Last night, I had just finished skyping with some bloggy friends (I’ll introduce them to you on Tuesday with a super fun announcement!) and Todd called me into the living room to have me look at the news.
The TV said, Osama Bin Laden is dead (unless you live under a rock…you probably already know this by now.)
This post was inspired by Complicated Mama’s Post Top 10 Bin Laden is Dead Tweets— she has some HILARIOUS tweets from last night & I just couldn’t resist doing the same thing:
10. Can we stop getting groped (not in a good way) at airports now? #TSA #teabaggers @CrunchyNavyWife
9. Looks like Kate & William are going to get all the privacy they’ve ever wanted! #royalweddingwhat? #binladenisdead @mommymonologues (Yes, that’s right! I crack myself up!)
8. Now the question is when will Donald Trump ask to see the Death Certificate? #Osama Bin Laden#Obama @superjennifer
7. Wait a minute! Is President Obama going to announce that Osama Bin Laden is dead!? #WINNING @TheProDiva
6. That’s great that Usama Bin Laden is dead, but it’s Osama Bin Laden we’re after. #MyHusbandsHumor @onecheapmama
5. Ding dong the witch is dead. @reedfisher #binladenisdead
4. The Bad Boys theme song would totally do. (in reference to the USA Troops)Â @chidorme
3. Anyone wanna make sure that Osama didn’t have Horcruxes? #binladenisdead @ginohhh
2. Adolf Hilter confirmed dead on May 1, 1945. Osama bin Laden confirmed dead on May 1, 2011. #binladenisdead @ashleymyork
1. Hitler now has a roommate…@SouthernVeg
My prayers go out to the families who lost loved ones on 9/11, to the families who have lost loved ones while serving in the military, for our current troops overseas & at home, & for our nation that we will not have suffer another attack in retaliation.
God Bless the Men & Women who got us here & God Bless the USA!
What were some of your favorite tweets or thoughts about this from last night (funny or serious?)

Great list!
I liked this one by @charliecapen – “Waiting for Donald Trump to take credit for all of this” and this by @gonnakillhim – “Bin Laden was too caught up in naming the Carey twins to keep running.”
Alison@Mama Wants This Most Recent Post…Two sides
Great list!
I liked this one: “Somewhere in the White House, Obama is jamming to CeeLo’s “F*uck You!” #thevoice by @MojoMissy
Kimberly Most Recent Post…Spring Has Officially Sprung!
I love that you quoted yourself in this post. That is just awesome.
I actually didn’t really see any because I was in bed once I heard the news. I do love that you quoted yourself – you are too cute & yes, you crack me up, too. 😉
Elena Most Recent Post…Happy Easter!
I actually did not get on twitter last night so I missed all the good tweets. I really thought the donald trump one was cute.
I am happy that after almost 10 years we finally got him.
chanel Most Recent Post…I Suck!
Well I live under a rock and it’s called Canadian news…I haven’t heard about this. I know…bowing head in shame. But I’m so happy and relieved for all of my american friends. This is great news!! Stupid Canada tv :s
number 10 is sooo my favorite haha
LOVE IT!!!! What a great idea! I will share your post.
Our Mommyhood Most Recent Post…An Important Review- Child-Proofing Household Electrical Dangers
These are too funny!
A Mommy in the City Most Recent Post…The End of a Terrorist- Osama Bin Laden is Dead
I think my favorite was something that said, “Glad Osama is dead…but we have to wait to see his death certificate first to make sure is accurate #donaldtrump”
Great list! I enjoyed reading the tweets last night. 🙂
#8 cracked me up
Thanks for the recap. I wasn’t on twitter much last night so missed all of these. For the record, your’s was the best. 🙂
Jessica Most Recent Post…The Hot Seat
These are funny! Go USA! Go President Obama! Go Navy Seals and other crazy-brave military who took this killer out.
the hitler death factoid is spooky! and i’m already so excited for the triple announcement tomorrow! 😉
My favorite of the night was “And somewhere in hell, should it exist, a growing crowd of men confront their ex-boss about the distinct lack of virgins”
#3! So literary. I just hope the right folks get credit for this and not the political prince’s who will try and use it as their own personal glory….hmmmmm
Jennifer@ The Mommy Mambo Most Recent Post…The Egg-Mazing Race- A Lesson in Capitalism
Amen to that!
Thanks for making me chuckle today, Kate. I needed it.
Dana K Most Recent Post…Osama is dead now what A Milspouses Perspective
Personally I think they should have captured Bin Laden alive and made him repeatedly go through airport security for the rest of his life.
YES. GREAT NEWS. God bless America and our troops overseas.
Sarah Most Recent Post…BUST a Move
Oh how I hate that I’m rarely on twitter at night to miss all this goodness live!
blueviolet @ A Nut in a Nutshell Most Recent Post…When the Rubber Hits the Road
great post! thanks for the mid day chuckle.
Cam – Bibs&Baubles Most Recent Post…The Other Royal Wedding
My favorite was from @jesus “Uh… Osama… You’re at the wrong gate.” HAHAHAHA
Carri Most Recent Post…Shut Your Face- Mariah Carey!