I’m pretty much in love with memes. And I see this one all the time & I always wonder why in the heck I don’t participate–so here it goes!
You know you’re mom when, you open up your very fab, white with faux snake skin purse & you discover biter biscuit crumbs EVERYWHERE! I mean they’re spilling out of your wallet, your chap stick is covered in the nastiness–and instead of thinking “How in the h-e-double hockey stick did this happen?” You just roll with it…
You know you’re a mom when, you’re fixing your hair or something like that and you don’t hear the Toddler anymore. He must be playing with something, so you’re on the hunt. Turns out he was in the livingroom, digging through your purse, & he discovered your tampons. He’s thrilled with his new find! You are just so happy that he’s quiet & you can actually put make up on, so again, you just roll with it…
You know you’re a mom when, you actually realize your a mom! You used to think about all these things that you couldn’t wait to do in the summer when you had kids. Things your mom did with you & here you are doing them with your own kiddo! It’s a major reality shock, “OMG, I’m a mom!”
You know you’re a mom when, you go into your favorite store & find something that you would have dropped the dough on a year ago, I mean hey, it’s only $30. But then you start thinking about how $30 is co-pay at the doctor’s office, what if Toddler gets sick? Or $30 could be a new box of diapers or [fill in blank] for baby. But then you go to the kids’ section & you see the cutest, baby tennis shoes & you buy them. Guess what?! They’re $30. And you didn’t even blink an eye.
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#3-Just had that thought today!! We took Jules on her first beach trip and we also are going to make it a weekly thing for the summer because that is something my parents did for me!
Love it all! I think the same way with every one!! It cracks me up when you said the tampon thing…It's amazing what I'll let my kids get away with for a couple extra minutes to finish what I was doing- although I always regret it later!
I can agree with every single one of those!!!!! Amazing how our thinking changes!
I always think twice about buying myself something but when it comes to Belle, I buy it without thinking. She has a ton of clothes and I am in desperate need of new clothes. But she will continue to get new and I will continue to wear the little that I have.
When I have kids, I'm 100% certain they will be better dressed than me. I'm gonna be the one dropping the 30 bucks on their shoes
Ooooh I'm so with you on the last one! I'm guilty as charged. Lil' A have more shoes than his Mommy hahaha
These are awesome! Usually when I go to use my chapstick, I find that it has been mysteriously gnawed to a little nub by tiny teeth.
Thanks for joining in!
Oooohhh I do the same as the last one! If it's for me I think about every penny but if it's for Chick I don't even think about it at all and will just go ahead and buy it!!!
Such a great post. All of it is true. Sorry I didn't email you yesterday. Looking forward to catching up soon.
So true – I don't think twice about splashing out on Mia but find it very hard to justify buying anything other than essentials for myself!
What is up with kids and chapstick? My son not only eats it, he loses the cap and then throws it back in my purse…I'm feeling you on that one!!
And I laughed about the tampon thing – a friend of mine says her almost-year-old daughter loves them, and she buys her a box of the cheap ones to keep her occupied while she's trying to get dressed!
Cracking up! I love all of these and can relate to every single one!
(What is it about a woman's purse that is so utterly captivating to a small child???)
Thanks for the giggles!