Last month Kenmore asked for my biggest household challenge Making Time for Family Outings. This month, I’m sharing my Genius Tip on how I overcame that challenge!  Kenmore is on the search for everyday genius and each month they are giving away $3,000 in Kenmore gift certificates and a chance to have the best idea turned into an ad!  Enter your Genius Tip Today!
Who doesn’t love food?! We went & had sandwiches at McAlister’s. YAY for Nacho Baskets!
Then we decided that we would head out to the university in town. Todd & I love this place! I am a 3rd generation graduate from there & Todd is a 2nd generation grad. I promised Lboy there was no pressure to go there, Todd promised him there was. 😉
We went to the former all girls’ dormitory on campus (now a Bed & Breakfast.) That place holds a special place in my heart. My grandmother lived there in the late 1940s. My grandfather picked my grandmother up for their first date there (it was a blind date too or at least that’s how the story is always told.) My dad asked my mom to marry him there & I had my bridal portraits taken there.
Our university has a great tradition of engraving the names of all their graduates in the sidewalk. So, we headed out to find the names of my grandparents’, my parents’, aunts, uncles, my father-in-law….AND….Todd & I each have our names in there now too!
All in all, it was a great day!
It was SIMPLE, it was CHEAP, & it was fun walking down memory lane. I told Todd stories that my grandmother told me about living on campus back then (girls had one side of the campus, the boys were on the other. The girls had to wear skirts every day except Friday or something like that & on that day they could wear pants.) I told him all my stories of waddling my way around campus 9 months pregnant.
And even though we told stories we’ve told each other a million times, it was a great day!
I can’t wait to do it again!
What is your Genius Tip? Kenmore wants to know, and is giving away up to $3,000 in Gift Certificates and a chance to have the best Genius Tip turned into a TV Ad! Visit their Facebook page and enter today!
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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Kenmore. The opinions and text are all mine.