Introducing my blogs at VlogTalk #1!
And just as a fun bonus–here’s my bloopers reel from last week! That way you know, we are all new at this & making fools of ourselves! I’m really good at that, no lies. (Make sure you watch the credits too! :))

Link up & have fun visiting all the other vlogs!
Great vlog, Kate! I was watching Bethenny tonight too. Shocking! It won’t let me play the bloopers roll. π
I came back and could finally see the bloopers. Hilarious!
OMG! I love the bloopers reel!! Priceless faces! I’ll have to drink some more Skinny Girl before I attempt to put myself on camera!
Kimberly Most Recent Post…It Makes It All Worth It
You rocked the glasses and no makeup look.
Bloopers real was hilarious! I should make one of those. I have lots of bloopers.
So very much fun! *Loved* seeing the bloopers!
Smart idea including a bloopers reel…I definitely had a ton of those as well! Cute video and I love your site and all your designs too π
I hadn’t left the house for 3 days when I did my Vlog and y’all almost got the glasses & no makeup look! HA! Great job and love the blooper reel.
Amanda Most Recent Post…Mothers Day- I want a redo
LOL!!! I laughed so hard at your bloopers reels! Great facial expressions!
Hannah Most Recent Post…Mommyhood
You look like me when I dive bombed you girls on skype last week! Glasses, no makeup, and in bed!
Boom. π
liz Most Recent Post…The iPhone Underworld
Love the bloopers! π
Natalie Most Recent Post…Its Your Birthday
Love the blooper reel!
A Mommy in the City Most Recent Post…A Careless Mistake
Loved that you squeezed it in during commercial break! WTG! Bloopers was priceless. I cannot tell you how many times I redid my vlogs. Sadly (not!), no evidence of the ones that didn’t make the cut.
Paulette Most Recent Post…Vlog Talk About Ms P Drama sort of
OK now I have Brit Brit in my head. LOL
Carri Most Recent Post…Throat Punch Special Edition- Modesty WTF
My blooper real is somewhat similar (But I am techno-challenged so I will not be posting it lol).
How do I change my “image” for the linky?? It’s a not great snap shot!!
I have no idea! lol I can ask Jessica if she knows how, she’s been the one in charge of the linky tool. I think it might have to be deleted & then you will add the whole link over again. And the next time, you can choose to put a file from the from your computer & then you can choose whatever picture you want.
YAY for linking up!!!!!
i always love your veiods and i especially enjoyed this cooking video, but since you’re trying to promote healthy eating i hope you realize all canned fruits are really the worst things you could possibly eat. just to let you know in case you didn’t. actually frozen fruit is the healthiest since it freezes in all the vitamins right away instead of fresh fruit that travels and loses some of it’s vitamins along the way. love your video, especially the sauce recipe!!! xox
I think you are way cuter with your hot spectacles! So great, love the blooper roll. You ladies are wicked….
Theresa Most Recent Post…VlogTalk- Why does Momma blog
That’s cool! I’m not brave enough to vlog yet… maybe next week.
Dolli-Mama Most Recent Post…Ask The Dolli-Mama- Which is harder
Okay, okay. I did it! & it actually went better than I expected…just promise not to laugh at me! I actually cannot wait for next week’s prompts & to do it again!
I love your blog name and am very surprised that you were able to get that web address! Great vlog!
(You’re still gorgeous, even without makeup! And your hair is amazing!)
I loved the blooper reel… so tempted to do something similar!
Lizz Most Recent Post…Vlogtalk – Introduction
HI KATE!! *waving* I loved it π you look gorgeous – whether you’re in glasses or not, wearing make-up or not – and the bloopers reel was hilarious!! (I need to learn how to make one of those – mine would be similar with the different faces made) π great job lady!! π
Rusti Most Recent Post…the story of the semi-naughty cell phone pic that wasnt
This was cool, I love the fact that I’m not vlogging alone! This was a great idea!!! Nice job on the vlog and I love the bloopers reel!