What did you find in your toilet bowl?
What did you find in your toilet bowl?
Was it a sippy cup, a roll of toilet paper, a ginger ale can, & 4 empty toilet paper rolls?
I was in the shower for all of 10 minutes & this was the lovely mess I found.
Todd’s response when I texted him the picture:
“Have fun with that!”
So you know what I did?
I just left it ALL in the toilet so that when Todd got home from work 7 hours later, he got to have all that fun he wished on me.
Thank God for 2 bathrooms!!!
Hahahahaha! That's hilariously awful… and totally my life when my children were tiny!
Good for you for leavin' for "the man"… ha ha!
The joys of a being a parent right?! lol It actually had me cracking up! Especially when he looked at me & said "uh-oh" & shrugged his shoulders all innocently. He's pretty precious if I must say so myself.
Oh, my!!! I don't mean to laugh, but this is pretty funny!! 🙂
It really is! I sent to in a text to some people & they all died laughing! It definitely earned quite a few!
I get really grossed out by toilets and so I probably would leave it all there for my husband too. But it is a funny picture, and it only took 10 minutes…Imagine what would happen if you had taken the time to do something luxurious like use a body scrub.
ahaha! Oh the horrors! It would have been awful because when I stepped out of the tub he had a pile of things next to the toilet to throw in there!
I hope that Todd to be a little more sympathetic. I agree, thank God for more than 1 bathroom in a house.
Well someone sure has an appetite for odd things 😉 I bet they don't remember eating all that 😉
Two words for you… TOILET LOCK! The best $10 you'll ever spend as a mom of boys…I honestly can't believe you haven't needed them before this point! Get yourself to Target and get a couple!!! 🙂
I'm so glad you let Todd have all that fun. It was very big of you to not keep all that enjoyment to yourself.
ahaha! Bet it didn't feel good going in or coming out!
No kidding right? We rarely use the guest bathroom, but I used it all day that day! lol
Aw Yeah, I'm so glad you left it for him.
I know I can't either! I remember when you told me to do this once before….shoulda listened then! lol We are going to go today…besides any excuse to go to Target is good with me!
Exactly, he needed to have a good time after working a 9 hour day! *enter evil cackle*
BWAHAHAHA! Awesome 🙂 I kind of really want kids now… I thought my dogs were entertaining hahaha
Hi Kate, Just stopping by to thank you for stopping by on my SITS day. Funny post! I never would have expected to smile upon seeing someone's toilet bowl uploaded onto my computer screen!
I LOVE that you left it for Todd!
I LOVE that you left it there for him!! You are awesome!!
Ha!!! That's hilarious! Thanks for leaving the fun for Todd to clean up….you just catapulted the womanhood 20 steps forward! Love your blog by the way!
Superb inooimatrfn here, ol’e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.
Well he definitely earned it! 🙂
lol It was good for him!
It was pretty funny when he walked in there & saw it all!
Oh my! I LOVE that you left it for your husband. That sounds like something I would do.
BTW, my husband's name is also Todd. I may have pointed that out before.
Oh my! I LOVE that you left it for your husband. That sounds like something I would do.
BTW, my husband's name is also Todd. I may have pointed that out before.
lol It was good for him!
I LOVE that you left it for Todd!
That's a lesson for the flippant husband! 😉
Ha. That's funny!
WHY DO THEY DO THAT? Why why why why! Sigh. I don't know how many times I have to tell Blake that the toilet is not a toy storage.
:-)) Sounds a lot like something I would do to my husband (except that we only have one bathroom)!!
**visiting from Sunday Funday!!**
Hahahaa! I'm proud to say that I left a big pile of dog puke in middle of floor the other day for hub. Stay at home mom power girlfriend! Following from Sunday blog hop. Please come by and say Hi at shallowOcity
lmao omg!
Oh my gosh! When we moved into our house, the toilets didn’t work, and a plumber fished out a toothbrush. I was so indignant, and was like, “WHO would put a toothbrush into the TOILET!?!”
I completely forget about tiny humans and the destruction they’re capable of!
This is sort of random, but when we moved into our house the bathtub didn’t drain…ever. It would take hours!!! Apparently the people who lived here before us had a very hairy dog & they bathed him in that tub. After a visit from the plumber it’s all good now. He didn’t even charge us because he thought it was so funny because there was so much hair!
I remember those days…and I miss them…but I don’t miss the plumbers bill!
No kidding! Fortunately, that one didn’t cause any damage. It was just not a fun mess to clean up!