A few weeks ago, I did a vlog about what I grow in my garden: What I Grow. I thought I would do a follow up post to that so show what I’m growing now! Keep in mind, I’m a newbie at this stuff, so it’s all an experiment at this point!
Henrietta, is a Spearmint Plant. When I was a little girl I remember being at my Aunt’s house (she lived next door to my grandparents’ too) and she had this amazing mint garden! It’s funny the things that you remember when you are 3 years old, but I loved the smell of her mint plants & have always wanted to grow my own!
This is a brand new plant for me! He’s a Chocolate Mint Plant & smells absolutely amazing! I just haven’t done any research on what to do with him.
She had a minor run in with Redford this week, so I’m hoping that she’s not going to keel over on me!
I’m really, really hoping that I’ll be able to get at least one good tomato or at least that it will turn red. Here’s hoping.
Rosita is not actually roses, but I feel really bad for not taking better care of her at the beginning of the summer. So she was moved from the front yard to the backyard & she is blooming so much better! Consider her a rescue!
These are more front yard transplants. They are doing so much better in the backyard!
And because I’m a sucker for showing off my kid & since I did grow him as well, I thought I’d throw in a pic of him! (Dana, you are never going to believe I dress him are you?!)
You named your plants? I love it! While driving today I was wondering if anyone but me has named their GPS. The fact that you name plants gives me some hope that there are others out there like me :).
Love that last little diapered plant!
Oh, I refer to all Garmin GPS’s as Diane. In fact, my father thought that Garmin’s were literally called Dianes until we had to explain to him that we gave her that name!
And yes, all the plants have names, it just kind of happened that way & I do talk to them too. And I didn’t realize I did it until someone commented on it in the vlog I did about my plants. Sassy the Strawberry Plant is my favorite name of all of them! But shhh, don’t tell Rosie. (Feel free to have me committed!)
spearmint like the gum?? wow! and those mint plants are my FAV!!
Exactly like the gum! And it smells heavenly! The chocolate mint plant smells awesome too!
Looks like you’re doing pretty good there! And you’re a smart woman for planting your spearmint in a pot. Ours is in the ground and it has taken over! If we harvest an artichoke (which is nearby) early/young, it has an ever so slight mint taste to it. lol I love the smell of mint though and I’m crazy curious about that chocolate mint plant you’re growing!
Looks like your boy is having some great summer fun and loved the ‘grew him’ part too! :>
I LOVE MINT! And I knew that it could be invasive, so I’m going to make sure it remains one of my potted plants!
The chocolate mint plant smells DIVINE!
I love how your plants are ‘hes’ and ‘shes’ and they all have names! I used to have a plant I named George. I have no idea what he was, but he was resilient.
Chocolate mint!! Yum? Use it to make ice cream maybe? (I’m a little obsessed with ice cream right now)
I didn’t put in all their names, but my favorite is Sassy, the Strawberry Plant. I know, I’m so weird, but at least you name yours too! I’m totally alone!
I’m laughing that you name your plants. Garden is looking good so far.
I think we are going to need some photographic proof that you actually dress Lboy.
You name your plants?? Too cute! There’s nothing like a home grown tomato plant. They’re delicious!
I agree with Jessica. I think we need proof that Lboy actually gets dressed every now and again!
L O L nope, never gonna believe you. 😉
So, does the chocolate mint plant smell like chocolate mint? I’ve never heard of that.
We had strawberries & spearmint growing “wild” in our backyard growing up. Spearmint will definitely take over.
Oh, that chocolate mint plant sounds fun. I also love that you name your plants. I’m totally going to start doing that. 🙂
Great plants and pics! I especially like that last cutie 😉
Maureen, growing up it was coommn place to hear my mother tell one of us to go out and pick some nana. I too dug up a clump from my mother’s yard and planted it in a large container and it didn’t come back. I just planted some in a raised bed at our cottage and can’t wait to tell my grandkids to go pick grandma some nana as I try to pass on this tradition . Another wonderful memory you’ve stirred up.I love what I thought was so unique in our home was just the same in yours and many others, a fine example of the beauty and strength of our heritage. Thank you, Geri
Whoa whoa whoa… there’s such a thing as a chocolate mint plant?
That’s the flavor of my lip gloss!
Maureen, once again!! The mint for the Nassir geardns in CA came all the way from Grandma Frieda Nassir’s geardn in PA. She brought it with her when she moved west with two of her sons, and then once it became abundant, each of the remaining sons and daughters, as they made their way West, took a few sprigs from her geardn to their own house, and, all of it prospered! Your words bring to mind all the rituals of my own childhood growing up in southern CA! Sadly, I don’t believe any of us cousins kept that tradition going and now that the children (our parents) and their homes are all gone, so too, is the nana.
Look at you and your green thumb! And I had no idea there was a chocolate mint plant…that’s my fave ice cream LOL! We are going on vacay so we set up the soaker hose with a timer for our square garden…hopefully it will survive and the bugs will stay off my broccoli!
I grew lovely little white flowers in a barrel once – imagine my surprise when they turned into a gazillion peppers.
We didn’t name them, but we did eat them 😉
I love mint. I love people who can grow things (I’m not v. good at it but we do have mint which is hardy and brown-thumbers can grow it!) I love that you named your plants and assigned them genders – “he” and “she” ! (-:
I love that some of your plants have names. LBoy’s little pool is so cute! My dad got the boys a blow up pool but it’s really boring. I think I need to look for this one!
Your mint frightens me. B/c I have mint growing butt-wild in the flower bed I’ve tried to make a garden. So now I hate it. Even though yours is contained. Make sense? And you already have a tomato?? Ugh. So jealous. Ours aren’t going to fruit, I fear. Everything looks wonderful!