So, I absolutely love Jessica from My Time As Mom. For one thing, she’s the commenting queen! Seriously, I have no idea how many blogs she visits on a daily basis, but I guarantee you she beats me to I read & every.single.time I see her avatar there I think, “How in the HECK did she beat me here?!!!!” I also love her because she’s a fellow co-host on the BRAND SPANKIN’ NEW vlogtalk meme!
If you haven’t met her yet, here’s your chance! She rocks!!!
She Started It
Let me just start this post by saying that my oldest daughter is 7 years old and I did not play a large role in potty training her. I delegated this task to the babysitters that cared for her while I was at work and school all day and most of the evenings.
One of the to-dos on my list this summer is to potty train my little monster.
I figured I would start this task in late June after my oldest was done with school and we could spend all day at home close to one of the three bathrooms in our house.
As usual, my monster had other plans.
Last week, a couple days before her second birthday, she started demanding “potty†and trying to lead me into the bathroom.
At first I thought this was life’s way of playing a joke on me because there was no way she knew what it meant to go potty since I hadn’t started teaching it to her yet.
I resisted taking her to the bathroom because I was too lazy to get up she couldn’t know what she was saying. She kept yelling. I kept saying no. It was a battle of who could be the loudest and go the longest.
The winner….was the monster…of course.
She spent the first day plopped on the porcelain throne for hours. Yes, I said hours.
She thought it was the greatest place in the world.
Her sister even turned on music and danced in the bathroom while the monster sat on the toilet.
I brought my yoga ball in there so I had a place to sit down.
There were several fits when I attempted to remove her.
Yet nothing came out. It was just a cool new place for us all to hang out.
I was less than pleased. I also think at one point I told my almost 2 year old “to piss or get off the pot†(very grown up of me, I know).
Finally at 10:00 that night she let out a little tinkle, tinkle.
I celebrated with clapping and cheering that I think people in the next town could hear.
She was proud. And she finally removed herself from the throne.
The next day, this process started all over again. (Thankfully this day was also #wineparty so I could drown my sorrow with wine and enough tweets to send me to #Twitterjail).
I realized that she is serious about potty training.
I have no idea what to do.
I was not prepared for this event for at least another month.
But she started it.
So I will finish it.
Please send wine.
You vlogtalk girls are always cracking me up on Twitter. You’ve got this idea and now you’re running with it, 100% full speed ahead. I imagine that’s where your little one got it from!
VlogTalk has been a lot of fun so far and it’s nice to be partnered up with such great people for it.
Jessica, If I knew a way to send virtual wine, I would. It’s great that she’s starting herself on potty training. Way to go Monster!
Kate, I agree with you about Jessica’s seemingly inhuman ability to comment way before any of us can. I bet she never sleeps. But how does she look so fresh in her vlogs? Jessica, time to let your secret out of the bag!
Alison@Mama Wants This Most Recent Post…Writers Workshop- 10 things
No, I never sleep and I totally ignore my children. Okay, I guess I exaggerate – a little.
Thank you Kate for featuring me here today. Your intro cracks me up. I forgot to tell you that I never sleep and that is how I get around.
My daughter is going through the same thing! She started at 15 months and we’ve had our ups and downs. She now tells me she has to go but only because she knows there is chocolate as a reward!
A Mommy in the City Most Recent Post…Camp Kidville
I would go too if I knew there was chocolate waiting for me afterwards.
Ha ha that is hilarious! Party in the bathroom!
Natalie Most Recent Post…A Tribute
It’s a total party in the bathroom in my house. Good thing I have twitter on my phone.
My middle son just turned 2 and even though he’s been asking for the potty, I’ve been dreading it. Thank goodness for wineparty, right! 😉
Kimberly Most Recent Post…Pregnancy From A Mans Perspective
I was trying to put this off as long as possible but she asked for it and I couldn’t say no. Thank goodness for #wineparty is right.
#twitterjail sounds fun, I need to get in on #wineparty.
