Hearing your kiddo wake up at midnight & being able to recognize “this cry” is different. Something is wrong. When you go into the room, there is your baby standing up in the crib, with a hot, red face & you instantly know he has a fever without ever needing the thermometer.
Bringing your sick kid into your bed, knowing you will get no sleep that night, because your baby wants held, loved, & he especially wants his mommy.
Being beyond grateful when your husband says he will get up with the kid in the morning & take care of him while you sleep in & recover from the difficult night.
Constantly being aware of your child in the next room, even though you are asleep. You still hear all the sounds, noises, coughs, sniffles, & cries.
Watching your “Mama’s Boy” become more a Daddy’s boy every day, even taking preference to him more often. Even though it breaks your heart just a little that he reaches for Dad instead of you, you know you are blessed to have a husband who wants a relationship with his children.
Being happy when the baby asks Daddy to change his diaper instead of you!
Wondering why in the world women have more than 1 child after the all nighters with sick kids & then in the very next moment seeing a picture of a pregnant woman or seeing an infant & then thinking, “okay I want TONS more!”
Knowing that your grandmother was amazing for raising four children, your mother amazing for raising five & then wondering how in the world they ever survived.
Seeing your grandparents surrounded by their four children, 17 grandchildren, & 14 great-great grandchildren and now knowing exactly what it means, because at one point, it was just the two of them. And then you think, “I want this.”
Motherhood is a million, different things, a million different ways, & then it’s completely different for each person you meet. It’s hard, it’s exhausting, it has moments of guilt & disappointment, but it’s unbelievably rewarding, amazing, sweet, precious, beautiful….well, you get the point.
I wouldn’t give up this whole Motherhood gig for anything in the world!
What is motherhood to you? What did you do for Mother’s Day?
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Such a great post! I know I think having a big family would be so much fun…hard when they are younger but great to see them all when they are older coming home for the holidays. I just found your blog and love your design! You really did a good job. I’m your newest follower! Happy Mother’s Day to you!
Natalie Most Recent Post…Its Your Birthday
What an awesome post, Kate! Beautifully written…and I couldn’t agree more!
Happy Mother’s Day to you!
You hit the nail on the head as always, Kate! What a wonderful and true post. Hope you had an amazing Mother’s Day!
Samantha Most Recent Post…Reality TV Parenting Redux – The One Week Challenge
I just want to mention I am just all new to blgnoigg and site-building and certainly liked you’re blog. Most likely I’m going to bookmark your site . You really have excellent well written articles. Thanks a bunch for sharing with us your blog.
Great post!!! Happy Mother’s Day!
TheProDiva Most Recent Post…Ill Always Love My Mamathe Intruders Got It Right!!!
What a great post! I completely agree – I wouldn’t trade any of it for a second!
Kimberly Most Recent Post…Im Pregnant!
Beautiful post, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I love big families as well. And am so excited for privilege of being a mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
This is only something you understand as a mother. I never thought I would say I don’t mind the all nighters when the baby won’t go to bed because he just doesn’t feel good and wants his mommy. Or that my heart gets sad because when my little buddy is super cranky and he just wants daddy. But then today comes and I celebrate my first mothers day waking up to the most beautiful and simple gifts, and two amazing boys that I love more than anything and being so lucky that my son has an amazing father. Happy Mother’s Day to you!
How in the world did you grandmother care for 4 children and your mother care for 5 children? I can barely handle the 2 that I have.
I hope you had a wonderful mother’s day!
All of this is so true! The sleep thing always amazes me. How is it that we hear their feet touch a carpeted floor? Hope you had a great Mother’s Day!
Kim Most Recent Post…Childlike Love
All true and so well written Kate! I hope you had a fabulous Mother’s Day!
We took our little one to a birthday party and seeing him happy, made my day, and that is all I need.
Alison@Mama Wants This Most Recent Post…Out and about
I was seriously the greatest sleeper in the world until I had kids. Now the mommy hearing has officially ruined it. It’s usually OK at home, but I NEVER sleep when we are staying somewhere else.
liz Most Recent Post…The iPhone Underworld
Yup – you said it all. Especially about the “never again!” No wait I want five more!
So true! Lovely. Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day!
NotJustAnotherJennifer Most Recent Post…What Do You Pledge
What a truly perfect post. I hope you had a great day!
Such a good way of putting your feelings into words. Even tough my tot is getting ‘wilder’ by almost the minute, I would not change anything. But now I start to understand my mom much better than I did ever before.
Great Post! When I see little babies or baby clothes I’m all like, I wish I could have one more or better yet keep one long enough to bathe em, change his/her diaper and clothes, cuddle while rocking, and then…give them back to the happy parents.
Paulette Most Recent Post…Questions Kids Ask
After reading it again and seineg the comment by Love..i too feel..that the story is asking us to do good and be good..and God lives within us..and it may also mean that we need to live up to God’s purpose..but still the meaning of the story seems to be so incomplete..i guess the person who wrote this should explain..
So true, what you write. It sounds like you have an enormous family… you’re very lucky. My parents invited my inlaws over to their house for the first backyard bbq of the season. We were all together for my first mother’s day, and it was wonderful.
Reedu Most Recent Post…Why I Hate the Kentucky Derby
such a great post! Ditto to EVERYTHING you said! Love this gig! Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Cam Bibs&Baubles Most Recent Post…Fashion Friday
Love this post! Us mothers all have a little crazy in us, but I think God strategically made our hearts huge to make room for TONS of love where/when needed
All of what you said is so true. I dread the day when my girls are not mommas girls, but in the same breath welcome when they actually want my husband to do something instead of me. No matter how different all of us are as mothers, being a mother is “It’s hard, it’s exhausting, it has moments of guilt & disappointment” and it is those things we all have in common! -Laverne
You nailed it! This is all so true! Happy Mother’s Day!
A Mommy in the City Most Recent Post…A Careless Mistake
This is SUCH a cute post! Being a Mum sounds amazing, I’m looking forward to starting my own family. My boyfriend comes from a big family and I want us to be like that too…
Hope you had a good Mothers day xx
Rhi Most Recent Post…I really wanted that muffin –
So true! I hope you had a lovely Mother’s day!
Jessica Most Recent Post…What it means to be a mother
You are so right on every point, especially #4. Motherhood is everything. It’s hard but rewarding in so many ways.
Motherhood is the hardest thing and the best thing I have ever done!
Great post! And so, so, so true on every point!
Amy Most Recent Post…my first vlog