Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love the simplicity of it, it is so low key. For the last 19 years, we have always gone to the same state park. We eat, then we hit the trails or play games in the great room. We never gorge out on food or zone out in front of the TV, we are always doing something. The emphasis for the day is family not food.
My favorite aspect of Thanksgiving is even though this is a more laid back holiday, we always have a ton of people there. When Todd & I first were dating (or were “just friends” ;)) I told Todd that this was our small holiday. So when he walked into the lodge & saw 30 people there, he was definitely surprised. I kind of brought his only child self into a major culture shock with my family (imagine my Big Fat Greek Wedding minus the Greek…
I’ve written about this before, but I think the most beautiful thing I have learned from my grandparents and parents is the doors of hospitality are always open to every person who wants to come. Every year there is someone new who doesn’t have a place to go. We have people there who are FAMILY, they aren’t family friends, they are as good as blood kin. This character trait is something that I’ve seen all four of my grandparents’ children do too and it was so evident at my grandmother’s funeral this year. As a cousin put it at the funeral, How many times has one of us said while introducing someone, “This is my cousin, who isn’t really my cousin…” That’s just the way our family rolls.
I’m looking forward to this year especially, because it’s been a rough year. I’m ready to be around people who I love unconditionally and who love me back the same way. This year is a bittersweet one for me, it’s all the firsts of having a new baby & celebrating her milestones yet all the firsts of not having Grandma there to celebrate with us. I’m looking forward to celebrating all the memories we had with her, the memories we have yet to create, & all the blessings that we need and must be grateful for this year.
What do you typically do for Thanksgiving?
This post is part of a Thanksgiving Blogging Challenge put on by the Arkansas Women Bloggers. Today is about sharing Thanksgiving Memories.
Thanksgiving is my favorite too!
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday also. It just seems so personal and family centered. Hope you have a great day this year as well.
Karen W Most Recent Post…ThanksBlogging – Thanksgiving Memories
I like your kind of Thanksgiving! Also, there is something therapeutic about being around people who love you unconditionally. Have a happy one this year!