A PLAYFUL list of things that can bug the crud out of you (And when I say these things bugged me, I would like to point out that these are incidents that had me laughing–eventually)…
1. The gas light coming on 30 miles outside of your destination & no gas station being in sight.
2. The neighbors who lock their dog outside in the cold for hours and he cries the entire time.
3. Waiting too long to eat & then eating too much of the wrong thing, like waaay too many Cadbury eggs.
4. Finally having a babysitter & having no idea what to do with your time.
5. Stepping on legos in the middle of the night when trying to go the bathroom.
6. Craving a peanut butter & jelly sandwich only to find out there is no bread.
7. Wrestling a VERY bored toddler in church.
8. A toddler’s diaper that leaks…figuring out it leaked poop…and you figured it out because you stepped in it…
9.When your toddler finds a sippy cup that he left outside, that got buried under 2 feet of snow, which now has curdled milk in it, & he DRINKS it before you can get it away from him!
10. You just swept the kitchen floor because you’re about to mop. Then you realize you didn’t bring the mop into the kitchen so you go to grab it. When you come back, an ENTIRE box of cheerios had been dumped, stepped on, crushed to smithereens, & tracked all over the kitchen floor….the dog food & water bowl had been dumped…and your toddler is rolling the dog water shouting “BATH TIME! BATH TIME! BATH TIME!”
Too funny. Hmm things that bug me Youngling saying 'poo' only to find he hasnt at all but after changing him you see him strain and get a nasty whiff. or spending all day in the kitchen cooking OH a romatic meal juggling a bath, shaving and Youngling running around all at the same time, only for OH to fall asleep on the sofa after eating. Not the most romantic evening ever. These are just two lol Take care hun xx
Okay. This list peeved me because you clearly have Cadbury eggs. Do you have the mini eggs? That's my #1 annoyance of this season. Why don't they have the Cadbury mini eggs out yet????
I had the original large eggs & the mini cadburys–they're in my grocery store already…I know this because I hunted them down…I'm kind of an addict!
Oh snap, we've definitely both done the whole getting ready for a romantic daste night & then one of us falls asleep on the couch routine! Our kids wear us out don't they?!
AAAAAAaaaahhhhh! I'm not laughing… yet. Ok, yes, I'm laughing at having a baby sitter and not knowing what to do with my time. That happens! After dinner, we gamble a little bit, and then ??? Eh, let's just go home.
HAHAHAHAHAHA great stories, especially the last one 🙂
We share walls with our neighbors, so we can hear EVERYTHING. There's a new barking puppy, a howling cat, and some very… um… "loving" neighbors whose bedroom shares a wall with ours.
Daytime barking isn't annoying, my dog goes outside all the time & barks at the other dogs. It's when the dog ends up outside at midnight & it's -10 degrees outside, that's when I feel bad for him!
Um…I'm going to tell my neighbors they need to be the bomb like you & bake some cupcakes for those of us who hear the dog! lol
ha thanks Nolie, I appreciate it!
Definitely! Every single one of these things happened this weekend, for real. And my husband and I have just been laughing about them…the chaos that was church on Sunday, the nasty diaper, the kitchen floor…all humorous on this side of it!
I was attempting it too! He head butted me about 3 too many times so my husband took the kiddo outside. Then I left as soon as I could because it was just too much!
Ah don't they?! So irritating & then afterward (especially the gas light story) I was able to have a funny story about it all. Thank goodness I didn't get stranded on the side of the highway. I have a 14 gallon tank & when I did find a gas station I put in 13.5 gallons of gas. I was so almost kickin' it on the freeway with the toddler in tow. lol
Too funny. Stepping on stuff is one of the things that prompted me to start my blog. I was stepping on crap all over. I'm always craving a peanut butter sandwich, my pet peeve is that my hubs will drink the last of the MILK! I hate that.
That 8.5 with kids at the clinic seeemd to go a little deep with the botox Artie, it seems to have frozen the tiny emotional centre of your cum soaked brain. How long before your AMAZING well of emotion runeth again?zzzzzzz