Baby O, a friend of mine & I head to the Little Rock airport to fly out for a “there & back again trip” to California to go to a cousin’s wedding. This is about how it went:
First time I have to fly since becoming a mother. Nervous like crazy.
Bomb threat Thursday. First one the LR airport has ever had. Of course it is.
Airport is closed for two hours, which gives us a two hour delay. Finally arrive to Houston. More delays. Thank you Hurricane Sandy.
Get on plane in Houston. The baby is asleep. Hasn’t made a peep on either flight. Jerks next to us let friend & me know they hate my baby just for existing. I’m condemning them to hell in my head.
Baby rolls over in sleep. This small sound makes jerk #1 next to us plug her ears & groan out loud. Of course she does.
Get to baggage claim. Run into the baby hating jerks. They continue to discuss how much they hate my did not make a single noise, slept the entire time on the plane baby.
It’s 12:30 AM, we are two single women with a baby at the LAX airport. Our rental car company shuttle is no where to be found. Turns out our company is closed. Of course it is.
Find a company that will give us a car.
2:00 AM we start heading to our final destination two hours away.
Get to hotel. Sleep terribly.
Friday morning. Wedding day!
Get to see a cousin getting ready for wedding.
Make it to wedding (barely.)
See a beautiful bride. A handsome husband. Gorgeous wedding. Glowing. Happy. Bliss. So wonderful to be there.
Get to see my Grandfather’s side of the family. They are wonderful. I love them, wish I could see them more.
Leave wedding. Baby goes to bed.
Up on Saturday. Get to see the bride & groom for brunch. Woo hoo!
Leave brunch. Buckle baby in car seat. Go to see the bride & groom’s house while they pack.
Two hours later, start looking for phone. Realize phone was on top of rental car as I was leaving brunch. Of course it was.
Go out to eat. Baby burns hand on hot fajita plate. Baby flips. I take baby to the car. We both sit in the back seat of the car & cry together. I’m in total “Let’s just go home mode.”
Flight home easy. Baby sleeps. Everyone on plane compliments me on how wonderful the baby is. All I could think was, “I love the south. I love my home sweet home.”
I am beyond glad that I was able to be there to see my cousin get married AND I would do it all over again. I am so happy I was able to see my family. I am so grateful that my friend went with me (I’m pretty sure she’s never going to have children after seeing how hard it is.) It was a good learning experience for me, as easy as Baby O’s personality is, the next time I go to Cali I’m going for a solid week, with Todd, & no kids (it just wasn’t an option for us this time.) That way maybe I can actually enjoy spending time with my cousin & her husband, instead of having to focus all my energy on taking care of a kiddo.
Wow. That’s awful. I’m sorry you had to experience first class jerks on the plane. The rest of your adventure sounds like the kind of crap that would happen to me. You probably managed to make parenting look easy despite the trials you were experiencing. Grace under fire, right?
Dana K Most Recent Post…For the Love of Kathryn (TTTS)
WOW those guys on the plane were why they termed the word assholes.
Nolie Most Recent Post…Happy Birthday Little Brother
Did you get your phone back? I thought on facebook I saw that you did . . .
I wish the plane ride had been better — as in you weren’t seated next to 2 immature jack-holes. Maybe karma will come back and get them — in the form of being on a plane with all 3 of MY children on the 17. They WON’T be sleeping, the WON’T be quiet and the most definitely WON’T be still!!
Kim Most Recent Post…Guest Posting over at Letters For Lucas
I haven’t traveled since the girls were born, and I’m sure I’ll be a nervous wreck. Glad the trip was a smooth one overall, and I’m so glad you were able to make it out for the wedding!