Hey all!
I know I’ve been MIA for the last several months, but I decided that a good break from blogging during this pregnancy would be good for the soul (and the family. :))
But, I’ve had this post running in my head for the last few weeks.
A few weeks ago, I got a text from Jessica at My Time as MomΓΒ that said I’d have a package for the new baby in a few days. That Friday, I had a package on the front porch. Inside was the most beautiful baby quilt you’ve ever seen! (For those of you who don’t know, Jessica quilts & she’s darn good at it!)
Pictures don’t do it justice (I posted one down below), but trust me for a mom who has an almost 3 year old boy, finding that PINK quilt in that box made my heart all a flutter.
But what made me the happiest, was that even though I haven’t blogged since September or Ocotober, even though I haven’t been on Twitter or keeping up with all the posts from all the blogs I love to read, was the fact that it didn’t matter. Jessica sent a gorgeous baby gift (it will be the blanket we take to the hospital for sure) and to me, that was proof that this whole mom-blogging business really does lead you to some pretty cool ladies. And that? That is what makes my heart go all a flutter even more than all the pink in the world!
I think about my blog friends often, I hope that y’all are doing great!
Thank you so much Jessica!!! I absolutely LOVE it!!!
Small update: I’m 36 weeks along & so ready for it to be over! This pregnancy has gone by fast & very, very slow all at the same time. As you can tell by the comment on the pink up there, we are having a girl. I’m beyond thrilled, I really never thought I’d get a girl. Now, I have to learn how to balance Thomas the Train and…well I have no idea what little girls like, I may need some help with that. π
Kate!!! So, so glad to see you! I was just thinking about you yesterday…really! I was wondering if you were still checking email, and wondering if I should rather zip you a note on Facebook.
Wow…36 weeks??? I didn’t realize you’d be that close! And a girl??? Congrats!!!
Take care of yourself…enjoy these last couple of weeks as you can…and know we’re wishing you and Todd and Lboy all the best!
Welcome back, Kate! I have miss you lots and wondering how you’re doing. So so happy to got the email that you posted this! Big congrats on having a baby girl can’t wait to see her debut picture soon π Take care mama and I hope you will have a smooth one with your little Princess and you guys are all doing well. Hugs!
Hooray for girls! Ya know—my girls really like trains (and cars), so maybe it won’t be too much of a switch—just a bit more pink in the laundry π
Wishing you the best through the rest of your pregnancy!
So happy to hear from you.Miss you and do think about you. Send me an e-mail so I can send you the link for my personal facebook. Then I don’t have to depends on blog updates to catch up with you.
Kate, I’ve missed you!! And yes, Jess is absolutely awesome and talented – such a beautiful quilt.
Congratulations on your little girl! I have no idea how to parent girls – my second (due in 11 weeks) is a boy π
That is a beautiful quilt. Nice job Jessica π
All the best when you go in to deliver your little girl. So exciting!!!
Hi Kate, So glad you are doing well! 36 weeks, WOW! Time flies…..
Jessica is awesome, had no idea she made quilts.
Hope all continues to go well, and so glad we connected in blog/twitter land. π
Congrats on the girl!! You’re right, Jessica’s work is beautiful!
Glad to see an update…hang in there! You’re almost there!
Nice to hear from you! That’s a gorgeous quilt. My mom knows how to quilt as well, but only does it on rare occasion.
As you know, I LOVE Valdani thread. I’ve acaullty been trying their 12wt hand dyes through my sewing machine and it’s working. Recently, I have been delving into the rayons and they are beautiful. The only reason I didn’t use them in my art is I didn’t want the sheen.
That is such a beautiful gift! Congrats on the new baby girl (on the way)! I am just 16 weeks pregnant and haven’t determined the sex yet.
That’s beautiful! So true, you never ever know where or when lasting friendships will begin. My grandparents met on the CB Radio and were married for years and even died within a few years of each other. It was the 2nd marriage for each but such love they had they shined with it.
Thank you Kate for the nice words. Can’t wait to see the new baby.
Oh I’m so happy for you I’m crying! I headed over here to see what your raging blog was up to since I have been absent from blogging for a while too. I had no idea! A GIRL! I’m literally green. That is wonderful. And the quilt is gorgeous! What a wonderful friend. Congrats! (snort-wipe snot) What’s her name? Jennifer has a nice ring, don’t ya think? LOL
Good luck to you and I do hope you make it back to blogging soon so we can see pics of the gorgeous pink bundle!
I know I’m very late! I hope you are doing well in what is probably the final days, if you aren’t already holding a new baby.
That is so sweet. It’s amazing the things some people will do for those they love, even if only met online.
That really is a gorgeous quilt!! Congrats on the soon to be baby!!!
Came over here from Jessica’s blog! It is a beautiful quilt and a beautiful sign of the friendship you two share. Hope the remainder of your pregnancy goes wonderfully. And I have two little girls so we’re covered in pink and tutus and pretty much anything and everything girly! You will have a blast! =)
Hope you are doing well [your post was from a month ago so she may already be here!]. If not, I hope you’re taking it easy and spending time with the little man π
That is so awesome! What a beautiful quilt! Blog friends are real and what a blessing they can be!