Ah motherhood. It is sometimes glorious & then again, it sometimes is just a big, fat pain in the rear end. Thursday night I met up with some girlfriends at a launch party for my friend, Emily’s, new business with Rodan & Fields. The kids had been sick off and on for three weeks, but […]
It could be worse.
101.1 fever. Runny nose. Coughing Vomiting. Can’t breathe. Can’t eat. Won’t sleep. Wants held. Won’t stop crying. And that’s just the baby. I Can’t stop coughing. Can’t breathe. Can’t sleep. Can’t seem to shake whatever it is we all have. Like I said yesterday on my personal Facebook page, I’m sick of being sick. I’m […]
Internet: The worst technological invention ever
I was browsing through Kludgy Mom’s idea bank tonight & came across one that says to write about what you think is the worst technological invention ever. Ironically, I would say it’s the internet. The internet is the place where pregnant women start Googling the signs of miscarriage and convince themselves that they’ve had one […]
Adventure: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
I’ve been thinking a lot about the adventures life sends us in our lifetimes. Some are adventures we choose, some we are forced into. But, adventures change us & mold us, make us into better people. We are never the same after an adventure. I have a cousin, Jessica, who is living in Lima, Peru […]
Battling the Storm
I was 2o years old, going to school in a small college in the middle of no where Arkansas, and I was miserable. I hated my basketball coach, I didn’t like living in a small town, & I was looking for something more. Only I didn’t know it at the time (besides hating my basketball […]
August Brings Nostalgia
I took Lboy to see the university’s campus. I wanted to show him where mommy & daddy used to take classes. I also wanted to visit campus since I have decided to not attend school this year (my place has been reserved for next year though.) IÂ love the start of the new school year, buying […]