Up until last August, I was running every.single.night & putting in about 4-5 miles.
Then for some reason, I just stopped.
I’m one of those people who wakes up every morning looking forward to their daily run. Don’t get me wrong, I have a love/hate relationship with exercise, but I really do look forward to that time alone while out for a jog.
I love the sounds of the summer nights, I love feeling the heat, & watching the families play in their front yards. I love getting to know my neighbors because they see me run past their houses every night & I usually hear one of the kids say, “There goes that lady again.”
I can tell you there is a former Razorback Football player a few blocks over who waters his plants every night because “his wife” tells him to do it. But from what I’ve gathered? He loves watering those plants, he does it for himself as much as it does it for her.
I can tell you about the street that is definitely the “Fun Street.” There are 4 or 5 families that live on that street with kids relatively all the same ages & in the summer, they all gather at one house & the adults drink their margaritass & grill out in the driveway. They a mini-block party while the kids all ride their bikes & play games. (Seriously, I want to live on that street!)
I can point out flower beds that I wish I had in my yard, I can tell you who won the “Neighborhood Gardening Competition”….
Or at least, I can tell you all of that from last year. This year? I couldn’t tell you a thing.
I miss running. I crave the time alone, I crave the sweating, the adrenaline rush, the feeling I get lacing up shoes & when my muscles start to groan because they know I’m going to push them that much harder.
A week ago, I started running again. The first pound on the pavement reminded me of being a freshman in high school & it being my first day of cross country. A few more blocks in & I was really wishing I hadn’t stopped running because my lungs were on fire. At the end? I was so glad it was over! But was so glad I went!
And Todd & I have started going together again (we used to do this together every night before Lboy was born.) We loaded the kiddo up in the stroller, grabbed our stop watches, & finally started the whole process of getting our lungs back into shape all over again.
It is some of the best time we’ve spent as a family. It is a blast.
Now, I’m looking forward to the evenings when we go out as a family.
After 13 years of being a runner, I know it will always be something I do, even if it’s on again, off again. But this time? I’m glad to be back in my running shoes & I hope I don’t stop this time.
Sounds like you are excited about it- and that will keep you going!
My hubs & I met on our high school cross country team! Lol! I can’t imagine taking all three kids on a run though, that would be quite a workout! I was doing so good with running until about a month ago and then stopped. I am hoping once school is out I can get it in before the day starts & not save it for after the kids go to bed like I was doing.
Heather @ Life as we know it… Most Recent Post…Tater Tot Thursday!
That’s great! My husband loves running and always try to get me to do it…maybe I should give in finally and quit being lazy 🙂 What a great way to spend time with family and stay in shape!
Natalie Most Recent Post…On a Serious Note
Good for you for getting back into running. I’ve been feeling the same way about missing running and the time alone. I’m trying to get back into it but not doing great so far.
Jessica Most Recent Post…VlogTalk- Vacation to Remember
Yay you! I love my runs, but I have been doing so many of them on the treadmill lately 🙁 Not. the. same.
I think it’s great that you & the hubs run together. Sometimes I regret not buying a double jogger, but the two of them would be pretty tough to manage this summer!
Congrats, and I’m glad to hear you’re back at it again! It’s great for you and hubby, and it’s great fresh air (and great scenery) for your little one! I’m also a runner…but had stopped last November once the snow started to fly here in Buffalo. I picked it up again last month, and you’re right – the first few times, my lungs and legs were on fire! But, I’m glad to be back at it!
I can’t run. I haven’t ran since 2003 because I sustained a really shitty back injury. But I walk….kind of fast…ya know to burn off my saddle bag thighs…anychunkyass…I couldn’t walk in the winter because the weather was horrendous but I’m starting again now that the weather is getting better.
Being outside whether walking running or biking is so theraputic.
Kimberly Most Recent Post…She Was Wrong
I’ve always been jealous of runners. I just hate running so, so much hahaha You guys should defnitely stick with it!
The fun street sounds AWESOME
That’s awesome! I’ve been thinking a lot about running lately. Key word being thinking. (you did watch my vlog with that Runners World magazine right) Sigh. I really, really need to get my ass in gear. Good for you!
Alison@Mama Wants This Most Recent Post…A new completeness
I am so NOT a runner. I never have been. I chalk most of it up to the fact that I have bad knees from YEARS of basketball and softball injuries. I’ve always wanted to run (or jog) but never can muster the guts to get out there and beat my knees to death. Good luck getting back into it! Hopefully the drive and the desire you have from missing it for so long, will keep you going. 🙂
Courtney @ The Mommy Matters Most Recent Post…A Birth Story Part Two
It is so nice to have something you look forward too every day like that. Even nicer that you and your husband can do it together! I would love to try running and hopefully will be able to either this summer or next. Crossing fingers.
Stephanie Most Recent Post…The Great Vaseline Incident of 2011
Good job Kate!!! So proud of you! That’s awesome you guys can do it as a family! Looking forward to updates 🙂
Runnermom-jen Most Recent Post…What I Want Most
Great job! I need to run but I hate it. I’d rather swim but that is next to impossible with a 1 yr old & no childcare. 🙁
Dana K Most Recent Post…6 words 8 homes
Good for you!! After having two kids it’s hard for me to find time to run (or the motivation, to be honest!!) Get that butt back on the pavement, girl!
Mom Went Crazy Most Recent Post…Always Right
So glad you’re back at it! I’ve had a tough time because my husband travels constantly so it’s tough to get any consistency. And even tho we have a treadmill, I can’t bring myself to get on it.
My toddler won’t sit in a stroller for more than 10 minutes so I can’t run with him. And frankly, I like to run with my runner’s group because then it’s ME time. At 5:30 am, but still!
Glad you’re making it a family thing – enjoy!! Oh – and we totally live on one of those fun streets!
I am so happy for you. I can totally relate to you missing it. While I didn’t start runnin till about 5 years ago I miss it everyday. I live vicariously through those who run 🙂
I have never considered myself a “runner” even though I’ve done a lot of it on and off over the years. We have started to put the girls in the Burley bike trailer (we bought the handlebar attachment) and going for a run together. It’s been good though I need to put to make it happen more often.
Good for you!
liz Most Recent Post…It&8217s All About the Sugar Shake
Love it, hon! As a new-ish runner, I really get this!
I also love that you and your husband go together. Jason and I hope to do that, too. As soon as we figure out what to do with our crew! 🙂
Galit Breen Most Recent Post…VlogTalk- Annoying Toys
Kate!!!! That’s exactly how I feel about exercising. I haven’t done it since my baby was born 18 long months ago. I miss it so much. I miss being in pain and pushing myself because it’s a GOOD pain. Must. Get. Back. To. IT!
cam Most Recent Post…One Brave Chica
That’s the best, that you go as a family. I love to run too, but I need to correct get some proper soles first before I do more damage. Your whole neighborhood sounds like a great place to run.
Hello Lovely to see your new home or your second home. It was good to meet you in Brighton here’s my blog site: bubaglyenet.blogspot.comLinda (Elsie) from WW.