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The weekly #VlogTalk Twitter chat will be Tuesday July 5 from 8pm to 9pm CST. See you then!
Happy Vlogging!
For more information on VlogTalk or to have the prompts directly emailed to you go here.
The weekly #VlogTalk Twitter chat will be Tuesday July 5 from 8pm to 9pm CST. See you then!
Happy Vlogging!
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I'm a Spanish speaking, supper cooking, sporadic house cleaning, sometimes swearing, to do list making, stroller pushing, diaper changing, SAHM & skin care selling, God fearing, church going, independently thinking, family loving, not always perfect, hooked on blogging, husband loving, health food nut & junk food junkie, first & now second time mommy. Welcome to my world.
Hello, I'm Kate, author behind the blog & matriarch of chaos, meal planning, family entertainment, & everything in between in the Mommy Monologues family. I started this blog in March of 2010 as a new mom and was looking for an outlet while trying to figure out motherhood. Blogging was great, exciting, new, wonderful & an awesome … [Continue Reading]
You would be a hot mama in those shoes! Cute vid. Loved seeing all your obsessions. 😉
Oooh those SHOES!!! Me likey very much!
Erin,these photos are elepciasly poignant, at least for me, since I have held her just once. Kate Lauren, you have touched me just like the 13 other grandchildren we have, but your unique ebony hair, perfectly pursed lips and the softest skin this side of heaven have reminded me how someone as small and tiny as you can steal an old man’s heart, and make him feel so much joy. Thank you sweetheart, I already know I will love you forever Our appreciation to your Mom & Dad for bringing such a beautiful child into our earthly presence.Love, Grandpa Dusty
Those shoes are pretty fab. I’m also glad you like your hubby and baby 😉 Glad they made the cut. Cute take on this prompt!
Oh how I loved the way you put all that together! *sigh* Gorgeous shoes and purses = heaven , sadly not one I can afford either, still wanna be BFFs? 😉
I’m obsessed with a few of those things too! And, the shoes are gorgeous!!
Oh my god – those shoes! I am totally not a shoe girl but I want those.
Love this vlog – totally snappy!
I’ll have to come back later and watch — the family is still sleeping 🙁 but I can’t wait to see what all this talk of shoes is about!
I’m obsessed with the Real Housewives show too! The only one I didn’t get into was the Miami one. My husband hates that I watch all of that mindless entertainment.
P.S. Love those shoes!!
Girly girl! Just like me 😉
Do you know how many starving children you could feed with those shoes? You’re so funny. Excited that your new site is almost up!!!
cute video! I love those Louboutin’s too!
eeks – expensive and oh so pretty ;p
I am with you on the shoes!!! How cute are those!
Yes I am obsessed with the New York, New Jersey, and the Orange County Housewives! And did I hear you rockin’ Britney out on your VLOG? Those shoes are AWESOME!
I love everything you love. How funny is that? Wait. We’re both women. That could have something to do with it!
Your #VlogTalk was so snazzy! Loved it! Fun obsessions too, especially those Loubies!
Cute! Loved the music and seeing all of your fab {The purse!}, sweet {Your fam!}, and relatable {Twitter!} obsessions! Xo
So fun! And I love the music. Think I may try something like this next time 🙂
And if I ever get a smartphone I am pretty sure it will top my obsession list.
Cute! I’m obsessed with Coach handbags too! …if you find someone to buy you those shoes, get me a pair too! Size 7 just so you know. 🙂
Those shoes are nice. And I’m kind of obsessed with the vaio too. And the macbook and the ipad. None of these things I own however. I may have to change that.
Love it! I love the way you put that whole piece together with the music & the captions…so much fun! I agree with you on a lot of those obsessions (of course minus an obsession on your hubs & child! ha!)
I love that you put that you sorta like your husband and he comes way after your shoes! Hilarious!
BAHAHAHA that Britney song just makes the obsessions all that much more real.
My iphone is more of an “extension” than an “obsession.” 😉