Carri at Adventures in Mommyhood is my latest blogging discovery. Somehow we both ended up crashing #wineparty on twitter together, got thrown into twitter jail & the rest is history. She will make you laugh until you cry. But she can also get raw at the same time (she links a post about it at the bottom.)
If you do anything today I want you to read her post that Mama Kat featured in her newsletter as one of her favorite Writer’s Workshop Posts: 10 Reasons why Lil Wayne & I aren’t BFFs.
I’m going to make a bold prediction here and tell you that I think that Carri is going to be BIG in the blogosphere because she has the whole package!
Happy Friday, everyone!
I must admit that I just adore Kate. She held my hand through my first #wineparty and has been nothing short of a great blogging friend, and I was so excited when she invited me to her place for Friday Featurette.
Anyway, let’s get down to business, shall we?
1. What’s my favorite blog to read?
There are so many awesome blogs out there, and I really enjoy finding new blogs to read. I could rattle off ten blogs that I can’t live without, but since Kate only wants one, I’m going to give you two. That’s how I roll.
First, I’m in love with Sandra at Absolutely Narcissism. She’s funny, slightly off color, always witty, and would be an absolute blast to hang out with. Just when I think she couldn’t get any better, she does. Absolutely Narcissism was the first blog I ever followed, and it will always be one of my favorites.
The second girl I love is Kim at All Work And No Play Makes Mommy Go Something Something because she is just so relatable. When I first read her blog, I felt so connected to her honesty, sarcasm and quit wit. I had no intension of diving into my experiences with Generalized Anxiety Disorder or PPD/A, but reading about her struggles brought it out of me. And, to top it off, she’s a talented writer and great picture taker!
2. What’s my best blogging tip?
I’m not sure I’m in a position to dish out advice since I’ve only been doing this since November! There are a couple of things that I would tell a new blogger, but I think it’s important for us to all remember why we started blogging in the first place. It’s so easy to get caught up in the numbers game (you all know what I’m talking about!) and the so-called popularity contest. If you stay true to yourself, the readers and the friendships will follow.
Something that has totally amazed me is the sisterhood I’ve experienced with blogging. Every experienced blogger I’ve ever tweeted a question or written a ten paragraph email to has responded to me with great advice and kindness. So, don’t be afraid to ask questions!
3. What’s my favorite post?
At the moment, I really love Friendship Lost because it’s still raw and painful. The morning after I had that dream, I just couldn’t shake it. So many feelings were coming out; I was angry still, even after all these years. I dropped what I was doing, went to the computer and typed. I didn’t edit. I didn’t rewrite. What you read is unfiltered – from my brain straight to a screen. I do have particular posts that I’m very proud of, but that post really sums up the pain I’ve held on to for a long time.
ok explain twitter jail, LoL
I never knew what it was until I ended up there! It's when you tweet more than 100 tweets in an hour, twitter locks you out & you can't tweet for a whole hour! It's so annoying, especially when you're in the middle of a twitter party & you've got a gazillion convos going at once!
YAY! 🙂 Thanks for featuring me! #twitterjail fo life!
This is so fun. I just started following Mommy Monologues a few days ago, read Carri's post today at Mama Kat's and started following her blog, and now you two synced up together in my dashboard reader! The "sisterhood" of blogging that you describe is new to me and I am so happy to start getting to know other bloggers. Its truly enriching to read from so many voices on the exact same thing: motherhood. I don't know what new mommies did before blogs! You all are my go-to source for some sanity, laughter, and inspiration! Glad to have found you both!
Oh I love you Carri. You crack me up and I am so glad that I found your wonderful blog. You are an amazing writer.
So who bailed you out of jail?
We broke out after an hour. An hour without Twitter during #wineparty? I'd rather die!
Awesome! Yeah, I really wish I'd known about blogging when I first had Blake, but we're here now! You'll find there are a lot of great people out there; you just have to put yourself out there and find them. 🙂
Carri rocks! I read her blog every day and never miss one! She knows how to rock #wineparty on Twitter too! Great interview Carri:)
Carri is so great because she's so REAL!
Isn't it great how #wineparty brings people together!
This is a GREAT new feature! I’ve aautclly had it on my list of things to do on Saturdays!1. You MUST attend #wineparty. So. Much. Fun!2. We will get ourselves to a blog conference asap. Let’s work on this, mmkay? (And yes, I just invited myself with you. Ahem.)Kimberly recently posted..
Carri.. I never read your blog before until today.. I loved it!! I've been reading your old posts all day… And yes I am at work.. haha I keep clicking into my work email every time I hear footsteps so the other women don't judge me for my idleness every time they walk past my cubicle… wish this thing had a door. Just as a suggestion to bloggers.. your blog should have a 'stealth mode' with no pictures or pretty colors … so it won't look so obvious when I'm not working at work. .
I like to laugh. I'm heading over there now!
I'm totally know what you mean about staying true to yourself. Bloggers are pretty nice people, and you should never pay attention to the numbers games. It's obsessive, and you don't get any blogging done. 🙂 I try not to pay attention to my blog followers, but it's hard not to look!
Carri is hilarious! Thanks so much for featuring her. (Yes, I'm just getting around here on Sunday night…my reader is THAT backed up. Don't hate)