I am about to celebrate my Two Month Anniversary in the Blogging world–how do I explain to you how addicted I am to the blogosphere?! Blogging gives me the opportunity to escape my little world & have some time to myself. You moms/dads out there know that you can’t always get away from the house, so my blog has allowed me create my own space. It has been awesome!
May time Memories — all about the memories that the month of May brings. The summer I wrote about was a great one!
Dear Jackhole at the Restaurant that Hates my Baby — learning about how to retaliate against tolerate people who don’t like children in restaurants. ‘Nuff Said!
A Grumpy Baby=Overwhelmed Parents — I think this is pretty self- explanatory!
I have a list of more my favorite posts in the menu tab titled Killing Time: Best of MM or you can just click right here.
I hope you will come back to visit & even better, I hope you’ll follow! I will be visiting as many people as I can & especially those who leave a comment!
Looking forward to “Meeting” you!
Thank you for stopping by! I hope you like what you see & will subscribe to my blog via Email and/or visit my Facebook page so you can see all the posts! Or look for me on Twitter so we can chat!
You are so funny=0)
Buenas noches,
Thanks Carol! Igualmente!
You little man is adorable- and I am obsessed with yorkies!
I want to join this, but I'm waiting on my button to be finished. Hopefully soon. I was so impressed with your results from the last party you were a part of. I would love those results!
Me=jealousy :)!
Hey Kate! I just saw the blog hop info today! I don't have a fabulous post like you, though. It was fun reading more about you, and as a good dog parent myself, I'm happy to see you included Giorgio!
Debbi: I don't have a button either, so the link let me post a pic! You should join up! Like I say at the top, I bribed all those people! No lies!
Liz: Giorgio was my first baby! We always had dogs growing up, but I wouldn't have considered myself a dog person. That is, until I bought Giorgio. And now I love them! Can't get enough of them! And Giorgi is pretty spoiled, he sleeps in bed with us, he's my co-pilot in the car (he rides on the middle console), & everytime Lboy & I go to the park or for a walk, Gman goes with us! He's a part of the family just like the rest of us-he's just smaller!
Love the pics – how cute is your little boy?? Adorable!
Blog party crasher! I too think my husband lives for football and xbox!!! How do I make it stop
Cute doggie!
Thank you Cheryl!
Hi, stoppin by for the D-list party. So cool that you speak spanish…my husband and I keep saying we're going to learn another language, but have yet to do it. And you have a yorkie, our Doberman loves little dogs, he's a big baby and gets along so much better with the little ones!
Hello Kate found you through the D-List. You have a beautiful family! I read your "jackhole" post and I totally agree. It's usually the people who have kids that just happen to be older giving the nasty looks. I'm almost scared to take my son anywhere, he's started screaming recently. Not mad or anything, just to scream.
I hope to read more soon! Nice to "meet" you!
GOOOOO SEC! I'm a UGA fan, myself, but I can appreciate someone who understands that the SEC is the best conference! Your baby has GREAT eyes and your dog is a cutie, too!
I'm off to follow you now so I can read your posts in my Google reader!
So glad you are partying with us! I included you in the trivia questions yesterday
Stopping by from D-List!
Just stopping by for the Blog Party – your little one is so adorable, I love the bright blue eyes!!
Look forward to reading more about you and your family!! amber
I am addicted to the blogging world too! So happy I found your site. New follower
Also your yorkie is too cute! Mine is a looney tune and swears she is a big pit and yet my staffy is the sweetest baby in the world and a lap dog he thinks he is the yorkie LOL
My sister has a yorkie with the same type of personality … absolutely hilarious!
Your Giorgio is adorable! My yorkies are also very spoiled!!
Becca is such a great person! Thank you for visiting my blog. I am now following you!
So I know I'm tardy to the party, but just stopping by. Your little boy is adorable! One way to jump right into the blogging world, you could have a giveaway for one lucky winner to be betrothed! J/k but really, my Claire would enter that one. I'm a new follower, and looking forward to reading more!
I have loved this blog hop because I've gotten a chance to find so many great mom's! I can't wait to read more!
Vilken underbar lokal ni har! Det be4st av allt e4r att jag bor i Jf6nkf6ping och komemr garanterat att e5ka dit
Vad spe4nnande!