Can I just say that potty training is bullshit. If we lived in caveman days they would just run around peeing and pooping on stuff, no biggie. Ugh. I blame modern living, but I do love my toaster.
Theresa Most Recent Post…Are You Pretty Momma
I’ve been in #twitterjail 3 times in the last week and a half. It makes my husband really happy but me, not so much.
I’m not sure I want to go back to caveman living but it would be nice if the kids popped out knowing how to use the toilet already.
Potty training is not fun, or at least it hasn’t been for me or my daughter. I would take it as a great sign that she is insisting.
Also? I discovered twitter jail last week in the great blogger black out. It is torture to watch all those tweets go by and not be able to answer.
I don’t usually beat anyone to commenting on blogs, but for some reason I do usually get the satisfaction of being the only guy commenting. Must be a stay at home dad thing.
No, it is not fun especially when you have to take the kids to public restrooms.
#Twitterjail is lonely but at least you can still send DMs.
I wish I would get sent to #TwitterJail but I just can’t must up the thoughts to get me there.
Have funny potty training!
Miel et Lait Most Recent Post…Freshalicious- eat fresh eat local eat healthy
All you need is 100 tweets in an hour. Join in #wineparty one night and you might make it.
I am so excited for you. JDaniel has started working on it a 3. I started his at 3 and he is trying with reservations about it.
JDaniel4’s Mom Most Recent Post…Recap of Live Chat about Too Many Toys on Mom Loop!
Good luck to you and me both!
You realize every mom is gonna want to kill you right? hee hee – that’s everyone’s dream! I have to get started very soon on mine eeeks!
Just because she started it does not mean it has been going easy by any means. I have some terrible stories to share but I think they might be toooo nasty for the blog.
Wine is always needed for this! I finally got Lanagan potty trained and I think I will wait until Cooper is 18 because it was just so much fun with Lanagan, I won’t be ready to do it again for years. 😉
Elena Most Recent Post…Tweet Tweet
Maybe when I have L all the way trained I will send her to your house so she can teach Cooper.
Usually moms have a hard time getting them to sit ON the toilet (Maddie politely tells me, “No Tank Oo”) when your won’t get OFF! 🙂 Good luck!
liz Most Recent Post…Liar- Liar- Pants on Fire!
I know. I love the “no tank oo” that’s pretty much how my daughter sounds too. So cute.
Oh, potty training. Kids are so funny about the simple act of goin’ tinkle in a “big-girl” potty. My little one has been potty trained for about 5 months now and she stills runs to the bathroom, screaming for all to hear, “I’m going pooooootttttyyy!”. And as her proud, supportive mommy…I still clap and cheer.
Well, looks like your potty training days have started. Wine is smart. Have a great weekend. Try not to spend it all in the bathroom. : )
Lindsay Most Recent Post…Livin Lean Topic Tuesday- The Cookin Lean Gene
Funny to hear how the kids get all excited about going potty. At least if I do have to spend all of my time in the bathroom I have my phone so I can be occupied with The Twitter.
HAHAHAHA!!! These darn two-year olds have a mind of their own…good thinking about bringing the yoga ball in…
And seriously? You are the commenting queen! It’s awesome and I love it! I’m starting to think you really never do sleep.
Good luck!
Runnermom-jen Most Recent Post…Nuts
I couldn’t fit the rocking chair in the bathroom so the yoga ball was the next best thing.
Honestly, I really don’t sleep that much but it’s not for a lack of wanting too. I just have a hard time falling asleep at night so I spend time online.
Yup, she is definitely ready. At least she wants to sit on the toilet because some kids just down right refuse.
And yes, you will need some wine. I would send some over, but my last bottle is empty! Time to restock.
Michelle Most Recent Post…Foto Friday old
She is ready to sit on the toilet but she is still having a hard time understanding what she is supposed to do while on the pot.
When you restock make sure to send some this way.
