Okay, so I was going to do Stick Figure Saturday at Alabaster Cow like I did here, here & here. And then I sat there staring at my screen, with nothing, I mean nothing brillant popping into my head. So, if you will notice the blank white screen, there is my master piece for the day. Plain.white.screen.
Ugly Picture Contest & Stick Figure Saturday
[Picture should be here.]
But I did think that I would give some random info about me:
1. I am totally obsessed with Reese’s Pieces. It’s my latest food fad-it will fade just as quickly as it came. I’ve eaten three movies size bags in 3 days–glutton much?!
2. When I say I’m domesticated, I mean I have gone from diva-dom to domesticated-dom. Todd & I had been married for 2 years before Lboy was born & I literally could not tell you where he put his clean clothes after they came out of the dryer. Seriously, no exaggeration. We did not mix our laundry. He did his, I did mine. Now, I’m a frumpy house frau–okay that’s not true. Todd still does his own laundry. I’m a terrible domesticated diva.
3. I am finally finding peace with my anxiety over being a first time mommy. I still have my CrAzY moments though. Like this morning, Lboy slept a whole hour later than usual & I was convinced that either A) I had OD him on the doctor prescribed benadryl or B) those damn phantom baby nappers had actually gotten him. Turns out, he was just tired from being sick. Precious baby!
4. I have a weird toe. It’s missing a joint. For most of my life I have told a gory story or two or three or 4 million to people whenever they ask what happened. It’s so much cooler than telling people the truth–the truth is so boring!
5. My mom always wanted a “Kate” because she said that it was a strong name. She says she had no idea just how strong of a personality would come with it. Ha! She definitely got what she wanted!
6. I always have strawberry cake with strawberry icing for my birthday-it has to be store bought not homemade!
7. I used to have curly hair, but after I had my baby it went STRAIGHT STRAIGHT STRAIGHT!
8. I had my bridal portraits taken at a dormitory my grandmother lived in during the 1940s (now a bed & breakfast)–my grandfather picked my grandmother up for their first date there, my father proposed to my mother there.
9. I haven’t seen enough of the world!
10. My dad is from the country, my mom is from the city…growing up the country kids thought I was too city and the city kids thought I was too country…I consider myself “mixed”–the different backgrounds just helped me to get along with people of all backgrounds.
11. I miss getting to sleep in, but I love it that I’m up every morning by 6:00–I feel so productive.
12. I don’t have time to regret anything in life, so I prayerfully try my hardest to make the right decisions. And I learn to accept the fact when I make the wrong ones, I’m only human. But I’m pretty darned good at beating myself up.
13. I believe God delievered Todd to me because I was unhappy and He wanted me to know that there was someone out there better for me, I just had to make the choice to be with him. It was hard to uproot my entire life & make that choice–harder than heck. Praise God I found the strength to do it–best decision I ever made.
14. I used to have a belly button ring–only wild thing I ever really did my freshman year of college. I took it out when I was a few months pregnant. I think Todd misses it. 😉 But my grandparents are so glad it’s gone! haha
15. I am very blessed with my life and I hope that I can pay it forward…..
So there ya go….15 things about me you probably never wanted to know! And I’ll throw in our pictures of “An Ugly Face Contest” & then a pretty picture of the two of us–cause I’m a narcissist like that…
Hope y’all have a great Saturday!
Number 8 is awesome. How sweet is that. I had a belly ring as well until I took it out while pregnant. My dad and step-mom were delighted. Even at 27 I was not allowed to have the ring show in their house.
I’d always raehtr enjoyed thinking of my computer having Kate’s voice, it is what one wants to imagine. Now the auto-tune is what I’d expect the machine to sound like but doesn’t offer the deeper understanding the song spoke of. Still, exciting to hear a sneak peek, can’t wait for Director’s Cut!
Don't you hate writer's (or drawing) block? Ugh. I've been getting it alot lately. I'm preoccupied with other things and they are blocking my creative brain. The picture of you and Todd is hilarious!
Hello there! Your Radiopopper/slave issue is EXACTLY what I’m experiencing with my 1DX but when I go to the menu you deriscbed, it tells me I have an incompatible flash or that the power to the flash is turned off. Can I not use my original 580EX with my 1DX and RadioPoppers? 🙁 !!!EDIT Oh wait.. this is the same as just doing it on the flash itself. In this case; The master starts contributing to the exposure, which I don’t want at all. It seems the RPs will need a firmware update or something??
Dying over that pic, and the narcissist comment. Too funny!!
Interesting tid bits..thanks for sharing.
Do you actually function at 6 when the little guy gets up? My kids are up around the same time, and I still (after 3+ years of it…) wander around puffy faced for a few hours, stumbling over myself 🙂
And what a sweet story about where you got your bridal portraits done!!
Hi! You were above me on SITS comments today. Those were some fun, random facts! I love Reeses too! yum!
Happy Saturday!
(stopping by from SITS)
love the goofy pics
ok after reading your list of things…we are best friends and don't even know it…ur list pretty much described me to a T…strawberry cake for bday every year…ohhh yea…it's not my bday w/o it.
that "picture" is better than any real stick figure i've drawn lol! and i must see more of the world too!
I left you an award on my blog!!
Jennifer @ Life with the Lebedas
I love your list!! Especially sweet about your bridal pics and the history behind that place…
My toes are odd, but I don't have a good story behind them!
Always thought I should have pierced my belly button when I was younger, but when the fad really took off, I was a bit too old to pull it off.
This was a fun read. So weird that your hair went straight after you had a baby. I'd never heard of that?!
i got a belly ring in college and kept it in until 20 weeks pregnant, too! ha!
how does one create stick figures?
Cute pics!! haha
Your husband does is laundry?! SCORE! My fiance does his laundry, and occasionally mine too haha