It’s time for another round of Mom Shaming…basically I’m sharing with you some of the truths of my day as a mom of 2. I wrote a post a few weeks ago about how I wore my shirt inside out all day & didn’t even know it… When Todd went back into the restaurant to […]
The Mullet Dress: Don’t Do It
This year’s trend that is driving me nuts is what I like to call the Mullet Dress. It’s the dress that can’t decide if it wants to be long or if it wants to be short. I swear the person who started the trend was a woman who couldn’t make up her mind if they wanted […]
Yes, I use a Menu Service
I’m not a chef. I’m not a cook. I’m not even a person who wants to be in the kitchen. If I had to choose between a personal chef or a housekeeper, I’d go with a chef any day. I can’t stand cooking. First world problems right? One of the best ways you can cut […]
Yes, he calls me Kate…
…No I do not care. 😉 I get a lot of questions about this…so I thought I’d write a post about it. Lboy calls Todd & I by our first names. We are Kate & Todd about 50% of the time and then Mommy & Daddy the other 50%. It is starting to become less […]
Medusa at the Pity Party
Ah motherhood. It is sometimes glorious & then again, it sometimes is just a big, fat pain in the rear end. Thursday night I met up with some girlfriends at a launch party for my friend, Emily’s, new business with Rodan & Fields. The kids had been sick off and on for three weeks, but […]
I am Blessed
I am blessed. That’s the phrase I’ve been repeating to myself over & over again for the last hour. The baby is wide awake because she feels so crappy. I’m falling asleep sitting up, feeling crappy. I’m in the panic stricken mode of knowing that if I don’t get any sleep I’m going to wake […]
Best Present Ever
When my little sister, Maryann, & I were little (before all the other sibs came into the picture), my parents were both in graduate school. Living on a students’ budget with kids is no joke, trust me, Todd & I have done it with one kid, I have no idea how they did it with […]
Mom Shaming
She still sleeps in a pack n’play in our room…aka…she wakes up at 3 or 4 in the morning & ends up in bed with us. Hey, she’s the 2nd child, everything comes slower for the 2nd one. And I didn’t notice it until 7 at night… and at that point I didn’t even change […]
5 Things that Bring Me Comfort
1. My pillow. We bought two matching pillows with wedding money. They are divine. And um…Todd may or may not get to sleep with his anymore. He may or may not have had it taken away from him so that his diva wife can sleep with both of them. *shameless grin here* 2. Reading at night before […]
Thanksgiving Memories
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love the simplicity of it, it is so low key. For the last 19 years, we have always gone to the same state park. We eat, then we hit the trails or play games in the great room. We never gorge out on food or zone out in […]