Weekly Vlogging Prompts
1. A summer tradition
2. A pet peeve (submitted by Multitasking Mumma)
3. Your astrological sign and whether or not it represents you (submitted by Average Super Mom)
Keep it under 4 minutes and have fun!You can link up at My Time As Mom, Mommy is in Timeout, or Mommy Monologues (the link is connected so you only have to linkup once).
Don’t forget to join us for #VlogTalk on Twitter every Tuesday from 9pm to 10pm (EST).
Happy Vlogging!
Linking up this week! Woot!
liz Most Recent Post…Why Home Depot Needs a Baby Registry
Heck yes!
I want to do these but I think there needs to be a 4th option… or maybe 2 questions that are more basic like the ones above…and two that are more personal and in depth. Maybe slightly controversial sometimes? I think this would lead more people to link up and want to hear what others have to say on certain “controversial” topics… this would bring more traffic to this site and others sites along with more comments and subscribers. Just an idea. Some things I have thought of:
What do you think of homeschooling? Is it better than public/private school?
What do you think of reality TV and how it has affected our generation?
What are your tips for romance after kids?
You could have a list of questions for VlogTalk linkers to answer in their vlog… like a little interview and they answer the ten questions on the list or something like that…
What do you think? I think by adding 4 options… two of them such as the ones you have been doing… and then two more… one that is controversial and another that is a little more personal?
Let me know. 🙂
Mrs T Most Recent Post…Walls That Flow
Like you have your two questions and then say “And if you dare….” and then list the other two topics.. ha ha –I think it would add so much interest to this VlogTalk and add a lot more traffic to all our blogs!
Mrs T Most Recent Post…Walls That Flow