On Friday, I went to bed too late. Three hours after I went to bed Lboy woke up waaay too early. I was miserable. It the was the “I’m hungover” feeling that I never used to get pre-parenthood but I get all the time now because I’m consistently knocked on my butt tired.
Seriously people, I made two wrong turns while trying to get to my MIL’s house. Yes, the house that I’ve been driving to for the last 4 years. I was at the bakery trying to buy ONE dozen cupcakes & told the girl behind the counter that I needed TWELVE dozen. I had people coming over to my house for a joint bday party for my brother & Todd and the house was messy. Needless to say, I was feeling VERY sorry for myself.
On Saturday, I read in the paper about a family who lost their 14 month old daughter from a heat stroke. My heart broke for them. And then I felt terrible, my life could be so much worse & so much harder. I don’t want to take my blessings for granted. So I started making my grateful list.
There is so much to be grateful for… thank you for the reminder 🙂
Wonderful post, it is so important to step back sometimes, especially on "those" days and remember what we have and be grateful for them! You do have a lot of things to be grateful for, but I so feel you on the always tired thing LOL. I do so many stupid things because of exhaustion LOL. I hope you have a wonderful week! I will go check your MIL's blog out!
Beautiful post, Kate! I still have to occasionally kick myself in the butt whenever I started to feel sorry for myself, looking down will makes us counting our blessings for sure 🙂
thank you, carina. i hope you know you irnpise me, too you already did ewhat i am doing! i don’t even know where you are these days, but wherrever it is, i hope you are well and lucy, too!tschuess,kate
Great post! After a stressful day, you reminded me what is really important. Thanks Kate!
I love the grateful list and I will be sure to check out your MILs blog.
Recently (within the past month) we started doing yet another ritual with Hayden: every night right before he goes to sleep when he is laying in bed, we talk about all the things he is thankful for. I am not a "god person" so this is what we do instead of prayers. When we first started, Hayden didn't say anything – we did all the talking. But now he is able to talk about the things he is thankful for (and then we add things he may have overlooked – like mommy and daddy!). But I definitely think it's a fun ritual. Maybe when Lboy is a little older you could try it to?
And I saw the news story about the child who died in the car. That is just so sad. I can't even imagine.
How cool is that! Both that your MIL wants to blog AND how awesome a look you put together.
You are right that even when our worlds seem rough, it really could be much worse.
Great post – needed the reminder.
will visit the dragon!
This was a great post! It's true that there is always something for us to be greatful for, we just need a little reminder sometimes.
Awesome post! Great reminder to be thankful each day!
Great post! Thanks for putting things into perspective 🙂
I love your post! You never seem to amaze me with all of your insight that you are able to see as you look at things. I love your blog its always a treat!
This is such a great post, and all so true! We are lucky to have what we have.
Your blog design for you MIL is gorgeous! You've got some skillz there girl.
Beautiful! I love posts of gratitude!
It’s much easier to unnarstedd when you put it that way!
well if that doesn't punch you in the gut to be happy for all that you have – don't know what does!
This is an awesome post! I'm grateful every moment (at least I try to be)!