I’m pretty much the world’s biggest orange juice drinker. I mean I love the stuff. When I go to visit my parents my mom always has a gallon jug of OJ waiting for me in the fridge (and I don’t share it! 🙂
When Becky from Smile.ly emailed me asking if I’d like to do a review of Florida’s Natural Orange Juice I jumped at the offer, no lies. BUT, don’t tell her this, I didn’t think that I would ever switch my brand. I tend to stick to Tropicana or Simply Orange. Those are my favs! (Though a few days before she emailed me I was trying to be all budget friendly & I bought WalMart’s brand, Great Value, and it tasted like cat pee. No lies.)
So, I went to wally world to buy my juice, I was a total skeptic, I brought it home, & poured me a glass (and yes, I even shared some with Lboy.)
And holy mother of orange juices, this stuff is the best orange juice I’ve ever had. It’s a very smooth drink if that makes any sense at all, not like other orange juices.
And remember how I said I stick to my orange juice brands? See, Tropicana is kind of a family tradition. My mom’s cousin always bought it when we went to go visit her in NC, so everyone in the family just buys the “Edna brand” (Edna is super special to our family. When my mom’s mother died when my mom was 9 years old, Edna did a lot for my mom! Edna is now 97 years old & going strong!)
And when you grow up in a family of 5 kids, you don’t buy orange juice in a jug you buy the frozen kind because it’s more cost effective. So when we got orange juice in the jug it was a big deal! (Side story, when I went to college the first two things I bought when I went to the store were orange juice in a jug & name brand cereal. lol)
Here’s what I learned about Florida’s Natural:
1. It is made in the USA! Tropicana can’t make that claim since some of their juice comes from Brazil. And at a time when the US’s economy sucks, buying a product made in the USA is beneficial to all of us.
2. When Lboy drinks other orange juices I have to water them down otherwise his little bottom breaks out in a terrible rash. That didn’t happen with Florida’s Natural. He had ZERO skin problems after drinking it.
3. It’s not that expensive! For 64 oz I paid $2.98 compared to Tropicana whose 59 oz box is $3.12 at my WalMart (prices vary per store, the suggested retail is $3.59.)
So…I’ll be buying Florida’s Natural from now on. I just can’t argue with the taste, the fact it’s made solely in the US, but most importantly I can’t argue with the fact that Lboy didn’t break out after drinking it. That’s a huge deal to a parent!
*I was given a coupon for a free orange juice along with 10 coupons for a $1.00 off. They did not influence my opinion at all. If I thought this stuff tasted like cat pee, I would have told you I promise. Scouts honor.*
PS I have a HUGE shout out for my little sister who found out she was accepted into law school yesterday!!!!!! This has been something she has wanted for a very long time & it’s a family tradition (she will be a 3rd generation lawyer!) I’m so proud of her!
Congratulations to your little sister. What a big accomplishment.
And I'm glad the orange juice didn't taste like cat pee.
First, CONGRATS to your little sister! That's awesome!!! 🙂
And I seriously just polished off a glass of Florida's Natural as I was pulling up your blog. I do like Simply Orange, but Florida's Natural is our go-to. AND it's on sale this week at Kroger…guess who will be stocking up (at least to the extent that my refrigerator space – that is always at a premium – will allow)?!
We love OJ around here and I've bought this brand many times. It is one of the best!
Nice. Love the thumbs up!
I LOVE O.J. Can't drink much because I'm diabetic. My hubs drinks it every morning though. I will have to tell him!
Congrats to your sister! That's AWESOME!
I have recently become an OJ drinker. I grew up with the frozen concentrate stuff too so I think that's why I never really liked it growing up! In a jug…much better. 🙂 Love the picture! They should use that in their ad campaign!
Surgpisinrly well-written and informative for a free online article.
I didn't know you are diabetic? My dad, his brother, & their mother are all type 2. No fun!
Congrats to your sis! Thanks for the OJ tips. My kids love OJ, but my stomach can't take the acid too often. Visiting you from the SITS cocktail After Party…LOL.
I couldn't log in to the party & I'm so bummed! I kept getting a network error. :/ I hope it was fun!!! Thanks for stopping by!
Congrats to little sister.
I don't have a favorite oj, but I did grow up on frozen!