I lucked out with my son (who is now 4). He just knew how to hold his pee all night at 2 yrs old, so I would bring him to the potty when we woke up each morning. He pretty much always let me know when he had to go! My daughter? Not so much. She just turned 2 a few weeks ago and she doesn’t ever tell me when she has to go. She runs from me, giggling, when I try to chase her for potty time. I’m just waiting for a miracle, because 4 years of diapers (his first 2 yrs and then she was born as soon as he became potty trained) is too much!!
Teresa Most Recent Post…Sunday Confessions- Red- White- and very Blue
Diapers are so expensive. 4 years is a lot of diapers to go through.
HILARIOUS!! Hey, at least she takes initiative, right?
That was a good step for her.
Good luck with the potty training, I am terrifed for when my baby gets there so be sure to take lots of notes and save lots of wine for me! On real note … you do great the little monster will be potty trained in no time!
I have no idea what I’m doing but if I find something that works I’ll pass on the tip.
Too funny! I hope she gets it figured out soon for you. Wow…hours on the pot. Not sure if I could handle that.
Hours. It was painful. Luckily my oldest could keep her entertained.
This is how my son started out trying to Potty Train. It was about a month before his second birthday (which is unusual because boys usually don’t train until closer to 3), and he decided he wanted to use the “big potty.” We tried it for almost a month, and then he lost ALL interest. I haven’t pushed it since, but we’re getting ready to start back. NOT looking forward to potty-training. AT ALL. Good luck!
Courtney @ The Mommy Matters Most Recent Post…Feature Friday
Strange how they decide to one day start going on the big potty and then change their mind again. I wish you luck when you start this venture again.
I’d take this any day. My 3 year old son treats the toilet like it’s covered in plague germs and/or will swallow him alive if he sits on it. I hate potty training.
Very Bloggy Beth Most Recent Post…10 Randoms
The toilet is covered in germs but I don’t think it’s ever killed anyone. Or at least not that I have heard. Sounds like you need some wine too.
ugh. around 18mos. we bought a potty chair, just in case she was interested… she LOVED it… but only to sit on fully clothed. Now we’re at 2.5 and sometimes she wants to go on “momma’s potty” other times she wants to go on her “froggy potty” and other times she lets me know “new dipuh momma”… soooo… yeah. not pushing, but ready for this whole stage to be done… (the diaper rash that my super-sensitive-skinned kid STILL gets drives me insane.) so tired of diapers…
good luck to you!! (and everyone else potty training!!)
Rusti Most Recent Post…still got it PART VII
I didn’t buy one of those kid potty’s because I can’t handle having to clean it. I’m tired of diapers too. They are expensive.
ha! Goose LOVES to clean it herself!! well, she loves to dump it herself… I turn the tub on HOT and let her dump it then rinse & dump a couple times and then spray it out – of course that’s just when she pees… poop takes a little more effort… but currently she almost always does THAT in her diaper. *sigh*
Rusti Most Recent Post…still got it PART VII
That sounds like a lot of work to me and I am self admitted quite lazy when it comes to cleaning.
Oh my gosh girl! Go with it. Don’t complain. I WISH it were that easy with my last. She took forever!!!!
I’m doing my best over here. Thanks.
Boy, you’re lucky! I had the opposite experience with my daughter – I had to practically DRAG her to the potty, and she’ll probably need therapy now.
Your Monster will be trained in a week just to spite you.
P.S. I’ll help out with #twitterbail later!
Misfit Mommy Most Recent Post…The Mommy Has Two Faces
She wanted to start it but it hasn’t been easy since then.
Thank you for the #twitterbail help. I have a feeling I will need lots of it.
Well aren’t you a lucky one!! I’ve almost got Hitler over here potty trained. He’s wearing big boy underwear now. But I don’t trust him to get out of my sight for too long. Especially at the baseball field where I’m focused on the big bros and he finally feels the urge to poo during a double play!!!
Can’t send wine. Sorry. I’m in therapy too.
Jennifer@ The Mommy Mambo Most Recent Post…I was more grown up at 18
I tried panties the other day and it did not go well at all. Let’s just say that pair is in the garbage and we are sticking with pull ups for now.
Ughhhhhhhhhhh Blake is about ready and I know he’s going to be a PITA. It’s his way or the highway.
