I am also a guest blogger over at Angie’s Healthy Living Blog for a “Watch your Weight Wednesday” Series! I hope y’all will all stop by & read me over there too! I wrote about how to have fun while running! I swear it’s possible! :)I’m also at Nolie’s Place today writing about Why I read her Blog!

You Know You’re a Mom When:
- You find yourself doing the exact same summer activities your mom did with you.
- You’re going to eat with a group of people. Of course the baby is coming along! You make a mad dash to the table so that you can get there first so that Hubs has to sit next to the baby & play “pick up [fill in blank]” that baby has thrown onto the floor a million gazillion times. And you don’t even feel guilty about it!
- Those two little eyes that stare back at you make you think your heart might EXPLODE from sheer joy!
- When people ask you how your kid is doing & you start rattling off his recent stats from his latest wellness check up. Said person’s eyes glaze over right about the time you start telling them about your kid’s head circumference. It’s at that moment you realize you have become ones of those obnoxious parents & that the person really just wanted to hear “He’s fine” or “He’s good” or maybe they would have done fine with an exuberant “He’s great!”
- You start talking about things like constipation, vomit, poop consistency. Yes, you have 2 college degrees, half of a masters, you speak two languages but your life totally revolves around the bodily functions of a little person. And you don’t even care because you know that these conversations are what keep your child healthy.
- You’ve been on the phone with your grandparents for 30 minutes. You’re rattling off those stats from the wellness check ups, but the grandrents love hearing them. They’ve been bragging on their kiddos for 60 years! And you’re grandfather (who knows exactly how you feel) asks you “Do you remember what you used to talk about before you had a baby?” At that moment you realize you really have no friggin clue what you used to talk about.
- Sleeping until 7:15 feels like you got to sleep until noon! And 9:00 pm feels like midnight!
- When your kid discovers something for the first time, like flowers, tree leaves, a bird, a piece of grass & you start to see the world through their eyes. And everything about the world feels magical again!
- And last but not least, you know you’re a mom when you have lost your sunglasses, your chap stick, the TV remotes, your keys, [fill in blank] and it is now common habit to check for them by looking through the doggy door.
I can't believe how much I talk about poop these days!! I also can't believe how often I find myself sniffing a certain little hiney! Thank goodness she is cute!! ha! 🙂
Hahaha yeah poop, milk and rashes involved. Things that I never thought I'd be discussing with other people. Awesome post, girl!
Love that last one – through the doggy door or even the trashcan 🙂
Poop conversations are a daily conversation in our house. Especially if we are leaving for a few hours, then it's the question of did she poop yet today and if not pray she doesn't while we are out.
Oh how I wish Mike was little again. Want to hear about an 18 year old. It's sorta the same minus the poop part (he doesn't share that with me). But there's the shaving, the girls, college, weight, cars, more girls….. Oh well, thanks for sharing and memory lane.
Loved your post over at Angies. Goals, need to have them.
Take care and have a blessed day.
haha … I have NO clue what I talked about before baby! I honestly feel like I talk about the kiddos too much, but I can't stop – won't stop!
Yes, poop talk and losing things – including my mind. That is my life.
All so true! Especially the sleeping in 'til 7'ish and going to bed at 9… LOL!
My husband swears that moms lose all filters when they have their first kid.
Poop should be yet another 4 letter word that we can not say now that we are parents. Great post over at my place by the way. I LOVED IT!
Absolutely. Poop, vomit, and dietary challenges have become the whole of my conversations. I was sure I wasn't going to be one of those obnoxious parents, but I am, and I don't care.
Taking the ovriweev, this post hits the spot
Number 8 is my favorite. I love watching them discover the world; in that way I get to see it as new all over again.
Being a mom is a miracle!