You know you’re pregnant when…
Your favorite meal(s) of all time make you sick as a dog just when someone mentions it.
You can tell anyone where the public restroom is in just about any location, because that is where you spend the most time.
You actually don’t mind having a big stomach.
A craving for something leaves as fast as it came & something you liked 10 seconds ago can make you
Your husband lets you sleep in on Sunday morning & you sleep in until 11:30. Then the kiddo goes down for a nap at 1 & you go to bed too & sleep for 3 hours. And then you go to bed at 8:30 that night. Tired much?
You know everything is going to change for the better, but a part of you is sad that all that one-on-one time you get to spend with your oldest is going to be very different. And you hope & pray they won’t notice & if they do notice, that they won’t remember it for long.
Leggings are your best friend & that’s all you live in
How did you know when you were pregnant?
I am right there with you. Ugh food, but I need to eat, but I don’t wanna eat!, now I feel so awful I can’t eat… it’s a small window for me and food. Now that I’ve eaten something, is it naptime yet??
Somehow I missed this great news. congratulations!!!
Hmmm, let’s see. You cry and you clean like never before in your life 🙂 You’ve thrown up in public bathrooms, at dinner parties, and even in moving vehicles. You have to peeeee so baaaaaaad and when you finally make it to the toilet, there’s just a tricle!
I just remember being tired. All. The. Time.
Yup, pretty much how it goes.
True, true and TRUE!! Also: you walk around rubbing your belly. Somehow I’m not getting your updates! This is happening with a bunch of blogs I subscribe to, so I’ll re-subscribe right now!!
Lol True!
I feel like all I do is eat and sleep. 3 more weeks until I am due.
Yup! And yay! Are you ready?!
Totally ready. He can seriously come out anytime now. I ache all over 24/7. Couple days ago Big Brother knocked on my stomach and said “Baby time to come out now”. I guess we are all ready.
I knew I was pregnant when I was ok wearing sweats in public. Not the “tight around the ankles” sweats, but still. Sweats. In public. I was like the honey badger of wearing sweats in public.
Oh yeah, and I puked 24/7 for 40 weeks. Good times.
It’s a blast isn’t it? 🙂 Makes ya want to do it all over again right?!
Yes! I will not wear sweats outside of the house, but my first pregnancy I wore this AWFUL pajama pants everywhere. I looked terrible, but at least it helped me feel better with all the puking.
I remember being tired, all. the. time!
Yeah, that’s pretty much how it goes right?!
I miss being pregnant… I think I just forget what it was really like.
I too think about my daughter and the one on one time we have together and how that will change once we decide to try for another.
Pregnancy is not something that I think I’ll ever miss. lol But I want a big family, so I’m totally willing to give it a go a few more times.
Totally agree with all food sounding gross, and or tasting gross. I only wish my body would ALLOW me to sleep til 11:30. But, I DID do a LOT of napping in the first 12 weeks of this pregnancy, and going to bed early. OY! And every day I struggle to figure out what pants I can put on and not be miserable in. Which sucks, since we’re only at week 14. OY! I’m in trouble.
As far as giving up that one on one time….my first 2 were 15 mos. apart, so I never felt like I got a lot of that real one on one time. I do think I should really appreciate the time I have left with Max, while Maggie is at school. He’s gonna be pretty unhappy with this new baby, I’m pretty sure.
Anyway….good luck with everything. Hope you’re feeling better soon.
The night before I couldn’t fall asleep & I finally took an over the counter sleeping pill (doctor approved) that helped me fall asleep & it knocked me out! Thank goodness Todd was willing to get up the next morning!
Congratulations! We aren’t that far apart! Week 17 for me!
Aw, Kate…still not feeling well? So sorry. I was so lucky, my nausea left after the first trimester. I hope you feel better soon!
When I get overly fatigued, I get really really sick. So I’m working on not pushing so hard, which is difficult for me! lol I like to go 100%, not 50 or less.
And thank you!
Monika these bring a tear to my eye. The love and closeness beetwen you all is so touching, and wow haven’t you captured it. Such a fan. <3
Oh, I totally didn’t mind having a big tummy. I would eat good not worrying about the pudge. I do worry about how my son would react to us having another baby. I’m with there. A part of me is sad and I’m not even there yet.
Yeah, it’s something I think about a lot. I’m the oldest of 5 kids, so you would think that I wouldn’t be concerned about it. But, from the parental perspective it’s so different.
I think the being tired thing was the biggest give away for me. I slept ALL the time when I was pregnant with my son. I mean, ALL the time. It was ridiculous.
That’s all I feel like doing! lol Too bad my 2 year doesn’t let that happen all that often.
When you drink enough water to fill a small kiddie pool! I couldn’t get enough water when I was pregnant. LOL
haha! True! I drink a lot of Sprite & have to make myself drink water because it can make me pretty sick. :/
Don’t judge me, but the thing that excites me most about pregnancy is getting to wear cute leggings.
Totally not judging! I’m going to buy like 20 more pair!
I remember the days fondly (this coming from a woman desperately trying to have baby #2). 🙂 Hang in there, lady.
Yeah, this is a baby we have wanted for a LOOONG time! So I keep thinking that whenever I feel really bad. It’s totally worth it!
I had no idea! But this makes sense as to why you needed a break from all the designing! Congratulations!!!
Yeah, there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done, so something had to give. 🙂 And thank you!
I knew I was pregnant when I couldn’t even move without puking. I knew when I cried over a cute commercial with puppies and one with newborn babies and then I had to go back and watch them again, twice. I knew when I could no longer see my toes. I knew when I beelined for the baby section in all the stores and my hubby couldn’t complain.
Oh yeah the commercials get me every time! I feel so stupid when someone is in the room & I start boo-hooing over something!
I cried when my daughter came to the hospital to see my son that was born. I felt torn about the joy of having a baby and missing the one-on-one time.
And yes, I can relate to all that sickness. I used to get mad at all the food commercials on tv.