Can someone please tell me what draws my one year old to the street?
Every time we go in the front yard, I swear a beacon must go off for him & he bolts!
Dear Lboy,
I promise that the street isn’t covered in candy, Gerber Cheddar Puffs or Biter Biscuits. There aren’t sippy cups of your fav drink lining the curb. I promise I will give you a lifetime of misery if you wander towards the street again. 🙂
Love Always, Your Mama who dies a little bit inside each & every time you head to the street in a mad dash that seems as though you would love to be road kill.
My daughter is the same way, it makes me SO anxious and SO nervous… hope it's a phase that passes soon!
The worst part about it is that we can't seem to catch up with their short leg runs while we do our long leg sprints.
Why is it that they want to do and get into everything that they aren't supposed to. They could have a million toys and tons of stuff around to do but they choose cell phones and cords and streets to play with or in!!! No wonder why I have gray hair already!!!
Hey Kate! Love this letter. I can so relate to that. My kids don't jump in the street but they do try to jump off the furniture, head dive out of the crib, and hide from me in the store–all of which have nearly given me a heart attack. Why can't they just listen to reason : )
LOVE the blog design. So pretty. So Diva. So you : )
Okay, so you totally didn't ask for advice, but this worked with Child #1. When he bolted for the road, I started yelling – in TERROR. I grabbed him, and made a big show of being terrified that something would happen. I mean, I really carried on. And he actually cried a little. I mean, usually he'd laugh when I'd chase him down and it'd be a big game. But this time? It shook him. And he never did it again. No joke.
This is the one reason I am very happy to live on a quiet one way street that is a goes around in a circle back to the street you came from. 99% of the traffic lives on this street. That and the speed limit on base is super slow.
Ooooh I so feel you! Where we live now the street isn't crowded but I always get worry when we do go places where traffic are nuts and people drive like maniacs.
Btw, I left you a little something on my blog 🙂
Oh dear. Lboy stay AWAY from the street! Your Mama doesn't need that kinda of stress.
My son is exactly the same. It's terrifying as you're yelling No, don't, stop, or whatever, and he's just looking over his shoulder with a big happy or mischevious smile and running as fast as his chubby little legs will take him. And trust me, those chubby legs move FAST! If it makes you feel any better, he has gotten slightly better about it now that he's a little older. But still, not my favorite.
I have a scary story about my daughter when she just turned 2. She ran into the street when I was 81/2mth pregnant, and I couldn't catch up to her! She ran into our very busy street. Luckily there was no cars at that moment. And a man walking on the other side heard and saw what was happening and ran into the street and for her. Scariest moment of my life! I still don't understand her want to run into the street! All you can do is hold on tight to their hand until this faze passes. Good Luck!
I tagged you on my blog.