Carri Most Recent Post…Throat Punch Thursday- Uppity Biz-natch Edition
Good luck on the potty training. It’s not going too well over here. Maybe we can drown our sorrows in #wineparty and #twitterjail every week until the process is complete.
Jessica Most Recent Post…Potty training blues
Sooo not looking forward to potty training! I will make sure to include plenty of wine in my potty training budget, lol 😉 Good luck!
Branson Most Recent Post…When the Mamas Away – Cartoon Commentary
That is a good idea. I didn’t have it in my budget at first but you can guarantee it’s in there now.
Jessica Most Recent Post…Potty training blues
My son started doing this same thing at 16 months. he’s now a month away from being 3 and wants NOTHING to do with it. he’ll pee when i ask him to, but he refuses to go poop. it’s a nightmare!!!
Oh man, that does sound like a nightmare. Good luck to you. We are having some difficulties over here too.
Jessica Most Recent Post…Potty training blues
Good luck in your potty training journey. The up side? She is interested and so far, it’s fun. My daughter showed interest pretty early too but was not too serious about it until she was 2.5.
I just wrote a post on this!
I’ll have to check out your post on potty training. Thanks for the heads up.
Jessica Most Recent Post…Potty training blues
I wish my 3-year-old son had your daughter’s motivation! You’re almost diaper free! I am not even making an effort to potty train most days. I’ve still got a good three months until my son’s— potty-trained kids only—preschool starts.
Grumpy Grateful Mom Most Recent Post…The Cleaning Lady Heist
Is it too late to find a preschool that will potty train for you?
Jessica Most Recent Post…Potty training blues
Wait…there are preschools that potty train??? I called the preschool we were signed up for and said it’s probably not going to happen. They said call them when he is and he can start then if they have an opening. 🙁
That mental image is just too funny! Party time/Potty time all together. =) At least your little monster wants to. With my Meg she and I sat in the bathroom first thing when she woke for 30-45m with nada but as soon as her feet hit the kitchen…you guessed it puddle everywhere.
Paulette Most Recent Post…Writers Workshop Table Dancing Toddler Style
Potty time over here is all about partying and less about pottying. Hopefully soon this changes.
Jessica Most Recent Post…Potty training blues
Her interest in it is a good thing. Maybe it won’t be as hard as you think! Good luck!
Kristy at Pampers and Pinot Most Recent Post…Happy Parents
I was very surprised that she started it but since then she hasn’t been to interested. Still trying though.
Jessica Most Recent Post…Potty training blues
Hi Kate,
Great post as always and I hope you make it though potty training! Or at least are able to get a glass of wine to ease your worries this evening 😉
I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Stylish Blogger Award! You deserve it. Here are the details:
Samantha Most Recent Post…Im Stylish Really Stylish Blogger Award
Thanks Samantha! I appreciate it!!!
Partying is always a blast, it’s the pottying that I fear. I’m in denial.
Tonya Most Recent Post…Theres A Time & Place
that’s awesome! i think i’m on my way to potty land. i’m taking any and all tips. i’ll be paying close attention to how this goes for you!
Cam – Bibs & Baubles Most Recent Post…National Swimsuit Confidence Week
I would gladly snail mail you a bottle of wine. Hell, i’ll even overnight fedex it, cause boy do i know what you’re going through. I’ve got two teenage girls and two toddlers, a 3 yo boy and a 20 month old girl. I remember the hours in the potty with the teens. HOURS in a cramped little bathroom in a Brooklyn apartment. The only bathroom. Gosh I wish twitter was around then. Now, my son? Who is almost 3, refuses to potty, but the baby, she wants to and there’s no way I’m getting her potty trained before him. Or maybe I should and that will just teach him a lesson. After 12 years I am now spending all my time in the potty again. Thankful for twitter and having a bigger bathroom.
I visited a lot of website but I think this one holds something extra in it,appreciate it for posting.
Julia Most Recent Post…Potty Training Chart: A Complete Guide for Potty Training Boys and Girls