It’s time for my Friday Featurettes to start back up for the New Year! I’m proud to announce Kim, from Baby Feet, is my first Featurette for the 2011 year! I love her! She gave a link down below to one of my favorite posts she’s ever written, but I also love her posts about Josh Groban. I hope you will leave some comment love here, but most importantly I hope you will go by her blog and leave comments there!
Well, how to start? I’m Kim and I’m so excited to be a featurette here at Mommy Monologue’s. Kate’s blog is one of the first blogs I ever read, so now actually being on it is crazy.
My blog is Baby Feet and it’s been up and running since April of 2010, so I’m a baby in the blogging world. That makes being here even more insane! I have a couple blogs I must read every day. Hormonal Imbalances, Momma Kiss, and of course Mommy Monologues! From these blogs I’ve learned a valuable blogging lesson that I absolutely swear by. Be honest. I’ve found these woman to be shockingly honest. And that is what brings me back to them day after day.
They remind me that blogging is not about the world (*cough* my 57 followers *cough*) thinking my life is some perfect place, but instead about sharing the truth — whether it be funny, sarcastic, sad or weird. With that in mind, this imperfect place is where I’m sending you to as my favorite post.
Where I Lose Myself is one of the first posts I ever wrote, so it’s raw and unpolished, but it conveys exactly the message I need to say. I blog to share my story into major clinical depression and clawing my way out of it. I try to tell how I am healing, what I lost and how I am gaining my life back. I pray that by sharing my story I will help somebody else out there either get help or realize they are not alone. I was convinced I was alone, convinced that every other mom in the world was perfect and I was the lone, imperfect, failure of a mom.
I was sure that I was only person ever not to be capable of getting out of bed, of having fun, of simply breathing. As I have come out of my depression my life is again full of color and wonder, laughter and fun. I see the joy in my children and the love of my husband for the first time in over two years.
I share this with all of you so you can see that healing is possible. That fun, laughter and love have come out on top.
Congrats on your feature Kim! You know I love you!
That's an awesome reason to blog! I enjoyed it and I noticed she's up to 59 followers already!
Congrats Kim, and thank you for saying that about my place. I'm pretty damned honest, eh?
Congratulations, Kim! Very exciting. Also glad to hear that you have been able to heal from your clinical depression. I can't say I experienced that ever, but I did go through a bout of Post Partum Depression for a few short weeks after having my second and if it wasn't for my friends and family and kids supporting me to go talk to my doctor, who also was very empathetic, and my husband hearing me saying how down I felt, it would have been MUCH harder to "get over" as many people put it. Good luck with your blog! Sharing such experiences really does help others, feeling like you are the only one going through something heavy like that really does make it harder to go through.
Yay Kim! Iove you – AND I just found an old blog of mine I loved to follow. 🙂 Many months ago I stumbled on Mommy Monologues.