as we know it… Most Recent Post…Tater Tot Thursday!
Oh my goodness! That looks like it hurts!
Kimberly Most Recent Post…Enough of the Stuff
Oh my god that looks awful! Hope you’re ok and the swelling goes down soon!
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Rhi Most Recent Post…Spontanious Give-Away
OH!! And this after a migraine?? Ice is it lots! You poor thing!
Kim Most Recent Post…As A Formerly Depressed Person
Oh wow!! That looks painful! The car has gotten my finger before. They always win!
A Mommy in the City Most Recent Post…The Proposal Vlog
Oooh, that is a huge bump. I’m wincing just looking at it. Headache, much? Damn car. Hope your head gets better soon!
Alison@Mama Wants This Most Recent Post…VlogTalk – a Vacation to Remember
Dana K Most Recent Post…What are we growing
OW!!! And to be head butted after? Double OW!
Teresa Most Recent Post…Am I rushing this
oof! That looks painful!! Zizzy fell while walking on the street and has the sister of that bump on her head. We had to give her Tylenol to bring down the headache.
Hannah Most Recent Post…Small Successes
I’ve done that before, and it is NOT fun at all!
Natalie Most Recent Post…Spread Bloggy Love
Hope you are feeling better today…that is a nasty bump.
JoAnn Most Recent Post…What Now- Always Wondering
Oh my! You poor thing! That doesn’t look like much fun al all. I understand the confusion. Things seem to happen to me and I have no idea how. Haven’t received a goose egg like that yet, but I’m sure it’s coming.
Hope you feel better! I think your hubby should be opening and holding your car door if he’s around from now on. Don’t ya think? It’s worth a shot!
Lindsay Most Recent Post…Lean Libation- Mudslide Milkshake
Holy Crap that’s a doozy. Good lord woman! owie!
MommaKiss Most Recent Post…I totally thought today was Monday
IT’S HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness! Clunk! Why don’t you come up with a better story? Like how you were hiking up a huge mountain and got hurt saving a baby bear that was falling down the rock. You heroically saved the bear, but slammed your head on the ground.
You poor thing!! And I cry when I watch the Elephant Man. Hope your head heals soon!
That is totally giving me the willies. Ouch! I hate it wen I hit my head and never saw it coming. I usually look around to see if anyone was looking.
Ouchie! That looks like it hurt :(. My toddler was head butting me this evening, too. Strangely, she didn’t seem to find it painful?!?!
That definitely is going to leave a mark! OUCH! Hope you poor little head is doing better…dang that car!
Natalie Most Recent Post…On a Serious Note
Ouch. You should really stop getting in bar fights.
Jessica Most Recent Post…VlogTalk- Vacation to Remember
Whoa, that’s a real doozie. Arnica gel!
Paulette Most Recent Post…Hopelessly Klutzy
oh Kate!!! OUCH!! that looks painful! I hope you’re feeling better and that it’s not so swollen and tender as I’m assuming it was at first… OUCH OUCH OUCH!
what in the world? I hope your head is feeling and looking better! car will win -duly noted!
Cam Bibs&Baubles Most Recent Post…One Brave Chica