This weeks VlogTalk prompts:
1. Why you don’t vlog (inspired by A belle, a bean, and a Chicago dog)
2. What is your makeup routine? Show us (inspired by Daily Dose of Sugar Mama)
3. Tell us the story behind your kid(s) names or blog nicknames.
For more information on VlogTalk or to sign up for to have the prompts emailed directly to you each week go here.
Happy Vlogging!
Link up!!! I can’t wait to see all the videos!
Love his sweet nicknames! It is so funny as my baby girls calls her big sisters by their nicknames instead of real names. It is adorable!
tracy@sellabitmum Most Recent Post…I am wearing pants today
I think L-boy’s name is adorable. I love that you called him devil today – I may need to use that one around here tomorrow. 😉
Elena Most Recent Post…Tweet Tweet
Little Buddy – how cute and the fact that it started in the womb – love that!
I do something similar on my blog with my kids names and just use their first initial and then a word after or before. But if someone wanted to snoop around enough they could totally find previous posts where I use their names.
Nice to meet you! Thanks for hosting VlogTalk! 🙂
Elaine Most Recent Post…Happy early Birthday to my Little G its on Sunday!!!
lol! Wolverine??? Hilarious. Thanks for hosting!
Mom Went Crazy Most Recent Post…My First and Probably Last
Too cute lol. Wolverine rocks! Love the Lboy name 😀
TatterScoops Most Recent Post…Mr Famous
Since I am single & childless, if I ever have a baby, its name will be “miracle” because sometimes, I feel like it will be a miracle if I have a baby!
Haha! I love the Wolverine nickname!! I think Lboy is cute 🙂
Kimberly Most Recent Post…Pregnancy From A Mans Perspective
Haha everybody – I’ve heard the story about Lboy’s name and it is great.
I haven’t used my kids real names yet either. But they go by Monkey and Monster on the blog. I have realized though that these names are interchangeable so it’s getting hard to keep track of which kid I am writing about.
I struggled with the decision to put the kids names on my blog too, but then I got confused and totally screwed it up anyway.
Great Vlog!
Amy Most Recent Post…traveling the world
You know, I hear you about not using your child’s name on the blog. While I don’t mind using it, I try to use “baby blogworthy” whenever I can just because there is a little weird factor (although I just did my vlog about his real name). I never use my husband’s name, either, because he’s a teacher and I don’t want students to Google his name and find my blog!
Devil would work for either of my children on any given day. Also, lil bastard, but you know, that’s mostly in my head.
MommaKiss Most Recent Post…Menage a what Yes Trois
Okay, here’s my thing with using my son’s real name on my blog. It’s not so much for safety as it is for anonymity. One day, he & his friends will have access to the Internet. I don’t want his friends or coworkers (etc) googling his name and reading about that time he had an assplosion…unless he wants them to read it. Keeping his name off of the blog won’t guarantee this can’t happen, but it helps.
Dana K Most Recent Post…OMG another vlog
I don’t use my kids name either and was nervous to even put their photos. It was easy for the nicknames – I wanted something that fit “a LADY in France,” so Young Lady fits really well. Young Knight and Petit Prince naturally followed suit.
For Young Lady’s real name, she was the first girl in two generations. My husband had 4 brothers and 3 of them had a son. When they were growing up, there was a life-sized photo on the bathroom door of a little girl and they named her _______, saying she was the daughter they never had so we decided to give our daughter the same name. The ironic thing is that they were spitting images. We have a picture of her standing next to the photo when she was the same age as the little girl and they look exactly alike!
I fell ya on not using real names…It just so happened many of my friends in real life starting commenting on my blog with my daughter’s real name, so I figured if someone really wanted to stalk us, they could figure it out! Regardless, kudos to you for not caving in!
Mrs. Weber Most Recent Post…Lessons From Lemonade
Cute! I have to know where Wolverine came from though! All I could think of was X-Men.
I can completely understand not using your kids names. I struggled with that a little bit when I was first starting out, but I figured if anybody REALLY wanted to steal our identity, they’d get what they deserve (I hear they’re bringing back debtors’ prison!)
Misfit Mommy Most Recent Post…Reboot
When I started my blog, I literally thought only friends and family and maybe friends-of-family were going to read it, so blam….names from the beginning. I ain’t got no time machine, sooooooo 😉
dweej @ HouseUnseen Most Recent Post…Pro-Life Means Pro-Child
I don’t use my daughters name on my blog either.
I originally started calling her Peanut (on the blog) because that was her nickname when she was in my belly but then I stopped and just say my daughter.
At home she is Peanut, Little Lamb, Muffin.
Loved this vlog! Great job.
Leighann Most Recent Post…It itches
I don’t think I use my kids’ real names yet, although I think it’s silly that I’m scared to. I call them “The Boy,” “The Girl,” and “Girlie.” I’ve put their pictures on my blog, so I really don’t know why I won’t use their names!
I love the nickname Bear! And I love that Todd has been calling him buddy since the womb. That is so sweet!
A Mommy in the City Most Recent Post…Camp Kidville
Love his nicknames. I started using my kids names from the beginning and now sometimes I wish I could go back and change it but you can’t really do that once you start.
Love Wolverine!! And I totally understand the whole name thing. My issue is also that my ex husband would go bananas if I did. So for now, Principessa it is.
Hey there. A total newbie to your blog and the whole Vlog talk. I linked up though I don’t think I had the prompt right.. I signed up so I’ll be one the ball next week.. LOL.
Love your blog. Looking forward to following along!
I’m with you on the name thing. I try REALLY hard not to share my families names..
I just wanted to write a quick cotngars on hitting on your 1yr and hope for many more. I love reading your posts and I wish you a great 2013 (As I have already won a contest of yours, please don’t enter me. Let someone else have a change to win some goodies! )CindyRaspberrySunshine
I’m with you on not feeling comfortable sharing real names on blogs. I think you can stick with L-Boy or Wolverine! They’re both cool nicknames!
The Reason You Come Most Recent Post…Smoke and Redemption
I kind of guessed his name from some of your nicknames, but I’ll keep it to myself. My son’s name is Cody and we call him Codeman and SO many nicknames!!
Teresa Most Recent Post…Sunday Confessions- Red- White- and very Blue
Love! You’re adorable!
I also love that you have so many nicknames for L-boy, although devil is my personal fave!
But mostly I love that you chose this prompt without revealing the name!!
Galit Breen Most Recent Post…The Red Dress Club- Gluttony
My brother calls his little guy “little buddy” too. So cute.
I don’t use my kid’s names either. I figure its up to them to leave their own digital footprint. I don’t use my husband’s name either. My blog is mine. Mine! Not theirs….
Loved your vlog!
Theresa Most Recent Post…Are You Pretty Momma
Cute nicknames!
Paulette Most Recent Post…Writers Workshop Table Dancing Toddler Style