So…I’m introducing Momma Kiss to you all today because everyone should know her! I’m pretty much a fan of hers because she’s ALWAYS honest and I think I’m slightly envious of the fact that blog is anonymous…think of all the rants you could go on…. lol….anywho….Here is Momma Kiss!
Hey kids! I’m so excited to be at Mommy Monologues today. I found Kate through one of these Friday posts and I’m so glad I did. Besides, I’m a mommy, so, you know, I have monologues 😉
The questions she asked me to spill on:
1. What’s your favorite blog to read? This is hard to pick just one. I’m sure everyone says that. How about the first one I read? Did anyone watch Real World New Orleans? Back in the year 2000? Well Melissa from that cast started writing an online diary of such and wouldn’t you know it? It was a blog! She’s here: and she’s all growed up and a married momma now. I remember thinking why on earth would someone want to post their life story on the world wide web? And allow people, even anonymously, to comment on that story? Heh – look where that got me. Currently, one blog I NEVER EVER miss is bakerella. Gosh, I oogle and drool over her creations. She started out just bloggin’ about her love of making desserts and then she’s on Martha and now she has a cook book and she’s so darn cute I can’t stand it.
2. What’s your best blogging tip? Well by no means should I be giving out advice, but the one thing I try to stick by is to be myself when I post. I’m a mixture of snark and sap, and I’m pretty sure that comes out through my writing and pictures. If you meet me in real life, I’m pretty much the same. So write who you are, don’t try to be anyone else, or some other ‘personality.’ If people don’t like it, they can click the little red X in the corner. No love loss for me.
3. Give a link to your favorite blog post you’ve ever written! Oh my HEAD. I’m going to break this rule and give 2. I’ve been bloggin’ since March of 2008, but these are some recent posts to share…One for the snark: “Gibbertyish…” And one for the Sap: “Do You Ever”.
Thanks again for inviting me in today, Kate! Hope to see some new faces in my neck o’ the woods.
"…write who you are, don’t try to be anyone else, or some other ‘personality.’ If people don’t like it, they can click the little red X in the corner. No love loss for me" <–Best tip! Love the Momma 🙂
Me thinks your Southern roots are shionwg. Lord Bryonc3a2e2‚ace2„a2s poem was written about his cousin. He wrote it before he met his honey. He saw her at a party and was enthralled with her beauty (not to mention what he probably did in the outhouse later.) But I guess itc3a2e2‚ace2„a2s the Southern way to keep it in the family. Like, what do you call 80 people at a singles party in the South? Family Reunion!
I like Momma Kiss. And her husband especially loves her on his birthday.
I'm with Ash on that one….have a happy weekend!!!
Great idea for a post, it's great fun finding new blogs to read.
Hi I'm also another Kate and one of your latest followers. I think question and answer sessions are a fab way to get to know people. You can learn alot just by how they interprate a question.
Look forward to reading more fab posts from you.
Take care, Kate Collings xx – always welcoming new followers, guests and comments xx
PS: thanks again for following my blog – muchas gracias amiga. Anytime you want to help me improve my spanish feel free to mail me – I could do with a refresher course 😉
Love the "be yourself" advice 🙂
lSo glad to be here today. Well, not really *here* – but you know what I mean. I hope. Jeez. I'm exhausted. Have a good weekend
There are moments occasionally when I wish I was anonymous. But I'm glad some people are. I can live vicariously and enjoy their snark/sap.
I recently "met" and fell in love with MommaKiss! Good choice!
Welcome, MommaKiss! I will have to go over and check our your snark/sap, that's right up my alley!
I love that you feature other bloggers on your blog. It gives your reader a chance to be introduced to someone new. MommaKiss…I will be checking out your blog.
I laughed out loud at gopopgo's comment!!
I'm a huge MommaKiss fan!
What a nice feature. I enjoyed reading some of Momma's Kiss and your blog. Thanks.
Stopping by from SITS.
enjoyed finding you on SITS! I'm your newest follower. Please stop by and visit me at when you get a moment!
Such fun to read! Thanks for sharing.
So much fun Mommakiss is too funny and I love reading her blog!