I met Lenette via Twitter. One thing led to another & we started talking about where we live & boom, we figured out that we live about 20 minutes from each other-small world right?!
The Sparacino Chronicles
I asked Lenette to answer these 3 questions:
1. Your Favorite Must Read Everyday Blog
2. Your Best blogging tip you swear by
3. Your Favorite post on your blog
And without further ado….
Hi! I’m Lenette and I have a family blog called The Sparacino Chronicles. I was very excited when Kate asked me to do a Friday Featurette! I truly love blogging and meeting other bloggers and reading blogs. It has what has helped me keep my sanity being a SAHM the last 5 years. I love my followers and the great comments they leave! I’d love for you to stop by and check out the blog! I write about my life, kiddos, books, food, my faith and I love photography.
The first blog I started reading a few years ago was Notes from the Trenches. I love her blog and she’s awesome in my book because she has 7 kids! The blogs that I “have to†read are Suburban Turmoil and my best friend’s blog Happily Ever After. There are so many amazing blogs out there. It is easy to get all caught up in it sometimes. You just have to find the group that you enjoy reading and visit other blogs and see what else you can find. There are millions of blogs out there so just stick with what you love!
The best blogging advice I have received and love to share is to just do your thing. You don’t have to conform to what everyone else is doing. It doesn’t matter if you are in the “in crowd.†You know why? Because some people will love your blog and others won’t and it’s the same with almost every other blog out there. Enjoy what you are doing and have fun!
My life has had a lot of twists and turns the past few years. But, that is life. It is never predictable. The posts of mine that I am choosing to share would not actually be considered my “favorites,†but they are definitely ones that are me at my most “real.†Last year, we lost my mother in law and I wrote about how I felt about her passing. It was the first time someone so close to me had passed away. I wanted to write out my feelings because I knew I would forget them in time. You can read The Pain of Loss here. The other post is one of my most recent ones. I have always had a hard time dealing with change and things beyond my control. The post, Embracing Change is written about how I am learning to deal with change in a better way.
Life is definitely a journey and I love that I am “chronicling†our journey on my blog. When I’m 80, I will be able to look back and reflect on my journey in life and I think that is an awesome thing.
Thank you Lenette!
Be sure to go by her place–like now! 🙂
I love her comment about "just doing your thing." So, so easy to get caught up in the blogging hype and try to be what ever other blogger is trying to be. 🙂 Nice to meet you Lennette!
Thank you Lenette for writing over here today!
I love the post you have up at your place about missing blogging friends, I have some that have quit blogging & it just makes me sooo sad!
I like her blogging advice. Reading about her pain of loss, makes me wish I had written stuff down when I was going through some rough patches. At the time I couldn't imagine writing anything down though- but I doubt I'll ever be able to fully capture the emotions later on.